ITT: Jow Forums a 100 years ago

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Everywhere in the world was Jow Forums 100 years ago.

Me taking a peek


whose the dumb fuck who told them to stop digging after 3ft

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>Tfw a Serbian faggot destroyed three European empires

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and nothing of value was lost
you should think more of the austrian faggot who destroyed european supremacy 20 years later

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stay mad gypsy


mad for what? It's the hungarians who have been constantly butthurt for 100 years, not us

Everyone is a kike except me. Im eastern European. We should give women the right to vote everywhere.

it really causes one to start postulating

>Treaty of Versaille
this is outrageous

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The world.wars were jewish orchestrated cullings of alpha White males.

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I head there is some college professor writing a book called 'the rising tide of color". this dipshit actually believes that the non white races will someday overtake white NATIONS LOL. What a fucking retard. everyone knows the white race is never gonna be in danger

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more like Jow Forums in 2 years airow

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Fucking gringos, fucking Pancho villa, Fucking Mexican armies with their endless names, fucking liberals.

That's exactly what my nation was 100 years ago.

>ITT: Jow Forums a 100 years ago
>KEK! OFC the goyim will believe these lies
Arrogance, quite like the master they serve, Lucifer, will always be their downfall. Use it well anons.