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Is he really a kike puppet?
Josiah White
Aiden Nguyen
LOL yes.
Ryder Ortiz
Noah Reyes
every politician in the usa is. the usa is an israeli proxy. theres more jews in the usa than in israel.
David Miller
I started thinking this but dismissed it as media jewery for awhile. Until the 550mil "aid" bill passed to (((you know who))).
Now I really don't know.
Kayden King
based and redpilled.
Mason Fisher
Hunter Rogers
thanks for the upvote
Christian Cruz
Unfortunately, yes
Julian Hill
You can't really blame him. Presidents who don't bow to the Jew get assassinated.
Kevin Hughes
Nathan Edwards
Why is it that everywhere people online oppose jews, then some "fellow jew haters" come along claiming anyone they DO support is a jew. or a puppet of jews? Always. Every. Single. Time.
Dominic Robinson
its usually jewish shills. pathetic but true
Daniel Ward
Even though Trumps a massive kike, I'm still burning everything down if that happens
Jaxson Morris
I've been online with this stuff for centuries (in internet years). After a while the patterns are so obvious that you can't believe people still fall for it.
Luke Turner
It's either play ball with Israel or else. I still think he has good intentions.
Josiah Rodriguez
Leo Sanders
What a fucking shit thread. How is he a Jew puppet? Fucking slide threads stop pretending you are a Keki faggot
Ayden Clark
His sons and daughter married to them and a bunch of his secretaries being one doesnt count?
Also, where did the US embassy moved within Israel again?
Brandon Nelson
We’re going to need real gas chambers this time.
Grayson Clark
It's the future you chose!
Michael Rodriguez
Don't worry it's 4d chess, this guy is a genius he will fuck bibi when the time comes
Hunter Collins
oops forgot to put my memeflag
Nolan Lewis
There is even the need to ask?
They hold him by the balls.
Liam Rogers
Juan Richardson
>NeoLiberals: Drumbf is a fucking Russian puppet!
>Leftists: Drumbf Is a fucking Saudi puppet!
>Euros: Drumbf is a fascist puppet!
>Jow Forums: Drumbf is a Jew puppet
Damn, its as if people calling him a the puppet of the group they dislike the most
Kayden Williams
Because there's really a lot of diversity to choose from in politics and business.
Oh, wait...
Josiah Morales
Yes but not the usual ones.
James Powell
Why is it that brain dead retards can't critically think, research, or reason for themselves? Always. Every. Single. Time.
Wyatt Robinson
There will never be a US president which isn't our puppet.
Bentley Diaz
Based and ziopilled
Aaron Parker
Trump supports the state of Israel because he hates the sandniggers more but he also hates the zionist international jews.
Jason Nelson
the fuck is pic_related?
OP is a faggot and this thread is cancer
Noah Long
No but he's WAY too easily influenced by people like Bolton and Kushner
Landon Edwards
>we always eventually get pogromed, but this time it's different