What is wrong with Muslims

How the fuck do they think this will work. Is it genetic? Can't be, because White people where like this too 500 years ago?


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I don't see what's wrong with it

>I don't see what's wrong with it
Checks out.

Read some Nietzche. He wrote in his early works about how the people need superstitious shit to be motivated and united.

White people pray for school shootings to stop, I don't see much difference

This is the roach equivelant of Trump pretending he’s religious for the evangelicals. It’s just politics.

It might seem quaint or dumb to you but it works. Why do white people stand around while nogs rape their kid and beat old people up in the street? Right, there's no social binds anymore that flips the tribal switch.

It's ugly to make fun of mentally disabled people.

It's ironic because the only thing that made Turkey a head taller than the rest of the muslim world was their secular government from the 1920s to 2000 or so.

Nobody wants to take a beach vacation to Iran light.

Muslims (the cultural Middle Eastern ones at least) don't believe in causality in the sense that Westerners do. That is, the world operates according to consistent principles which can be found through observation and used to predict future events, and that human affairs are governed by such consequential processes even if we aren't aware of the intricacy involved. Rather, they believe that Allah directly intervenes in every facet of existence. His main goal, after all, is that everything should follow his will. Ever heard the saying "inshallah"? It means "if Allah wills", and it appended to statements about the future to express the sentiment that future events are directly in his hands rather than the result of human efforts, natural processes, etc.