The Problem of the Jewish Ethnostate

If not Israel, then where?
It's obvious that diaspora Jews are a major problem; they've been kicked out of 109 countries after all!
But where do you send them? The rootless cosmopolitan causes problems for his host country precisely because he is rootless. The only way to solve the problem is to send the rootless population to an area where they can form their own roots. Israel is the ancestral home of the Jews, so why not Israel?
The problem of the "indigenous" Palestinians arises, but then why not a two-state solution?

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The greatest redpill is knowing that the expulsion of jews was becuase of jews jewing other jews.

explain. I don't think Jow Forums is woke to this.

Send them to madagascar then nuke it twice so at least we get Jewish anime

109 countries, 359 times.

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During the holocaust Zionist jews killed basically the normie jews in order to justify moving a ton of Jews to israel.

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In the same vein
There are factions even amongst them.

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>where do you send them

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According to Talmudic prophesy 6 million Jews need to die for them to build their 3rd temple.
This is part of why they are so wed to the holocaust.
Any smart Jew knows it was a fake.
But all the rest would lose their motivation for the Israeli state and the promised 3rd temple if the sacrifice was faked.

With the Holocaust being a known fake
It would also reap terror among the Jews
as they would know 6 million of them need to die
and every Jew on the planet is searching for a way to orchestrate 6 million Jews getting killed.

The problem is the Jews still have dual citizenship and run for your government offices burger... So what the fuck is the point of giving them land if they are just going to control you remotely

ok, but why not just let them have their third temple?
what harm would it bring, unless you believe that the Jewish God is actually legit?

Jew isn't a people or a religion. Its organized crime mixed with a violent political system. The most appropriate place for "Jews" is prison.

>But where do you send them?
To hell

>The problem is the Jews still have dual citizenship and run for your government offices
Yeah, no shit. But that shouldn't invalidate the necessity for a Jewish ethnostate to send them all to.

>Jew isn't a people or a religion. Its organized crime mixed with a violent political system
you could say the same thing about muttmerican "whites."
Jewish identity exists amongst Jews, therefore it exists.

>ok, but why not just let them have their third temple?
From their temple they wish to rule the world with all goy being their slaves.
Also 10s of millions of whites have been killed all to give them a Jewish state. Many more would presumably need to die in any future orchestrated 6 million Jew deaths.
Also the ones in power making moves seem to follow an interpretation of the Talmud to create complete degeneracy in the world, incest pedophilia murder rape torture cannibalism you name it. all to gain Gods attention so he will cleans the world and the land to hold the 3rd temple.
Fucking just read the Talmud and works about it already.
The kikes have really really fucked and murderous religion.
and they have proven to act upon it creating rivers of blood.
They need to be gased
No land
no third temple
They don't get shit but the grave and eternity in hell.

true, but it doesn't help when pol only goes to leftist media
we mostly ynet, its centrist

Fuckin kike
Who gives a shit about kike leftists kike rightist or kike centrists.
Your leader admitted Hitler did nothing wrong.

shut the fuck up goyim
you have no power, the wheels are in motion and they can't be stopped.

no he didn't
>inb4 posts misunderstood source
he made him look less bad, not like a saint