Incels were right
Incels were right
women are insane
Women are this way because no one's hitting them anymore
She forgot ugly.
Today I saw a legitimate 1/10 black woman holding hands with a lenient 6/10 Mexican guy. I was shocked when he spoke perfect English.
Yeah it’s pretty funny tbqh. I see these obese tatted up poor women who genuinely think they’re hot because beats keep giving them attention. I wouldn’t mind half as much if these actually were hot, but they’re not. They’re repulsive. Can you betas please stop giving validation to these ugly HamPlanets?
Except that she's wrong. Well, maybe she can find a boyfriend, due to her fame and I suppose she's not the most boring woman.
Stupid/boring women are the worst. I'll take an ugly slut who's actually got something funny/interesting to say over a boring stacey any fucking day.
Staceys can find dick, not boyfriends. Do you really think Chad needs to settle down? Why fuck the same pussy for 5 years if you can fuck 5 different pussies every month?
That said, most guys that fuck different pussies every month aren't even Chads; they're dudes that date under false pretenses, i.e. they act as if they're "not that guy" and actually interested in a relationship; after 1-2 weeks of fucking they'll dump the slut and move on to the next. That's how male slut behavior works. Because women are in need of boyfriends/husbands, men are in need of pussy. Whore out your silverware, then move on to the next.
Or just don't be a degenerate altogether.
No, because I need something to stick my dick into and I'm too lazy to try harder. Pussy is pussy.
Being a millionaire makes life easy.
In my experience, the guys who get the most pussy are the ones who are upfront about not wanting anything serious. They outright let the girl know that they don't want a relationship and just want to use them for their pussies. And of course that just makes the women more attached to them.
And this is why all the 2s think they’re 7s. STOP FUCKING FAT GIRLS
To be fair I can too and I'm a straight man.
Well, 7/10s are out of league for me. Should I just masterbate?
Maybe in the US. In my country, at least, you fare best if you just kinda leave it open.
I'm not sure even incels would bite that bullet.
But then they would be volcels.
holy shit thats sad. also, 98 percent of women are hit on all the time,. easier for them, how God made it.
what if she was forced to humble herself and to think only of others and not herself? how would she handle it?
Probably because she is a rich and famous Jewish woman
Isn't she the one that molested her sister and said she would move to Canada?
No, they would be any normal human being that escapes torture.
Man, this fucking gets me because every woman I've taken seriously and tried to show her that I want her in my life has manipulated me and lead me into nowhere but nowadays I find a random girl in a club, I flirt with her for a few minutes and outright tell her that I want to have a one night stand with her and she doesn't even hesitate.
Hell, once I did that shit to a girl in a club and while she was taking her stuff from the table she and her friends were in I saw a slightly cuter girl alone and I was pretty drunk so I said exactly the same shit I said to the other girl and I actually ghosted the first one for the second one.
Fucking hell, I truly wanted to see women as equals guys, I truly did. The less I started doing so, the more I started to get laid though.
it really depends on what the woman is looking for at that instance though, it's not as if you can get any thot to be down to fuck just by being blatant that way, just that if the women is looking to get laid and nothing more that night and you're in her strike zone she's going to say yes
I moved here from Austria and I used to live in Britain. Currently working/studying in Zurich.
I have to say that this is true when it comes to Swiss women.
Why doesn't Lena Dunham have a boyfriend?
Because boyfriend is down the street, sister is down the hall!
There's a main reason why people of both sexes go to clubs: to get laid.
That "ladies night out" stuff is bullshit. You're spot on about the strike zone but I'd be inclined to say that it's not about "what she's looking at that instance" because women don't know what the fuck they want.
I've found out that if you're charming enough, you can literally tell them that it's just a one night stand and they'll accept thinking that they're so great they'll change your mind. Yeah, women are vapid cunts, who would have known?
I even had one girl who I told her I would never see her again after that night, she accepted and because I stayed the night, she started doing some weird fucked up mental gymnastics and wouldn't let me leave the house and offered me to stay with her rent free and shit.
When I left, she was in tears. Which made me feel bad for like an hour or two.
Thank god she got sterilized.
>girls don't like me because im a nice guy!
>women are so easy to fuck...even though I've never fucked one
t. incel
But not a movie role
LMao. cause she has no standards. She dates jews, lesbos, whatever fits her pedo degeneracy that week.
why does she have a beard
oh wait it was a dog
The male thirst truly knows no bounds.
I never said I'm a nice guy. I can be quite manipulative and stoic. Also, I'm a well off dude with his own apartment, nice freelance job, niche hobbies and charming personality although I suffer from social anxiety and depression so I don't get out much (which is actually a perk because when I do, I draw attention).
I stopped counting the women I've fucked after I reached the 20th so keep projecting, big boy.
Seriously though did someone say Incel?
she is fetishized for being fat
that is not love
money helps
TruFemcels BTFO
>I may not have a good body
>may not
Good catch
Online dating is not real life. Seattle is not real life. Clubbing is not real life. Parties are not real life. College is not real life. High school is not real life. Speed dating is not real life. Your grocery store is not real life. Hitting on girls on the street is not real life. Your office is not real life. In conclusion, Real life is not real life.
———- inceltears
Based and redpilled
Spare the rod, spoil the woman
Tattooing Hitler's watercolors on her back is brave.
Ugly girls try. I get about 100+ approaches on line per week (I'm not a shy boy, I work out, I sometimes escort VIPs on evenings out as part of my job). I only accept messages with pics. Most are between 6-10/10, but there's a bottom 30%. Only got a couple so far today (messages time out and it is 09:10 am here), but look at the state of this one for example.
I can't dox the poor quality cow so I adjusted it a bit, but her chances of pulling me are a lot slimmer than she is.
(If I can find her with a reverse image search I'll have to delete it. Hate to fly in the face of public opinion but I'm not a complete bastard.)
What are your knickers in a twist for. Are you a woman?
Lena Dunham looks like Ayn Rand
Notice the "!!!" she's clearly insecure. This is actually why the right will win, women can only be attracted to real men and not basedfriends!!! The crazy politics of the left are actually the result of women being tired of their pussy husbands who just follow them around. In ten years the pendulum will have fully swung back in favor of the right and feminism will have been eradicated.
Reverse image search comes up with a pile of crap
No I am just another bro. But he (praise be upon him) is my lord. He (pbuh) is my savoir and my heart. Hoever I will do anything for him (pbuh). I will suck him (pbuh) off or share my wife if he (pbuh) wants me too. I will kill for him (pbuh), I will die for him (pbuh). All of me is for him, Praise be upon him!
The tattoo artist was even braver. Imagine trying to draw something on a balloon partially filled with water.
Nice work bot
Being a chad isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I was a all out degenerate teir chad in my early 20s.. numerous roasties a week, drink and drugs Thursday through till Sunday every week. Even pulled off more than one bird in a day on more than one occasion. On the rare occasion I would attempt to settle down with a Stacey they were as fucked up as me, it never lasted.
Anyway, I grew up, joined the military, corrected my behaviour and mind state. Now I’m a 30yo single guy, and any girl worth dating turns out to be an absolute hand grenade, damaged emotionally beyond repair. Probably by someone like me in my early 20s.
I don’t know what to do, I’m good looking, I’m in great shape... I don’t want to be a step dad.
ahh sure
If you're a beta, kill yourself. If you're unable to get a girlfriend, a fuck buddy, or even a wife, then you're a lost cause. I'm a 6/10, maybe and I've been with over 40 women. Women are easy to manipulate, and use if you're not a fucking pussy.
Unironically, this is probably just some dude sharing an Uber with her
Honestly, this attitude is what really makes me think whether I still want to deal with western women. The return for as a man is becoming pretty low yet their standards are so high.
That and the high divorce rate in this country (60%).
good post. deserves more yous