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those lefties are up to no good
leftist doing whatever they want, nothing cam be done against them, fuck, end is near, our civilization on its dawn, and nothing you can do about it, why live
ukranian bot
When they came for the D*ily St*rmer, what Alex Jones said ? Right, nothing... Now we are saying nothing about Infowars, then they'll come for us, the "russian hackers". Trump is braindead, if he do nothing, he just lost the next election.
You fucking disinfo piece of shit, Alx even got a lawyer on his show that represented the Daily stormer, go fuck yourself commie
Can you use a fucking archive site? You're giving these cunts ad revenue.
by 2020 election there will be no Jow Forums
holy fuck they're really at it, are they that desperate to influence the mideterms?
I though they would keep this place beacuse its a containment place but from how far they're going you're probably right
Kek, don't forget to buy his vitamin pallets and water filters!
stfu Ukrainian
Apparently they've never heard of the Streisand effect. I never liked Alex and I don't listen to him, but just because of all this shit I bought some snake oil from his store as a 'fuck you' to the system. I'm sure I'm not the only one
Lol well i listen to it in small dosages, and i just ended up buying tumeric pills and fucken god nows what for $200
same here I disliked him before but now I watch him and downloaded his app just as a big middle finger to them
Jesus fucking Christ, they just don't know when to quit do they
Trust me, i fucking will buy them this time you lefty faggot
How do you make these meme pics senpai?
Holy shit, I did the same thing yesterday
Figured I'd see if this super male vitality bullshit does anything, and if it doesn't, then meh
>t. western ukraine defeatist
>why live
because we know faggot, you're right about this being the end tho.
This is the end for the left. Alex Jones being taken down should be a wakeup call!
Good. Infowars is cancer
have a (((you)))
All social media, MSM and brigades like Shareblue paid by globalist colluding and coordinating to flag and ban him on all platforms surely will make his fan base stop watching him and buying his merch...
>why live
to spite the enemy
>Infowars is cancer
a distinction between pro western and anti western has to be identified
infowars is pro western
everything attacking it wants to see white people eradicated from the planet
your point refuted by the actions of TSOG
So with all this stuff about alex jones being banned on various platforms.... is he still a psyop? or was he legit after all? can't tell if (((they))) are playing 4d chess
>constant ddos, infowars homepage can't be visited
>facebook gone
>youtube gone
>vimeo gone
>twitter shut down
What's left by now? Bitchute?
They will keep this place because it's a honeypot, not a containment.
Jow Forums. Lets force the slant mod of this site to make /infw/, the board exclusive to alex jones discussions.
Reminder Jow Forums has 500 million visitors a month and one of the biggest social media site on the internet
I'd say Jones should get like one of those fake mustaches and glasses and pretend to be Alphonso Jones, Alex Jones' half brother and stream that way.
no 145th on alexa btw
Jones and his army of rabid supporters should spam the admin of this site to make a board for them.
They're terrified. Also funny how the network that is known for stoking hatred in people and causing disturbances and calling for impeachment every hour on the hour is saying another news network is a domestic terrorist.
Oh good idea.
Niggers are not our race.
They hate us, they want to rape us, they want our history.
They are jealous nigger.
What happened to the part of freedom of speech since Trump cant block his critics?
Twitter cant ban infowars for the same.
I know this is hopeless but I really hope Joe Rogan stops being a bitch and will get Alex Jones on in an act of defiance. At the moment it could turn out to be the biggest podcast of all time.
I'm not white so why should i care about infowars? As a black man, how does Alex Jones benefit me?
it's a private company you have no freedom of speech
take your hate speech elsewhere
if he actually was a jew than no one would ban him
Good try SJW, but a platofrm shouldn't censor people based on hate speech, or would you like to ban all the people that want to genocide white people.
This goes beyond private company stuff this is coordinated. They fucking blackballed him.
not a bad idea.
one day you`ll have the wrong view and poof your gone.
Anybody got a mirror of the periscope stream that was apparently so offensive? I want to hear the context of the "battle rifle" quote.
The thing about Alex Jones is: when he rants, he oscillates between the literal and the metaphorical, and peppers it with references to philosophy, literature, pop culture, whatever, but rarely makes note or citation. It borders on stream-of-conscience channeling. Dumb people just take everything he says literally; average people can maybe detect a certain level of subtext, but don't understand completely and so get offended or disturbed. It unironically takes a certain level of intelligence and education to parse, which is what makes it so entertaining. Listening to Alex Jones requires the active engagement of your mental faculties to interpret and dig through to the nuclei of truth buried within.
I was able to access his stream on the official iphone app while I was driving yesterday, although it kept cutting out and I had to restart the whole app to get it to reconnect about every 15 minutes.
Suspended does not equal banned you idiot.
What bothers me about all of this is how by banning him they're just reinforcing every "conspiracy theory" he shed light on and gives it more ammunition. "Alex Jones was banned by global internet corporations because he was exposing the truth about [fill in blank]." is how this will go down in history.
They've muddied the waters for future generations.
1 post made by this ID
this proxy bot sure is obvious
fuck off commies, this is the free market at work
>Its a private company, they can do what they want and ban whoever!
>Except Trump, that is totally against the law to block people on twitter.
Honestly Jones could sue after that precedent was set
oops wrong flag
infowars is 80% fake news, 15% exaggerated maybe news, 5% real news
who cares? alex jones is funny and sometimes right, but mostly does harm
also gay frogs
They're going all out.
He was also banned from Periscope:
Their main website is being DDOS'd by deep state
They have an alternate site up at
>it's a private company you have no freedom of speech
good. so I can tell faggots and niggers to get out of my store now?
شقيق إن شاء الله
free market should censor peoples opinions?
Yes, but when you ban people like him, you set a precedent to ban other peope over things that are as stupid.
Brother, God willing
yeah, and? i'm not seeing a problem with banning people who mostly spread harmful and incorrect FUD off a platform
So how can you watch infowars now? I don't have a smartphone for the app, and don't programs that let you use apps on a desktop require to first have a phone?
Yes actually. But most people dont do that due to the consequences of getting bricks thrown through your windows and having to close down due to the hate from the locals.
I enjoyed listening to him but stopped when all he started doing was getting whiny about that faggot Hogg . It was non stop whining for awhile it seemed.
>As a black man, how does Alex Jones benefit me?
well if the white man falls
you get nuked
pretty easy but I guess this needs explaining to you
fall of civilization and so forth
go read Imperium if you have some lingering doubt about the value of the white mans work in world and ancient history
Dont forget Nibiru. Jesus fuck im glad that shit eater is gone. I hope he fucks off and does something other than sit on his ass all day.
Ok and who sets the rules, the companies, that are all situated in the SJW zone of the world, ffs
By Editorializing Twitter is admitting they are responsible for all their content. Sue them for hosting pedophilia
Thanks user
Thanks forgot about Bitchute
Everyone should start watching videos there instead of YouTube, YouTube has been compromised
yes. it's their platform. nobody is shutting down alex jones website and nobody is putting him in jail. no freedom of speech is being infringed upon here
both of these "loopholes" you think you see are covered in their terms of service
Can private businesses stop serving blacks then, it's a private company after all they can do what they want.
>actually was a jew
so then we have a legal case for jews engaging in discrimination towards a white male?
seems to me a jewish supremacist news system coupled with jewish dominated internet socials clearly indicates a pattern of extremest discrimination of white people off the internet and out of the media and news companies
so jewish bigotry will be something to argue against now
cause they made it into a thing
thanks jews now we can better positions ourselves to eventually fuck you up the asses and stream it on your
except we'll rename it to
I'll see you in court!
I'm not a fan of the torrenting though. I hope they'll also migrate to more conventional tubes.
His webiste was DDos'ed, and he had to put a backup website.
Are you saying they are going to get a new host for their sites?
It's basically impossible to run a video website without losing tons of money, torrenting is the only way to make it affordable
>Everyone should start watching videos there instead of YouTube,
bitchute links arent embedded on Jow Forums like liveleak links though dumb faggot
why do you guys keep making racial comparisons? this isn't alex jones being kicked off social media platforms because he's white or because of he leans conservative
this is alex jones being kicked out of a store for telling people that the government is outside about to burn it down. it's alex jones being kicked out of a movie theater for yelling "PROPAGANDA! PROPAGANDA!" while its playing. it's alex jones getting kicked out of a barber shop for yelling "NIGGER!"
the DDOSing was a criminal activity. it's not his web host or the government shutting him down
good riddance
>yes. it's their platform. nobody is shutting down alex jones website and nobody is putting him in jail. no freedom of speech is being infringed upon here
so the power company can cut off your electricity because someone told them you said "nigger"
>it's not his web host or the government shutting him down
Get real, you have no idea who is DDOSing him.
I would bet it is government agents.
If you guys want to know (((who))) is behind this push to remove free speech from the internet and make you think it's acceptable for companies to steal your money when you engage in legal and free speech over their services where the public interacts, watch this whole youtube video.
It's a CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) conference about combating Jow Forums's influence in elections and wider culture as a whole.
Some highlights are that horribly obese woman saying something to the effect of "We need to roll back the freedom the internet gave the population" and that Obama cuckold guy saying "Well, other countries propagandize their populations so we should too"
I guarantee you the shill astroturf operations run in these threads are funded by these guys too.
Pic related is that fat cunt I mentioned above. I GUARANTEE YOU she is one of the shills here. Probably on the mod team too.
Same. Bought one of Roger Stone's books.
1355 Market St #900, San Francisco, CA 94103
twitter hq
Maybe we should send our boys to protest
can't reach the infowars link...
What's next? Are you not gonna fight for Israel as well? this is unamerican. You should go back.
Fun game.
guess the load rating of the rope needed for her.
nvm it's just awfully slow, took two minutes to load the tab header, site still white. CNN-DDOS?
Trump has said nothing about this, maybe AJ is colluding with the Russians? That would be sad
What now Glowniggers
Is that a behilit around her neck?