Reducing the SJW population

Go to liberal college campus and start to put this on the notice boards or on the wall

Get some twitter/facebook accounts to spread this on the normies social media and specially in SJWs and BLMs groups and forums

Alter the "white" to "man","cis","strait","legal" or what fit for your location

SJW appear to have some mental health issues, so with some luck we can get a small liberal suicide weave

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I will bump for great justice.

topkek but I doubt people will fall for this

Depends. I think it will have a small impact.

spread posters and pamphlet that preach that the way to be a good ally is killing yourself because your mere existence is an act of oppression
the idea is to see how much SJW suicide we can induce

remember that they fall for the "it's OK to be white", for the "piss your self in solidarity to urinary incontinence people" and for the "microwave your Iphone to rechart it"

Plus we are dealing manly with retards and mentally unstable liberals/antifa

You'd be surprised by how many leftists would think this is legit and justify it by saying shit like "this is metaphoric! they want our whiteness to die! we must kill our whiteness!".

so, if leftists/other "oppressed minorities" are actively calling for white genocide, but white people can't do or say anything about it for fear of being "racist", that = oppression
and if they're also actively hunting for white people doing or saying things they don't like, and then getting them fired, publicly shaming them, ruining their lives, that demonstrates that they have the power and whites do not

which means liberals/minorities are literally nazis.

It's not the worst, but the 'it's ok to be white' like font will give the gig up.

Attached: 1533846593391.png (930x1800, 1.66M)

the people we are dealing with are not that smart and most of the wouldn't even remember the "it's ok to be white" gig

Haha it's great advice too!

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what font do you suggest

perhaps the same as this one?

Attached: nnmd14.jpg (600x600, 112K)


Seems good, what font is that

this is a good idea

so help to spread this

Realistically are SJWs even a threat anymore? Gen Z makes fun of them, everyone hates them, generally whenever SJW shit comes up it fails now. Hell even the Silicon Valley San Francisco shitholes like Google, Facebook, and Twitter are losing trust at a rapid pace. Theyre already losing influence and havent been a threat in a while. Im sorry but whenever SJWs are brought up as an issue i cant help but think of those computing forever type youtubers.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 40K)

>not finishing an enemy once its down
Hitler's greatest mistake

this is some next level accelerationism

they steal held power in some big companies and in the MSM, plus they are a joke only in name, their ideas a very spread among normies and hold power in their minds.

If we not finish then when they are in there weak they will only re-brand themselves and come back to fuck things over again

Fucking bump

this is a gread idea have a bumperony. I have no way of spreading this in USA so have a bump.

Attached: wat.jpg (1000x500, 190K)

But it's outrageous and more than a few people will defend the sentiment

Attached: 1532203128161.jpg (554x508, 70K)

League Spartan

Attached: NoMenMidterms.png (591x600, 396K)

translate and spread in the nearest SJW nest, if such thing exist in east Europe

this is to be done in all SJW infestations worldwide

We don't have racial SJWs in Czech republic on the same scale as you do noone would even be interested in the flyer.

2. reason
Noone has white guilt here. Czechs never did anything wrong ever sooooo....

luck bastard

What we should be doing is pressuring every white progressive in any position of power or authority to step down so they can be replaced by a "person of color". Every politician, every professor, administrator, CEO, whoever pretends to give a fuck about that shit.

Great Idea

you could starting making a list making a thread with their names and public/work emails and not limited to person of color, press on the waman, gay and trans stuff too


This will never work. It'll look stupid and malicious, nothing else.

Stop trying to frame /pol for this crap; we are a board of peace. Besides, they are already doing this to themselves even if you are well-meaning idiots. Never teach the enemy their weakness


>huwite ally
almost sounds like ally'd with huwitey. works either way until you read the fine print