He did it

he did it

Attached: pewds.png (1204x613, 517K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fake and gay

pewds gives me hope

Attached: 1531197953561.jpg (680x418, 82K)

You e-thot obsessed people are like the modern equivalent of watching a human zoo

Attached: ew.jpg (800x592, 160K)

Does he browse Jow Forums, or just /b/?

The fact that so many autists are putting their faith into this swedcuck retard gives me no hope.

Attached: le based retard faggot.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

Jow Forums

Jow Forums
he calls himself a swedecuck on occasion too

aw the aussie is sad no one is watching him in the human zoo

Jow Forums is cool an that but it's not a big deal that he browses here. So what?