Are we winning the culture war? Take a look at the responses to this tweet.
White women 1 & 2
>I don’t get it. Idris Elba is British, right?
>British, black, and most importantly, BEAUTIFUL
Are we winning the culture war? Take a look at the responses to this tweet.
White women 1 & 2
>I don’t get it. Idris Elba is British, right?
>British, black, and most importantly, BEAUTIFUL
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are so many liberals retarded wannabe writers?
Let’s look at these two chance individuals
Sperging autistically over Elba playing Bond doesn't help in the slightest. The problem with our side over that of the left is one of public relations, anything perceived as "bad" that we say will be multiplied vis-a-vis the left. Unfortunately we have to play the long game and the skinhead retards don't seem to understand that
>sycolawgical thrillers with a sci-fi edgeXD
>hurr durr self published and thats not a bad thing XD
>my debut NAWVEL irix is relaunching har har
It's twitter. If you look at how people actually vote, it's not ambiguous at all. Whites are rapidly becoming redpilled.
Everything on twitter is curated now so it's absolutely useless as a judge of public opinion
>(Wine aunt double space) And oh yas, the Bloodstained Bookshelf XD Bona fie authur of the spooppy thats me
You’re not a superior intellectual for being a pacifist who deems the time to dig in your heels to be, O, one day. Not everything is “sperging autistically”, sometimes complaints are, you know, warranted, and not everyone upset at the idea of a black Bond is a skinhead, by any means. You’re puffing yourself up with random and unwarranted supercility.
>replying to a spencer tweet
>"This is just a random selection of normal women"
Bruh normies don't follow Richard Spencer, only hyper politicized (either right or left) people follow Richard fucking Spencer.