There's an abundance of WW2 film yet none of it shows casualties. I don't take pleasure in viewing death but I'd like to see what war truly looks like. Does uncensored WW2 footage exist? Or did the allies destroy it all?
What does war truly look like?
>inb4 ww2 never happened.
war sucks dude
blessed are the peacemakers...
Tons of war footage from Syria and Ukraine.
>war is real
you think people would willingly go to another country and bleed all over it like gut pigs just because some posters told them it was a smart idea?
so wut ur saying is that they were crysis actors
trust me, you don't want to know what it is like on the receiving end of this, there would be body parts and a red darkish fog of blood and mud everywhere. the lucky ones die early and quickly.
>Or did the allies destroy it all?
that would suggest the footage was shot in the first place.
the war reporters generally did not take pictures of casualties. they didn't show their own dead (bad for morale) adn didn't show the enemy dead, much (too horrible for the home audience - don't want them to see the reality of war) and for the same reason avoided showing civilian dead, unless it could paint the enemy in a bad light
so there isn't much footage to see. Film was expensive and scarce - you wouldn't use it if you could not show it