Since we're using the right definition, what would happen if we all started calling ourselves anti-fascists? Hijacking the enemy's symbols is extremely powerful in information warfare.
Since we're using the right definition, what would happen if we all started calling ourselves anti-fascists...
It's been proven time and time again that they are simply a gang looking for other gangs to fight, there is no alt-right.
I'm not arguing that, user. I just like watching bad things burn, and this would be an interesting experiment to see how they react.
>come on goys lets call ourselves antifascist now
>cnn starts pumping out clips
>antifascist were alt right all along!
When did CNN ever say the anti-fascists were alt-right? Hasn't it been the complete opposite of that? CNN sees these people as freedom fighters saving America.
CNN won't tell people that because they are cocksuckers who like to see the public get hurt.
Actually, this is an interesting thought. Basically, whenever the media has painted us an opposition (i.e. Antifa), we should aim to become that opposition. Steal their name, branding and subvert it entirely. Jew the Jew.
Would love to see a Point-Counter-Point response to this in terms of how it might unfold.
this is retarded. they look bad enough on their own easily. why the fuck would we want to hijack a symbol with negative public connotation. that antifa flag is a big retard alert to any moderate citizen
They’ve been labeled a domestic terrorist group by homeland. Probably not the smoothest move.