Sum up the board in one picture.
Post a picture that reflects the essence of Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>Male Chimps have big red baboon asses
I did not know that.
Jow Forums mental illnesses
Seems like there are a lot of personality traits missing from there.
I dont fit in there.
>Out going irl
>Married with a kid
>Steadily employed for the last 18 years
>In shape, borderline gymbro
Non-normy traits:
>Browse Jow Forums
>have to customize EVERYTHING guns, my Jeep, phone, spoons, coffee cup
>Will withdraw from everyone (go to work and not speak for days at a time)
>Violent, sudden mood swings with no apparent cause even to me
>Girls aggressively pursue me despite knowing I am married, I assume it is only because they are spies...I dont work a spy worthy job
>Workout constantly, nearing being shredded, wife/girls after me all want to touch my abs....I see a fat guy in the mirror
>Stomach bubbles, assume I am dying
>In fear for my life on the highway due to speed...I am the one driving
>have killed in war, dont feel bad. Would kill in civi life but dont because I assume I would go to jail
Shit posting
> have killed in war, don’t feel bad
This is actually pretty normal
>that pic
Really? Seems like everyone has PTSD from that. I mean I do have mild PTSD but its from being shelled a million times, and like a thousand IEDs.
>Sum up the board in one picture.
None of this applies to me, since I don’t think the societies that control the world are in anyway whatsoever secret, and the rest is a total miss.
Cockies are the sickest cunts out.
>nice peaceful day
>oh look a majestic white bird with a beautiful golden plume on his head
>oh look he has friends
They're the bird equivalent of motorcyle gangs - they fly around in big packs making as much unpleasant noise as possible.
You sound like an conceited edge lord. Probably some fat fuck in his moms basement who enjoys larping on a Vietnamese knitting forum
>Married with a kid
I love you , Jow Forums.