Have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?

have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?

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Dont you mean a person of color? Or...African American?

why user.... that would be racist

Just from seeing his face all I can hear is
>Dads google History
>It's bloody dad's google history

Never called Them that but I said it.

Why would I? For one thing, upsetting an animal is dangerous. And honestly, I barely care enough to give an honest opinion to whites. I don’t care enough to call a nigger a nigger to his face. It cost more than it gains

I curb stomp niggers on the daily, NIGGER

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Yeah in the 7th grade I thought this girl was taking too long at the water fountain and I called her a nigger. She then put her hand around my throat and told me never to say that again and I said ok.

How about nigger?

yea but he tried robbing me with a knife
>I had my carry on me
>pulled it out
>told him to "go be a nigger someplace else"
>he did

In say nigger around them pretty frequently, i call most my co-workers and workers niggers or pussys or faggots and just today i had 2 newish black guys working with me so i made sure to just call them faggots but i was calling my white workers niggers allot, i didnt want to be rude. But i have called a few niggers niggers to there face to intentionally piss them off.

No but i can imagine doing so if one of them ever harasses me for no reason.
Im a tall and strongly built white man, most nigs here are sonali manlets. They don't carry guns here so you don't have much to lose.

If i was in america i would probably avoid nigger filled states in the first.

Yup. Still have scars on my knees and palm to prove it.



I had a similar scenario
>at the atm, and i carry
>nigger walks up with a knife
>i dont relax, so i knew he was comin
>"gib me yo munny whyboi!"
>pull my carry piece
>give me your wallet, you fuckin nigger
>nigger actually does it
>give it to police because his ID is in it
>negro gets arrested
life is made up of little things that make you happy

>have you ever called a black person a nigger to their face?
Yes. Nigger overreaction to being called a nigger in a meme. Nigger at the most will get angry and talk shit.

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No, nor would I. It would be quite niggardly to say in one's presence.

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I tend to avoid talking to black people.

I call my mate nigger, he is black. But not around people

See im down south in new orleans, Louisiana. Things are kinda different here i guess. I can walk up to some black dudes i see every month or so and say "watcha yall niggas doing" im not gonna do that to a porch full of strangers i never met before. Then agian i wouldnt go up to a black i knew pretty well and call him a nigger with the hard R cause thats just and obvious insult. But on a few occasions i have said shit like " lock up the truck when your in hollygrove there too many niggers down there" to my black coworker and he agreed with me cause black people know and hate niggers more than white people