Post a picture that reflects the essence of Jow Forums

Sum up the board in one picture.

Attached: 47D01CC8.jpg (736x736, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>Male Chimps have big red baboon asses
I did not know that.

Attached: 1491796777212.png (1071x841, 283K)

Attached: thenewjews.jpg (890x876, 222K)

Jow Forums mental illnesses

Attached: polmentalillnesses.png (790x447, 85K)

Seems like there are a lot of personality traits missing from there.
I dont fit in there.
>Out going irl
>Married with a kid
>Steadily employed for the last 18 years
>In shape, borderline gymbro
Non-normy traits:
>Browse Jow Forums
>have to customize EVERYTHING guns, my Jeep, phone, spoons, coffee cup
>Will withdraw from everyone (go to work and not speak for days at a time)
>Violent, sudden mood swings with no apparent cause even to me
>Girls aggressively pursue me despite knowing I am married, I assume it is only because they are spies...I dont work a spy worthy job
>Workout constantly, nearing being shredded, wife/girls after me all want to touch my abs....I see a fat guy in the mirror
>Stomach bubbles, assume I am dying
>In fear for my life on the highway due to speed...I am the one driving
>have killed in war, dont feel bad. Would kill in civi life but dont because I assume I would go to jail

Attached: Here_forever.jpg (1024x328, 43K)

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Attached: enjoy_your_stay.png (946x459, 757K)

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Shit posting

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Attached: pol in one image.png (680x325, 56K)

> have killed in war, don’t feel bad

This is actually pretty normal

>that pic

Attached: 1519926559934.webm (720x720, 2.86M)

Really? Seems like everyone has PTSD from that. I mean I do have mild PTSD but its from being shelled a million times, and like a thousand IEDs.

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>Sum up the board in one picture.

Attached: 11D517BF-A506-404D-9808-A5DDBD114A23.png (448x538, 75K)


Attached: pepecry.jpg (259x194, 7K)


None of this applies to me, since I don’t think the societies that control the world are in anyway whatsoever secret, and the rest is a total miss.

Cockies are the sickest cunts out.
>nice peaceful day
>oh look a majestic white bird with a beautiful golden plume on his head
>oh look he has friends

They're the bird equivalent of motorcyle gangs - they fly around in big packs making as much unpleasant noise as possible.


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You sound like an conceited edge lord. Probably some fat fuck in his moms basement who enjoys larping on a Vietnamese knitting forum

>Married with a kid

I love you , Jow Forums.

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