Why haven't you moved to texas yet?
We need more red voters.
Why haven't you moved to texas yet?
We need more red voters.
also compare that pic to san francisco
the irony is that conservatives in general don't make enough money to be equity queens. The only people that can both afford to move to Texas and consider it cheap are from blue states because:
1. blue state policies create far more wealth than red
2. Blue state policies create far more inflation than red
take your pick, though the two statements actually mean the same thing when they move to your third-world shithole with their millions in inflated California cash
Why would I move to some shitty Texas suburb? If I'm moving to Texas, I'm living in the countryside. Also, those houses are only bought by Republicans. If you want to control the politics of the state, flood the cities.
Fuck off, we're full.
I'm already here from florida.
t. austin techbro
east austin niggers and artists aren't welcome on lake travis
I'm happy in GA.
There's slightly less mexicans here.
More niggers, but at least they're american niggers.
Ehh florida isn't that bad. I
can smell a californian a mile a way, their degeneracy follows them.
>can smell a californian a mile a way, their degeneracy follows them.
You won't have to worry about me, and I think everyone can.
They'll bring their millions, as well as their homeless drug addicts and shit-smeared sidewalks
But I suppose money is king in this Jewish world
My homestate, and my most favorite state... I simply don't live there because.. there's no winter. I need negative temperatures to thrive. Summer drains the spirit and health out of me. I do not like melting while walking outside for 10 minutes. I love my state, but the humidity and heat is just... too much. It saps the strength right out of me. I wasn't born for this climate. Montana, however...
Don't speak Spanish.
>400k for a wooden house and small piece of infertile land around.
Yes move to the Usa
I left Austin for Galveston. Much more chill and fun. Better fishing, surf>>skate, and less bums. Too many cali fags and spics in Austin for me these days. Have to get out to Fredericksburg to feel happy.
>blue state policies create far more wealth than red
Except those "blue states" became wealthy under more than a century of Republican leadership. Meanwhile, the Deep South was ruled by Democrats all the way into the 1990s.
I'm on my way user, from San Francisco
A states economy has more to do with geography.
southern niggers aren't that bad, at least in my experience
Flat shithole
No basements
Hot, but low humidity makes up for it
Too many nogs, Mexicans, and Bible thumpers
Don't really want to put up with muh republic of Texas ego "you'll never be a real Texan" memes.
I pay 2100 for a 600sqft apartment in Seattle...FML
I hate spics and fat people.
>u can have X in this state for lower price
>this shit Y is exceedingly more expensive in another state
is this a fucking surprise to anyone, are you that fucking daft that you think people dont know real estate 101
hows that go something about location being important in determining value?