2024 Election: Hitler vs. Jesus

The most difficult election Jow Forums will ever face


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Hitler is Jesus

They both lost so idk. One lost despite being violent the other lost despite being non-violent.

>2024 Election: Hitler vs. Jesus
Jesus is Hitler brainlet.

These guys know.

Literally, Hitler was the second coming of Christ.

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pic is OC


Is there some kind of petition I'm supposed to sign?

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SO which one will actually SOLVE the jq?

Hitler. Christcucks all deserve death.


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Hitler was a Christian and during his speeches he cited parts of the Bible that condemned the jews, even things said by Jesus against the jews. Fuck off faggot.


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>sends jews to pleasure camps

>kicks jews out of the market

jesus kicked the kike where it hurts them most


The World needs necessary Evil, not Neutral Good

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So many people on Jow Forums are blue-pilled on Jesus. He might've hated the kikes even more than Hitler did.

What did this user mean by this ?

They are brainwashed by the "muh dead stick kike" meme by shareblue and JIDF. Idiots, everyone of them.


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>unironically voting for Hitler

I need to know what's this artstyle called.

It's a bullshit poll because they are the same exact person.

lol he hated christians retard just used them ebcause they wouldnt vote for him otherwise retard


Take the real red pill faggot.
>All Christians Are Cucks
>All Christians are Cucks #2
>All Christians are Cucks #3
>All Christians are Cucks #4
>All Christians are Cucks #5
>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant
>Cuck Identity
>Cuck Identity #2
>Synagogue of Satan debunked

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Funny ... WHo fought the jews over degeneracy laws for more than 30 years in the US? wha it the atheists or the pagan? No, not even the protestant. It was the CATHOLICS who fought them hard.

Who is now fighting them now? Is it the atheists, the pagans or the protestants? NO, it's still the catholics.

So fuck off pagan larper.

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Now for their actual policies... The popes even invited and maintained jewish comunities in Italy, shielding them from persecution, while consenting with their usury privileges, and even with the banking practices of the Rothschilds...

"If you worship your enemy, you are defeated. If you adopt your enemy's religion you are enslaved. If you breed with your enemy you are destroyed." - Ancient Greek quote

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Matthew 23. Jesus was naming the Jew long before Hitler was. Just sayin’

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>... The popes even invited and maintained jewish comunities in Italy

This pope is a heretic, any serious catholic will say this. No one praise and follow this kike infiltrator that is this pope.

Listen to the video here, and tell me if you see the spirit of this kike infiltrator pope in this.


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its called "Jow Forums meme"

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there's a difference??

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Pope has always been fucked. Go kill yourself retard.

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He died for our sins.

Then he did again.

How is this hard?
Jow Forums is not a christian board.


The absolute state of this dead board

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,


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Oke oke , i did not expect that

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christkikes, boomers, and reddiotrs have ruined this fucking board


/NSG/ is confirmed pro christian, gtfo dirty open borders pagan tribalist faggot. Enjoy sucking that "brother's seed" LMFAO

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FPBP based and redpilled. Hitler was simple gods vehicle in this world

its a shill operation by some website to spread kiketianity here. there are times where there are 0 christians on this board and its usually when most americans are asleep

Truly Jow Forums has fallen.

Got it backwards, faggot. Jow Forums is majority christian or atheists. Summer sees an influx of summerfags, boomers, and Redditors. ((((Divide and conquer)))) paganism threads are very common in the summer

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The truly great men are those who do whatever they need to for a larger cause, no matter the magnitude or nature of immorality involved, lest morality itself be crushed.

Hitler will get his hands dirty so Jesus doesn't have to.

wow such a reliable poll. I wasn't aware we were 7% Jewish, which is like 4 times their representation in the population.

Jesus = Big Boss
Hitler = Venom Snake

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Is Hitler-Jesus an option?


it would have to be jesus, im an atheist but objective proof that it is literally the mythological savior of humanity and the son of an all powerful god kind of makes it an easy choice.
sorry Adolf in this context you had your choice

>he didn't expect the meme answer to win
truly you haven't been Jow Forums for very long

>Polls I don't like are wrong!!

No shit people are gonna meme some answers you mutt. Point being the christian/atheist answers are relatively accurate and paganism doesn't even show in the bottom 10%

how do we resurrect Hitler? this world is too sad without him

>The truly great men are those who do whatever they need to
Lol. There's no such thing as a "truly great man"
Every single one of your great men across history were savage barbarians who built something that would later fall and cause more harm that if it had never been built in the first place.
Hitler had a fantastic start, but then grew into an old self absorbed moron who ruined everything for himself and his allies, for some more fucking vain glory. The Germany he had built beforehand, he himself ruined with his bullshit and that's a historic fact.
He was a mortal man who was corrupted by power. The determinist bullshit your spewing is just a mask to hide one's own greedy agenda. It astounds me how pol can suffer such a f1ailure as their icon.
Jesus meanwhile only preached peace, healed people, was brutally murdered and from his death rose a movement that hold strong after 2k years after bringing the world from millenia of barbarism and savagery.

If electing Jesus also entails the second coming and Armageddon, then I would change my vote to him.

thots always win

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Jesus = Solid Snake
Hitler = Zero
>truly you haven't been Jow Forums for very long
Even though I'm probably here longer than you, I wouldn't be proud of it.

ngl that poll is way closer than i was expecting

You need to keep some morality in the human's world because as it says, it's a human world. Get rid of our basic societal filter and you lose everything. If yoou go too far you'll lose the confidence of the crowd.
Obvioulsy there are moral steps you can't pass even if you want to do everything it's possible.

Jesus was beating jews with his own hands so he was more badass, my vote for Christ

Hitler was the second coming of Jesus.

Inaccurate portrayal of Yahshua. Historical accounts describe Him as having shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes.

>white guy vs sandnigger jew

Hmmmm thats a tough one

>B-b-ut Jesus teachings didn't led to 2000 years of feodal wars and systemic slavery

Your manicheism is disgusting

So, one man running unopposed?


>whoever loses, we all win

Your mom ruined this board

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As a mutt, you do not bear authority to decide what is or is not, white

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And you, as a Chinaman, do?

>I wasn't aware we were 7% Jewish,

He thinks that jidf is a meme

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>Christianity was the cause of what humans did for their entire existence
Why don't you count how many civilizations were destroyed by war before Christianity and how many after.

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>Hitler had a fantastic start, but then grew into an old self absorbed moron
True, his half-kike quack doctor kept injecting him with meth and loads of other bullshit, and Hitler was bordering total insanity by 1943.
I'm speaking more in terms of ideals--that is, do we need a person LIKE Hitler or LIKE Jesus.

I have given this subject a lot of thought, my solution is that immoral actions must never be praised, nor the leader who committed them praised. Ideally, the leader who commits them must recognize this and bear full responsibility--this would even include the leader's suicide once his objective had been fulfilled. And afterward, he should be subjected to a sort of Damnatio Memoriae, so that copycats in it for glory or anything other than pure ideals would not attempt it.
The act itself, while necessary, should be so utterly devastating to the person committing it that it would be unthinkable to do so for selfish reasons. Maybe I'm naive to think there are enough people like this. But it's the only way I can incorporate undeniably immoral acts into a defense of greater morality, without compromising said morals.

Or the poll itself is a scam and litteraly lulz effect.
Add that there isn't a "nazi" choice which would've split the christian one.

This poll also doesn't count ethnic Jews who are religiously agnostic/atheist/Christian/Catholic/Buddhist.

I bet Jow Forums is greater than 10% Jewish

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Its the same each time 50 60 % Christian

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even hitler spoke highly of Christ, he'd have doff'ed his has on this one.

>ethnic Jews who are religiously agnostic/atheist/Christian/Catholic/Buddhist.

That doesn't work this way. There's only jews and self-hating jews.

LIKE Jesus, definitely. There's too much pride in the wrong things these days already and not nearly enough humility. Also we kind of need a miracle to fix everything straight up.

Atheists are subhuman
Worse than pagans
Most atheists are from reddit.

A slight influx since the removal of the incel sub


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So nigger?


All these edgelords voting hitler rather than the eternal kingdom on earth.

>Pagans when they realize christianity is never lower than 50% and they cannot score above 15% on a single of many polls

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Shut up you kangaroo fucker

If we nuke Montreal Quebec is > 95% white as a province, mutt

Old but gold


That's my point, humans are humans and no matter how Jesus (if he ever existed) was pure and died for our sins, the result wasn't brighter : wars, blood, pedophilia, ephebophilia, mass slavery, If Jesus, the figure, is a point to reach and if we have to honour it ok, I must admit that christianism is slightly better than older religious belifs, but come on ffs, we can't all reach the spiritual step and the huge majority is still on an animal reaction level : they want their blood, their sex, their food and their entertainment. Now I'm really curious how you'll explain to me why the french peasant during XIth century was a degenerate filth and used his offspring for labor force.
Pro tip : don't use terms relatives to satanism.

One does not vote for a King. One serves a King.

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>Jesus (if he ever existed)
Stopped reading here.
I actually did read on, but I honestly can't take your lack of historical understanding seriously user.


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>voting for some lying jew whose biggest achievement was being executed and getting his tomb fucked with
Holy shit the absolute state of Jow Forums

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Would respond later

It's not what I said, but keep answering right in the outter space you'll probably make shot

And you think the miracle will come by itself ?
I mean, remember when the red sea splitted itself to allow Moses and his fellows to escape the egyptians : there might explanations around a beautiful myth, same for the flooding ? same for the fire on Sodom and Gomorrha ?

And of course, if another figure comes to save the white man (and not the christendom which is dead for a long time according to original teachings, I might be wrong with amish communities) it will be the last coming of Jesus (or the antichrist ?) and the initial messianism will be fullfilled.
My brain is already hurting when I think about these faggots who will praise the miracle while it's just a man or a group of men who dedicated their lives to save their kind, no more, no less.

Lel the man who killed millions of whites is winning