Prove me wrong.
>protip: you can't
Prove me wrong.
>protip: you can't
He got the Confederate flag taken down in most places. Probably an operation gladio USA plant.
He literally killed a bunch of innocent poeple, and damned your dumb political movement to at least 30 more years of leftist victimhood shaming.
he shot nine random nobodies.
even if you do condone random political violence, he didn't go after a big-fish or a major player.
so even by your own (presumably) amoral and Satanic standards he was a dipshit.
He looks like he has a helicopter mom. I bet spazzy parents caused him to spaz out
Shut up fag
Not only was he tremendously wrong... he also accomished absolutely nothing (by killing good people at a freaking prayer meeting)... and set back white nationalism immeasurably in this country.
If you idiots had any sophistication at all, you'd be following Jared Taylor's lead... not autistic, emotionally dusturned murderers like that idiot.
Didn't this guy kill Christian Blacks?
Be honest, have you ever seen someone pull off a bowl cut as well as him?
He shot up a church. A CHURCH! Should have went for a ganghouse or a drug den, but no: he had to pick a freaking church.
He should've shot up gang bangers or other dregs of society. Not a church.
Completely true, but not the point. The media leveraged his pointless mass-murder so hard that we're still hearing about it continually. Why? What did we gain from this action?
This guy said it best.
Mk ultra ed and set up like the others! Travisty the CIA niggers destroying these kids.
Where they not BLM leaders or sommat for his area?
BLM wasn't a thing at the time.
When you go to Church on Sunday, the place is packed. But when you go to prayer meeting on Wednesday, there are only like a dozen people who ever show up. The people who go to prayer meeting are the moral and spiritual core of a church. They're the only people who really believe in Christ, and are trying to live faithful lives.
These are the people he shot. How utterly pointless...
This dude is dumbest cunt ever. He could've gone into the ghetto armed to the teeth and started shooting gang bangers, but instead he shoots unarmed innocent church folk. He's caused more damage than good.
He shouldn't have had firearms in his condition.
Shooting people in a church, what a wanker.
My he get the death penalty and die slowly from that hot lethal injections so he can burn in hell for eternity
All of you compassion fuckers are the reason we got to this point in the first place.
One for all. All for one.
If every white person in this country Roof'd it up the black population would disappear in a week. Then finally we could live in peace in our own damn land we conquered for our own damn people, our own damn children, and by our own damn instincts.
Every single fucking city in America has niggers living off tax payers money doing literally nothing with their lives except making white people move to the suburbs. Fuck all of you.
As the other guy said, he could have shot gang members but they might shoot back!
Unarmed civilians in a church, so big and tough ...
Dude is the poster child of a coward plain and simple. The face of the master race a skinny fucking coward with a gun.
You fucking idiot. May the white race die with your ignorant fucking ass. This is how India, then Rhodesia, and now South Africa, then the US, then Britain, then Australia, and New Zealand are all going to be subverted.
May the chinese rule our countries, for our people have lost any hope in preserving themselves.
Yes he did. Any white person who isn’t breeding as many white children as possible while living independently from (((modern civilization))) is doing something wrong. Don’t get me wrong i can totally relate to his feeings of helplessness and anger at the modern world, but he’s a weak minded fag.
If you’re not making as many white babies as possible or working towards doing that you’re useless.
>Every single fucking city in America has niggers living off tax payers money
so then cut off the tax payer money.
He killed innocent people and that is wrong. OP you suck.
Maybe you should try making the world a better place instead of being a moron and thinking having babies will magically fix things.
If you're gonna shoot some black people because you think they produce far more criminals than any other race and most of them are shitty people, why go the the one place where literally the minority of people are? Some old black Christcucks? He could've went to the hood and kill some drug dealers or something.
And I find it pretty funny how he made sure to pose with the Confederate flag in a bunch of pictures and also worse shirts with the flag of Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa.
Literally a fucking faggot.
Innocent of what?
There's no such thing as an innocent nigger.
Also, I heard one of the victims a politician.
Dylan Roof is a better man than you'll ever be.
A nigger is a nigger
Whole country filled with feral insane dindus raping and killing people. Instead of going to the "hood" and taking out some nigger trash he goes to the ONE fucking place that has decent blacks trying not to bother anyone.
100% CIA MKULTRA retard to foment racial strife, (and confiscate guns).
>If every white person in this country Roof'd it up the black population would disappear in a week.
first, never gonna happen
second, the the rest of the world would turn on us for having committed an actual genocide
retard, your fantasies are completely ungrounded and counterproductive
Fuck off with this psyop edgy-posting bullshit.
Killing innocent church goers for being black is retarded and he deserves to be hanged.
I guess if you did support him, you couldn't say it or they'd put you on a list.
so nevermind, fuck this murdering bastard. black people are based
being a faggot is wrong, so both op and his image should be burned on multiple accounts
so this guy faggot kills the non violent churchy blacks, instead of going to the ghetto to kill niggers...
From wikipedia
>Roof killed nine people, all African Americans, including senior pastor and state senator Clementa C. Pinckney
Yep, he did kill a democrat nigger politician that was probably mokeying up the government with nigger gibs policies.
Show how much cucks know about the shooting, probably got all their info from jewish media.
Dylan Roof is an absolute hero and we'll free him before his sentence is fully served.
Fuck off Fed imposter.
take your nigger posting and leave
>You got your niggers
>You got your blacks
Where did you learn how to boomer post like this?
finally a sane voice. Jow Forums is onions tier shit now