Question for Germany/wealthy EU members: Do you realize the full extent of the implications that the mass unemployment in southern europe (due in no small part to EU policy/German exports) has for the european project?
Do you recognize that the rise of radical parties, of either the right or left wing, is almost entirely attributable to EU economic policy?
Do you realize that this is the only way to bring people back to NatSoc and thereby 88d chess by Merkel?
William Campbell
germany is 3,8 poland is 4,4
this data is outdated as fuck
James Phillips
Sometimes I think that. The plan is to import hordes of refugees so you become more radical. Honestly the rightwing would shrink if we would limit the migration and instead focus on the problem zones.
4.8 is hard to believe for the UK. How many of those not classed as unemployed are either in zero hour or part time jobs or apprenticeships, or have just given up completely and gone off the radar.
Ethan Bell
basically this
merkel is been /ourgirl/ from the start. most brainlets just dont realize this.
What is the point of comparing those numbers when every state uses a different definition of "unemployed"? Don't Germans account University students among the "employed" too?
Austin Garcia
It’s really for you to say how many rather than use an argument from incredulity. “Apprenticeships and zero hour contracts” - sound like someone who got an administration apprenticeship at the local council, didn’t like it and now works fir sports direct on a Saturday and Sunday.
Luis Brown
>Southern European states join EU and start expanding public sector drastically >Debts are guaranteed to be paid by germany, UK etc. >Building sector explodes, hires way too many people, has to fire lots more upon collapse >Southern states don't pay back ~1 trillion of Target-2 obligations (they got 800 billion products for free atm) >In monetary policy, germany has as much voting power as Malta while carrying most of the burden >Monetary policy fucks germans big time, Draghi doesn't care >Southern states always had policy blocking minority but didn't use it, northern states NOW don't have it anymore, will be completely dictated
Yes, Germany, Sweden and France fucked up by importing migrants but in literally every other sense, you can't blame us for once.
Cameron Taylor
What is stopping southern europeans from coming north and working? They dont want to.
Carter Brooks
Why do you think we're leaving? I was in Athens in 2011 and Lesvos in 2015. I've seen what the EU does to those it broke the rules for to allow accession and then turns into slave states to German banks.
Easton Walker
>bosnia >41%
How do they live?
Gavin Allen
>slaves to german banks Nope. Get educated on macroeconomic mechanisms. Germany fucked up a lot but economically, they sacrificed their peoples' money for PAST mistakes of Greece etc.
Nathaniel Ortiz
>he actually believes 95%+ of the adult population are in full-time work
>They want to add Croatia to the Eurozone >They want Albania in the EU >UK will leave the block It's only getting worse to be honest. Also, Brussel is becoming more and more annoying and authoritarian by day. The GDPR, new internet laws, EU wide regulations on business, EU wide weapon laws, so called ''fake news'' checkers that are fake news themself(EUvsDisinfo), closer relations to China and Iran, sucking Erdodick because they hope to add Turkey to the EU someday. Meanwhile they are lying their way to more power, claiming Russia is our great enemy and we need more EU to face the threat, while making us more and more reliant on Russian gass.
Easton Brooks
Nordics would rather have Somalians and Turks.
Camden Parker
The Euro is such a great idea we need two of them.
A Euro North for those countries who want a stable currency, and a Euro South for those countries who need to inflate out of problems. Right now countries with very different economic needs are forced to share the same economic sphere - which must lead to friction on fiscal/trade policy and political resentment.
Ayden Richardson
>Southern states don't pay back ~1 trillion of Target-2 obligations (they got 800 billion products for free atm) Ok you have no idea of what you are talking about. Zero. It's coming Hans.
Lincoln Peterson
Southern states owe ~ 1 trillion € of northern receivables which have not been cleared. WILL never be cleared. These goods were traded. YOU clearly have no idea.
Ian Taylor
>owe You have no idea of what T2 is or work. Try looking for financial analysis outside krautish msm. What you have done to Greece deserve destruction, annihilation.
Jordan Long
>muh capital flight t. wrote a paper on it. Got published. Stay mad, everything wrong with money is not northerner's fault. We are one and I wish Italy and Greece all the best but I can not stand by and watch people giving germans shit for the economic situation we have been maneuvered in.
William Brown
I am the 9.5%
Jordan Robinson
>EU economic policy We have one? Do tell where I can see it.
Tyler Richardson
>t. wrote a paper on it. Got published. Schön, dass es noch Schülerzeitungen gibt.
BTw we were maneuvered in too. We want freedom now.
Gavin Hughes
Funnily enough, it's in the economic interest of the northern states that we part ways in terms of regulation and currency. Long live trade among free nations!
>That article Oh God, that's a horrible article full of short-sighted nonsense. However there is a difference between Reuters and scientific journals.