Can anyone tell me why there's tight laws on genetic engineering/cloning and so forth?
Clearly as a species we've stopped evolving so there's only stagnation which leads to decadence. Technology might be getting better but we sure aren't.
Is it really because of morality or are governments just afraid someone might accidentally unleash a killer virus or something.
Artificial Evolution?
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>Clearly as a species we've stopped evolving
that's where you are wrong
Chinese and Jews already are using genetic "matching" databases to help people find their ideal partners.
None of that kind of tech will happen in the west.
Humans are not God, messing with people on the genetic level could lead to all sorts of unforeseen complications.
The tight laws exist because the elite are already doing it and don't want the plebs to get in on that action. They can transfer consciousness to different bodies and basically live forever. Think jump clones from EVE online
It's only a matter a time before the world finds out
There are tight laws on trying to breed healthy children, see what happens when you try to give them only natural meat and vegetable, and avoid unnecessary sugar, pills, potions and injections. The government attack you, says it is (((unhealthy))) to raise normal child.
>We've stopped evolving
Clearly we have stopped evolving, we interfere with natural selection.
Here is your answer OP.