Hasidic Judaism is our future

The Ultimate RedPill (after you've taken them all including NatSoc/Hitler, the JQ & Women (MGTOW/The Manipulated Man by EV) is Orthodox Judaism

I've spent years down this rabbit hole, at times turning black pilled and nihilistic, other times anti-semitic or hateful towards minorities

and yet here I am at 28yrs old, 100+ books deep, and discovered the most probable proximity to truth lies in Orthodox Judaism (Hassidism/Haredim)

Hear me out...

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Christianity was just Judaism-lite which has since been ever more feminised and lost ALL it's power (thus the decline of the west). Yes maybe the jews are contributing to that decline cause they know eventually people will wake up and discover it's source and truth origins.

Everything we discuss here can be attained by setting up a society of strict orthodox judaism. No need to brain storm a new method of approaching civilisation and ethics, it's already there.

How to eat
What to eat
When to eat
When to sleep
When to work
When to rest
When to pray
Woman's roles
Men's Roles
Family centric
God focused

It's all there, the cure to all of the modern worlds degeneracies and shortcomings.

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Even if you're a most hardcore NatSoc, spend a day or two watching Doco's on Hassidic Jews. Recognise the underlying ideology is what created Christianity (jesus was a jew after all) and let us all as christians return to source of god's true teachings.

Liberal Stiff Right

It's unavoidable. Judaism is the true way forward for humanity and the only genuine form of god worship. Former natsoc now jewish convert checking in, haters gon' hate, anti-semites gon' anti semite

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Literal Patriarchal Society
Women ride on the back of buses in religious parts of Israel
Segregation between men and women from young age
Women sent to separate schools to learn housekeeping duties alongside religious teachings
Rear minimum 5 kids sometimes 10+

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Last post. Jow Forums just not ready to take the Judaism pill yet, still stuck on NatSoc for now. Will try again in a few years

one day pol, one day

A philosophic worldview should only be embraced if it actually true, regardless of it's effect on society. The good news is the true worldview is also the best for society: christianity.

The weakness of modern christians in the face of degeneracy is due to buckling to social pressures and cultural marxism, instead of standing up for what is right.

The new testament's overarching theme of love is often misconstrued. When people are destroying themselves with degenerate behaviours, the most loving thing to do is to call them out on it. Christians don't do this due to a combination of misunderstanding the passage about not judging others (it doesn't mean that) and a fear of ridicule.

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Jews are expelled from the holy land. Any Jew that is there is a heretic.

but everyone looks the same

Don't forget child genital mutilation! The best part.

Grandma seems a bit distant towards grandpa.

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According to orthodox judaism, non-jews cannot convert to judaism.

They look Amish. Can I be Amish instead?

>What to ...
>When to ...
>Cut your dick skin like the slaves
>What to ...
>When to ...
The regular jew is a slave to the rabi.
How about that redpill?!

God made a mistake by giving me a foreskin is that what you're saying?

The history will lead you to Christ. Keep digging. True, Judah was the original keepers, with the tribe of Levi, but they broke the covenant.

A flat out lie.

Jesus is literally a puppet of Satan.

>Evil is powerful so we should become evil


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No thanks. want nothing to do with a cult religion that provides cover for pedos by calling them mohel Rabbis and pays them to suckle on baby boy penis.

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If judaism never existed there won't be a femenization of the christian religion and there won't be a decline of the west and many other things that can only be described as anti-human (communism for example). And in the way you described judaism's treatmen t of women they are not different from islam but the difference is that you can deal with muslims when they behave badly cause they are not smart enough enough for anything more advanced than bashing your brains on a sidewalk. Jews are like parasites they devide so they can conquer and play the victim card even if it was not needed for. They see people following their traditions and redicule them so they go and celebrate their own traditions and play the victim card when someone calls on their hypocricy. Please next time make a better shitpost

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