Is this the defining moral conflict of the right wing?
Is this the defining moral conflict of the right wing?
As Land would tell you, it's not a moral conflict, just a recognition of reality.
Add genetically engineered catgirls for domestic ownership to the left
>implying that what accelerationism is
>Implying I'm not an accelerationist because I want a hard reset on this society so we can go back to the times of old
No, decentralization btfos all that.
tfw born too early
>you will never support asuka as she powers her Eva
outside of some radical event like 100 unabombers joining forces, the left side already won
Happy Birthday
As the image explains, the Left's dumb utopianism is going to lead to the most outrageous nightmare hypercapitalism imaginable
Switch the words & ya
i already know that
That's just conservatism (basically pure shit) vs revolutionary right wing (basically pure based). No conflict at all.
>tfw true globalism will never occur so you will never get to see your space colonisation + neo-eugenics come into play
Yet it is a conflict we can resolve.
When we do, though a potent mix of futuristic technonationalism and traditionalism, it will be the dawn of a new age.
One of the signs this is happening will be when the green/environmental voters and the conservative voters, realise they want the same thing in many regards. To conserve. We are part of nature and must enact natural law.
It'll get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
But it will get better in certain places.
People aren't meant to live in the degenerate societies we inhabit today.
I think this is right. We somehow have to find the sweetspot between bat-shit vargpill and bat-shit cyberpunk
It's called the Tedpill
Ironically, it is those research fascism and the far right that have hit upon this potent mix when trying to define what it was in (say) NatSoc Germany, that the population fell so in-love with.
The Hitler Roads, the bold technological advancements, coupled with the "back to the land" volkishness and emphasis on family and love of ones own kind.
In this lies the answer. Forget "uniting the right". Go direct to an optimistic vision of the future, once that the leftists cannot provide.
A clean, orderly, safe city.
Care of the countryside, and of nature.
Civility, brotherhood, joint endeavour.
Technological advancement in air, land, sea, and space.
Medical breakthroughs via genetic understanding and analysis of the "human animal".
Unashamed adoration of the heroic, a culture of elitism, forging a path.
What's not to like?
I come here from the other place to tell you this.
So how do you see religion In this?
Transhumanism is based and unironically the final redpill.
Best part is that it triggers the fuck out of boomers and Christcucks on this board.
People that use the phrase "social darwinism" rather than just "darwinism", should be shot in the face.
Religion is moral guidance, a series of powerful stories used to pass along wisdom useful in building advanced civilisations.
While in the west, certainly the UK, Hitchens is right that we ceased to become a truly christian country after WW1, and went through the motions for a while before the churches emptied almost entirely.
Because religion (at least christianity) has collapsed here, the solution is not going to be easy or quick, the "recovery" of morals is going to take a while.
Phase 1, activate the population that demands strong morals of the right sort.
Phase 2, church reacts to P1 and actually appoints leader who are not ninnies and pussies.
Phase 3, church actually stands for something again and sees the start of rising attendance among certain sorts of people.
Phase 4, convene some kind of morality cabinet or panel in government, perhaps have a morality minister (I'm not joking) whose position rotates on some basis. They have input to policies on the family, poverty, children and other areas where morality has traditionally had a part.
You guys realize none of these political events or demographic trends actually matter right? Godlike AI will be created by 2035 100%. We don’t have time for Jewish neofeudalism to achieve final victory
I appreciate your posts user
I don't know how a morality cabinet would work. You can't have government mandated morality. It has to be a societal push, otherwise you'll have rebellion and dissenters that try to combat your morals.
1) We can have a morality minister or panel.
2) It is merely a matter of finding a system that works, because...
3) Morality undoubtedly is a dimension of many many policies (poverty, anything relating to family, children, war even...).
So we merely have to solve for operational mode. Remember I'm talking about moral INPUT (something the church is supposed ot have been gently providing to government, but gave up on after WW1 and certainly after the time of Cosmo Lang in the UK).
Why are space colonies to the left?
I am here from the other place, where much of the real work happens. My time is short, but the unification of the traditionalist and technonationalist narratives is my particular role.
>lovecraftian horror
>Godlike AI will be created by 2035 100%
Found the gullible brainlet.
How's that defeatism feel? Ever questioned the idea, beyond circular dismissals? Never wondered how we're going to achieve that if we've barely achieved human-brain tier calculations per second in supercomputers, which have far bigger latency internally, and Moore's law is just about to hit a brick wall?
What's going to happen:
>Extreme amounts of data-mining
>Political allegiance prediction based on data off of friends and acquaintances
>Propaganda optimization
>A whole fuckton of neural networks basically dedicated to fancy graphics
What's not going to happen
>Super intelligent general AI
>Probably not even intelligent AI, with some luck maybe you'll have brainlet artificial general intelligences but with a lot of high speed connections (that are going to be irrelevant too if brain-computer interfaces evolve alongside)
But hey, in the off chance it does happen - which cannot be denied as a possibility - that does not change the struggles that we have until then. How are you going to combat jewish general AI or make your own (only first one really matters in this race) if you're the underling?
>moral conflict
you dont know what words mean mate
The biggest thing is individual targeting, both of the joe average member of the population and of those in power or even running companies.
Want to get the board of Ford to do something, just individual target ad them 24-7.
Want to get some policy through government? Just individually target the ministers/party/government in power with astroturfing messages.
Want to get the public to vote a certain way, profile and target them as 1000 groups or a million individuals.
This, this is the true danger and it has already started.
I must admit I'm tempted
this. knowing that the universe is vast and void and unknown horrors slumber in it somehow fills me with serenity. I imagine dying is like dissolving into that void into the embrace of unspeakable horrors. very comfy
don't give up hope. rejuvenation is around the corner. just make sure to survive for the next 30 to 40 years.
fuck off. hypercap is very comfy
>bold technological advancements
>no radar
>no nukes
>no penicillin
yeah, so advanced lol
>Godlike AI will be created by 2035 100%
me, but unironically
Archeofuturism is the answer!
>Godlike AI will be created by 2035 100%
yep. moores law will continue to grow and expand unabated, just like it has been for decades. ai progress will continue until ai reaches breaks the general human level intelligence milestole, and then it will recursively self-improve, becoming super-human almost immediately
ai will take over all jobs rendering humans economically obsolete and unemployable, and this will cause huge joblessness, homelessness, and a massive societal and financial collapse. UBI and free money from the government forever just for existing isnt going to happen, its a liberal pipedream
and as you said, ai will eventually become god. its an exiting time to be alive. i cant wait until millions of people die, i will enjoy watching these morons die, even if i die with them
braindead morons like will continue to deny its existence and influence because they cannot cope with reality and cannot deal
>Moore's law is just about to hit a brick wall?
they've been saying that for decades, and moores law is still relevant today, you delusional retard in denial, pic related
Germans had radar on night fighters idiot, even their jet powered Arado had a night fighter variant
Is that book actually worth reading?
lol the jet engine
lol research into nuclear physics
lol rocketry that eventually got burgers to the moon
lol submarines
Making money vs preserving culture
lol didn't help them shit kek
requesting anarcho-transhumanist meme flag
Jew detected
1 nation versus the entire rest of advanced world (minus japan). The US, Russia, UK, and more.
...and still they nearly made it.
Just think about that.
>not being a primitivist Odalist
>in the year of (((our))) Lord 2018
>>braindead morons like (You) will continue to deny its existence and influence because they cannot cope with reality and cannot deal
I'm sorry, who's the braindead moron? How do you think Moore's law works? Do you think it's magic pixies? We're hitting hard limits on the size of transistors. Best case scenario, we get another couple iterations past 5 nm - that's an extension of around 4 to 6 years. Worst case scenario, after 5 nm it seriously starts breaking down. That basically means Moore's law breaks down by 2021, or best case by 2028.
So I'm sorry but your fantasy holds no water, no matter how much of a self-hating fag you are.
Put it in another perspective; current graphics cards can output right about 10 TFlops - around 10^12 Flops. All things considered, it's not worth it getting more than, to stretch it a little, another 10 of them. That amounts to 10^13 Flops. A best case scenario of another 5 iterations of Moore's law (10 more years, till 2028), that's 2^5 = 32, or to make an exagerated equivalency - about 10^2 increase. That gets you to 10^15 Flops.
The fun part? You're not even close to the estimated computational power of the brain, most of the estimates being at least 10^18 Flops. I know what you'll be screaming - it's inefficient! That's not how AI will work! etc etc. But that shows the fact that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. The brain has been fine tuned by millions of years of evolution to deal with real world concepts - and you're explicitely talking about a generalized AI. What this means is we're going to need even MORE computational power just to do the initial training - much less run the damn thing, and that's for it to be *equivalent* to a human brain, not better.
>they've been saying that for decades, and moores law is still relevant today, you delusional retard in denial, pic related
Hurr some idiots were making the claim without any basis so that makes current claims illegitimate.
>We're hitting hard limits on the size of transistors
this has happened before. we went from vacuum tube technology to what we have now. we shrinked vacuum tubes so much we couldnt get them any smaller, and then we transitioned to another paradigm, and we will do the same thing once transistors are too small. moores law is unaffected by transistor size, you fucking retard. moores law went through 2 world wars and many booms and busts unabated and unafected
>Hurr some idiots were making the claim without any basis so that makes current claims illegitimate
lol. moores law will continue regardless of how deep you put your delusional head in the sand
>The fun part? You're not even close to the estimated computational power of the brain, most of the estimates being at least 10^18 Flops. I know what you'll be screaming - it's inefficient! That's not how AI will work! etc etc. But that shows the fact that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. The brain has been fine tuned by millions of years of evolution to deal with real world concepts - and you're explicitely talking about a generalized AI. What this means is we're going to need even MORE computational power just to do the initial training - much less run the damn thing, and that's for it to be *equivalent* to a human brain, not better.
thanks for the quick rundown, mr einstein. i assume you have a phd in physics and artificial intelligence, thats how you know all this stuff
You're so new
Redpill: Jesus was a time traveler from a future where everyone is resurrected, to create Heaven on Earth.
Lovecraftian Horror? Like Black Mountain Side?
>this has happened before. we went from vacuum tube technology to what we have now. we shrinked vacuum tubes so much we couldnt get them any smaller, and then we transitioned to another paradigm, and we will do the same thing once transistors are too small. moores law is unaffected by transistor size, you fucking retard. moores law went through 2 world wars and many booms and busts unabated and unafected
And other paradigms aren't going to function the same. I'll also remind you it took a decade for transistors to replace vacuum tubes.
Of course if you're a brainlet you're going to take a rule of thumb as a rule of the universe so why the fuck am I surprised. But go on, believe your delusion - I'm sure that by itself will carry Moore's law forward.
>thanks for the quick rundown, mr einstein. i assume you have a phd in physics and artificial intelligence, thats how you know all this stuff
And I assume you have a PHD in being a retard and not being able to comprehend basic mathematics.
Why is Lovecraftian Horror on the left?
...What exactly is the left side encompassing? It seems like forward progress by exploiting technology, but Lovecraft's main theme was the dangerous of too much knowledge and unchecked scientific progress.
ugh ur really good at making noise, you know that?
the funny thing is we dont need to improves moores law at all, we already have the processing power to emulate a human brain with the most powerful supercomputers ALREADY. whats lacking is the software, not the hardware
the quality of the software is also exponentially improving. its being able to be more effective with less processing power. even if processors magically stop improving today until the rest of time, we will still reach human level general intelligence with ai, because its already a software issue, not a hardware issue
look at the go playing program that deepmind has made. each iteration is not only significantly better than the previous one, but uses noticeable less power and computational resources. and once we have human level ai, it will be the last invention we will ever need to make because it will make all of our inventions for us, and make everyone economically obsolete
it doesnt matter if moores law continues or not because we already have the computational power to simulate human level intelligence
>>the funny thing is we dont need to improves moores law at all, we already have the processing power to emulate a human brain with the most powerful supercomputers ALREADY. whats lacking is the software, not the hardware
This is what happens when you're a retard who can't read more than 5 words at a time.
I already addressed this. The most powerful supercomputers have huge latencies. They're great for processing a lot of data that has little to do with each other at any stage of processing - not good for a brain where that's not the case. Unless you miniaturize them drastically - which DOES require Moore's law - then you're still nowhere.
I ignored the case of the software itself because that in itself has huge unsolved issues compared to AGI. And here I can claim a level of competence, because I have studied neural networks - there's a huge difference between an AGI and Deepmind. Deepmind is a suite of similar neural networks - an AGI needs to be able to link concepts among multiple neural networks, something that has not yet been adequately solved.
>implying neurons aren't shader programs
cygan fuck off
>Hurr what is floating point operations per second
Why are libertards and leafs the worst posters on the entire internet.
>implying this isn't their aim
Hah, and you thought the left were commies. Brain-dead memecucks in here I swear
yeah yeah whine and pout and stomp your feet and dig your head in the sand all you want, moores law will continue just as it always has. you arent the first person to say moores law will stop, and you wont be the last
just on the transistor alone it will eventually reach the 3nm or even the 1nm, which should be somewhere in the mid 2020's. by that point ai progress and processing speeds should produce results that are straggering, even by todays standards
and eventually, we will reach human level ai, most likely by 2029 or 2030. the amount of progress in ai in the last 5 years alone is fucking breathtaking. if you told people just 5 years ago ai will be able to do the stuff it can do today, everyone would of laughed at you, and yet here we are. once again you're great at making noise, but in reality moores law still goes on and technology exponentially advances. soon you too will become economically obsolete
tick tock tick tock
All of us NEETS here will be Liberals in a few years when our parents kick us out of their homes and we vote for gibs.
yes, this is the conflict that tore NRx apart
>all these teenagers
What happened to Jow Forums
eventually everyone is going to become unemployable because ai and robots will take over ALL JOBS. there wont be jobs left for humans
and once that happens, why would the government support a parasitic useless class that has no economic value? look at how the government treats the homeless
there wont be UBI and government welfare, there will only be collapse, starvation, and a SHTF scenario
Look lad, I understand that you don't care about reality and physical limits, so then why should I care about your hollywood movie fantasy where whatever we'd be doing wouldn't matter anyways?
Your coward father raised a sheep. You will never know what it's like not to be a complete "keep the people ignorant".
yeah, im done arguing with you too, i think. now its just on the reader of our argument to discern who is right or not :^)
Good thing for you is that there's people who are capable of believing the earth is flat unironically, so there should be plenty of people uninformed enough to believe in informal laws as being unbreakable.
Suffering is ultimately the result of chemical reactions in the brain created by evolution. With advanced enough technology, it should be possible to re-engineer the brain to eliminate all forms of suffering.
Anatoly Karlin on transhumanism
With better IQ, automation gibs and longer lifespan, we won't turn even more degenerate, promised!
no, you're just a degenerate
excellent memes friends. very nice. bumping this excellent thread.
I posted a similar thread last night but I included the phrase "alt-right" in it which nobody likes. Even though its accurate. I guess the media tied the alt-right to naziism and that was that.
Degeneracy is only a bad thing if it causes your society to be conquered by other cultures.
add depopulation the right and I'm in.
left even
False dichotomy really.
If they define it they control it.
Hypercap is comfy af though
>False dichotomy really.
there is a false dichotomy presented to us, in a form that lumps a load of destructive shit in with the good on both sides but make no mistake there is also a real dichotomies at play between reality and idealism, truth v lies etc
Libertardian laziness vs. based classical conservatism. Is it so hard to suss out, T.B.H.?
Boomers just know it is too late for them.
But not too late for Gen X.
Why not have both like in the world Guillaume Faye presents in Archaeofuturism? The cities can be techno-commercialist and the rural communities can be traditionalist.
Also Mr Tolkein was a papist heretic, just take him off the one on the right and put him on the experimental and awkward left side.
Because the hardest workers, the city people, are going to be traditionalist and the experimental tinkerers are going to be out in the boonies with their U.F.O. sightings.
well which is it, Jow Forums? Transhumanism or Human Biodiversity?