Is Italy officially a 3rd world counry after this disaster?

Is Italy officially a 3rd world counry after this disaster?

Attached: images(28).jpg (259x194, 14K)

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your mother is 3rd world disaster LOL

Because an EU highway built by imported migrant shitskins had a bridge collapse?

>bridge collapses
>"you're in a 3rd world shithole because a bridge fell down!"
what kind of post is this?
take your stupid to

>Italy is a country

No it's a province of the European Caliphate

You live in S-P-A-C-E reserved for R-U-S-S-I-A-N T-I-G-E-R-S.

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Not really. People were afraid to drive on it, the government just didn't care.

>Is Italy officially a 3rd world country after this disaster?

always has been finngol
>Mutilated to scam insurance
>Two sicilian gangs mutilated the arms and legs of poor people (usually homeless or immigrants), who were consenting although they sometimes ended up in wheelchairs, claiming that those injuries were the result of road accidents, so that they could then cheat insurance.
>The investigation started from an investigation into an alleged accident. A Tunisian citizen, Hadry Yakoub was found dead on a road on the outskirts of Palermo in January 2017. Death seemed to be caused by an accident. During the investigations it was discovered that in reality the man had died for the multiple fractures procured by the gang.

Attached: llTy5Kk.jpg (2165x2095, 878K)


Based your mother poster

Absolute state of the pasta land routes.
also pic inspired by a first Jow Forums thread on it

>what is this man on the ladder doing?
>controlling the katamari ball

Attached: katamari_irl_w1.png (480x693, 438K)

>hurr durr bridges falling down is totally acceptable and normal

if it's in land of niggers

good ol' sicilians lol


Italy is officially a 3rd world counry after entering EU

Care to explain ragazzi ?

the bridge was blown down after Italy rejected Jews and Globalism.
Watch the video.
There is det cord and explosives going off all over the place as it falls.
especially around the columns.

bridge was built in the 60's. It was blown down.

Interrogation of 28 aprile 2016.
Delrio didn't even reply.
Not even the only one he ignored.

Attached: file.png (1080x1065, 1.68M)

it's not over
>the pillar still standing is about to collapse on the near buildings

Attached: file.png (973x207, 18K)

unnecessarily large bridge crossing over residential zoning hmm

Remember when that bridge in Florida fell?
Were there Mexicans and diversity in charge of the bridge in Italy?

>Italy is officially a 3rd world counry after entering EU

Italy never “entered” the EU.
It was one of its founding members and has been part of the EU/EC since 1952.

Attached: 581D62DA-647F-455A-A485-B355656B6AAA.jpg (960x720, 97K)

It was undergoing renovation




>Were there Mexicans and diversity in charge of the bridge in Italy?

It was designed and built by an Italian architect, Italian companies and Italian workers in the 1960s.
There was little immigration back then.

But it was under repair

I opened this thread to write exactly this comment.


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>Not considering the crazy topography of Genoa

Subject: OP
Status: BTFO
Duration: ETERNAL

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There are no 1st world countries anymore.


>after this disaster
What you mean as opposed to before?


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