A true American war hero.
Thank McCain for his service
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He only dodged the draft so liberals would vote for him.
>Songbird McCain
Goes in all fields
You don't believe in war, war heroes, or patriotism, nor do you believe in treason or that draft dodging is bad.
If you do not believe this things why do you think that we ought to? Is it because you think it gives you some special advantage to us?
This is like if I brought up the fact that every single Democrat politician is pro-child murder. Which, objectively, they are. I know that you don't care about child murder. My attempting to shame you with your values is absurd--the only thing more absurd is for someone who IDOLIZES the values you criticize attempting to shame me with them. I know that you are arguing in poor faith, and so I can disregard you out of hand.
Liberals believe the heroic one is the one that set nonwhites on fire from the sky, not the man who avoided the immoral war they hate.
The vietnam war was a mistake
>He doesnt like guns and killing
>Same as liberals
And now liberals do a cognitive 180 turn and use it against him.
It amazes me that liberals love John McCain now
And by mistake i mean Some proxy to expand the military i dustrial complex. Also Johnson wanted to do some favors for his freinds down in texas (bell helicopters, dow chemical, ect)
>Get captured
>Get called a hero
John McCain, the admiral's son who got a free pass and got to be a pilot even though he constantly fucked up and would never have been cleared for flight otherwise?
Who screwed around and almost immediately crashed his plane? Who spilled secrets and helped torture his fellow POWs for privileges? Who is a brainwashed communist plant who's been doing the CIA's bidding for decades to avoid blackmail?
Every single president we've had that was the right age to fight in Vietnam avoided it. It's a stupid waste of energy, attacking Trump over something Clinton and Bush already proved voters don't care about.
rot in hell songbird
Lol right, I remember when they were all freaking out when it was him against King Nigger
die faster songbird were counting on you
>spend years calling him dangerous cold war dinosaur
>Trump says maybe liberals are right and Russia isn't so bad
>suddenly it's obvious that Russia is bad and McCain is a great patriot
I hate it when people compare modern politics with 1984, but jesus fucking christ
>if you went to Vietnam you are a baby killer
>if you avoided Vietnam you are a coward
Fucking hippies man
It was conducted badly but it was necessary to slow the spread of communism. Compare the powerhouse of South Korea to the shithole that is Best Korea. We thought we were doing the right thing.
you forgot to add "Traitor" to McCancer's resume
I don't think so.
Where I come from getting captured and giving information to the enemy that leads to the deaths of 1,000's of american and ally soldiers doesn't make some one a Patriot or a hero, it makes them a traitor.
No one that didn't speak was kept alive that long. The people that where prisoners with that traitor McCain said that McCain was treated like gold and walked around freely.
USA would have won that war if it wasn't for McCain.
But democrats would look at a traitor as a hero of course.
Is OccupyDemocrats really supporting McCain now that he's got brain damage?
Why is dodging the draft considered traitorous again? Don't libs consider both the draft and the Vietnam war as an evil anyway?
Thank you, John McCain, for your military service.
You're still a shitty Senator, though.
No. The more important things was stopping the Soviets and Chinese. Ho chi Minh was a nationalist first and communist second, and would have preferred to been allied with the US. Regardless of who "won" the Vietnam war, it was a diplomatic and political failure the moment it became an open war. As sun tzu said, the best victory is the war never fought
>Ho chi Minh was a nationalist first and communist second
Hence why he killed non-Communist nationalists in collaboration with the French?
google Tokyo rose
Bombing gooks makes you a hero? What a world...
well make that tokyo rose mccain
Funny how service only matters to the left when they're trying to attack someone for not having served. Remind me again what Bill Clinton did during the Vietnam war.
Yeah that's right the piece of shit son-of-a-bitch ran to Canada.
Gotta appease your Chinese masters somehow.
If Songbird McCain is such a hero, why did he fuck the country by voting against the repeal of Obamacare?
Lol, why dont you hate john mccain for war mongering in the middle east.
And he still preferred US help over Soviets, hence why he wrote to the US several times, but his letters were tabled and did not reach the president. The Vietnamese fought for the US with help of the Marines as partisans against Japan in WWII
>Songbird McCain
>worthy of respect
McCain never did reach the rank of Commander-In-Chief did he?
slide thread
Dodging the draft then calling yourself leader of people who fight and die (who don't dodge the draft like pussies) is - uh what's the word I'm looking for... sad!
This was before 1949, when Mao was just a rebel. Ho offed members of the VNQDD and Dai Viet, killed his competition like Ngo Dinh Khoi or the Trotskyite Ta Thu Thau, and even did so in the name of the French with their support (at least until December 1946.)
McCain graduated close to the bottom (894 of 899) of his class at United States Naval Academy at Annapolis.
This FFS!
>A true American war hero
Yes he was. Personally I fin that that is nullified by the fact he is a politician as they are inclined to be morally vacuous no matter what party they belong to.
>hurr durr you should only care about what I tell you to care about
Kill yourself OP.
There's no such thing you redditor
Who remembers corrupt McCain and the Keating Five scandal?
He would have accepted assistance from anybody; he quoted Lenin in saying that he would accept alliances with "bandits" in the short term. He would have accepted American aid long enough to exterminate his competition within Vietnam, and then continued on as a Communist.
Ho always did the bidding of his masters when he was in the Comintern, including starting Communist parties in Laos, Malaysia and Thailand through the Vietnamese expatriate community.
Soviets, Russians same thing. I didn’t know about the other part. So he just wanted to win and didn’t care if he was commie or not?
There is no indication that he was anything but an orthodox communist.
"Anyone who does not follow the line determined by me will be smashed." - Quote from after the assassination of Ta Thu Thau, a Trotskyite
> graduates near bottom of class
> only gets wings because dad is admiral
> crashed a couple of jets
> gets shot down (likely due to incompetence)
> highly likely he co-operated and gave away flight altitudes
> in early 1990s he stopped a bill that would have declassified info pertaining to American POWs who had been left behind
> his time on various Senate boards (that relate to the military) has severely degraded the military’s ability to evolve and implement new technology
> example: He resisted a move to use B-52s and B1 Lancers with smart munitions (huge payloads and long loiter times made them perfect - giving soldiers near constant air-support) in favor of the far less efficient A10 (short loiter times, relatively small payloads) which likely got American soldiers killed.
The dude has been a blight on the US military since the day he turned 18.
In before Trump got a loan from his dad
Be John be unqualified to be a pilot but get in because father is a adirmal
Be insubordination to your CO but it's okay because you won't be CM.
Makes the forrestal fire worse because he didn't turn off his engines.
Constantly violates naval combat aviation rules
Gets shot down.....
War hero!!!!
>hes been posting it all night
jesus dude, you are a fuckin loser
I have a theory that the capitalist west would've won the cold war 15-30 years earlier if we hadn't have bogged down in vietnam and instead focused on economic incentives and buffers, the leaders were just extremely paranoid due to the domino theory
>willingly dying for israel
I never understood this
>The Vietnam war was evil and we should of never went!!! We killed children!!!!
>Trump is a coward for not going to vietnam!!!
We don’t currently have a draft you brainlet. Everyone in the military volunteered, and Trumps approval rating in the military is like 90%
Dodging the draft usually involves hopping a plane to England, lighting up a big joint and protesting America, not getting medical deferments.
It's funny a lot of these people calling him that have never served themselves. Some conditions, like heel spurs (Or Asthma), are totally manageable if you are in civilian life and can stop and rest any time they flare up. But in combat, Charlie doesn't stop shooting because you can't walk anymore.
>Anyone who does not follow the line determined by me
yes, his rules. not 'anyone who does not follow stalin'
Is that cunt Songbird dead yet?
>You don't believe in war, war heroes, or patriotism, nor do you believe in treason or that draft dodging is bad.
neither do you.
And Vietnam was hardly a loyal communist country after the war. The north could have been politically decoupled from the communists, but the decision to stick with Diem was a huge mistake
>muh McCain is a real maverick
>muh I don't like the GOP, but if you cheer McCain on to failure, I guess I can tolerate you
The fuck is this, the year 2007?
> Bill Clinton
> Micheal Bloomberg
> Biden
> all got deferments
> plenty on the republican side
I have never understood this tactic. Democrats built their base on resisting the war, so they can’t talk, and there are plenty of rich cunt republicans who hid as well. Frankly everyone should shut the fuck up about it.
Constantly dodging draft is cowardly. Who wants a coward as their president?
Why didn't you people ask OP to reply first? It's 1 Post again.
Spent his whole life larping as a fiscal conservative then cast the deciding vote to keep ObamaCare. Should have run as a Democrat. They embrace hypocrisy.
McCain didn't vote on tax bill (to lower corporate tax) So the corporate media defamed him.
>Muh Russia
McCain is one of the people responsible for shitskin extremism. We are quite literally the bad guys.
McCain is a traitor and baby killer
The shill in charge of posting "1 reply by this ID" might still be sleeping.
>We are quite literally the bad guys.
finally a mutt with triple digit iq, atleast you know
Ummmm Bubba Bill?
Shillest post was never made! Bravo.
So... why did he kill a Trotskyite who was (nominally) his friend?
He was never his friend and always tried to subvert the line of the party
Fuck that neocon shill!
mc cain is a swamp cuck
is foundation is just to move dark funds around
So, he killed him because he was not an orthodox Communist? Pretty much what I was saying.
Fuck McPain and fuck you,he's traitorous scum and should be hanged from the rafters at the white house to make an example of him.Fuck him,his tumor and you.
Why isn't he dead yet, the traitor? Yes, McCain gave the enemy aid and comfort and directly caused the deaths of several airmen-let's make him a senator! Fuck this country sometimes.
No capital letter is needed in that context-in any sense.
He could have been a war hero. He could have been a good man. Selling out your comrades and refusing to relinquish your Senate seat in your deathbed makes him shit.
Faggots looking for (((yous))); sage, faggot
>occupy democrats love a neocon warmonger
Could you make it more obvious that this shit has an (((agenda)))?
>ho chi minh was subverting the party line
>hes an orthodox communist
>liberals love John McCain
The Kremlin hates John McCain
Republicans are trained to hate John McCain
This is embarrassing how obedient the GOP is to Putin.
I agree. The war had ZERO military justification, the US had zero options the Chinese and Russians couldn't counter, and Viet Nam was a useless backwater (proven by the loss of SVN not doing any harm elsewhere).
There was good reason the US used similar techniques against the Soviets in A-stan. Winning nation state wars is easy compared to hybrid wars.
democrats then
Democrats now
>OMG, He's a Hero! God bless John McCain (i don't actually believe it god btw)
Trump Derangement syndrome of the highest caliber. They'll take anyone's side if they don't like little big Donnie.
Don't forget the wet start incident that was the worst "accident" in Navy history killing several deck crew and another pilot by showing off? That no name guy?
>Don't forget the wet start incident that was the worst "accident" in Navy history killing several deck crew and another pilot by showing off? That no name guy?
the fire killed over 130 people
they will never admit it was McCain's fault but it is widely known
Murdered 135 American sailors on the USS Kittyhawk by wet starting his jet on the deck and setting off rockets and bombs all over the place. Almost totally destroyed his own ship. Had to be placed in protective custody because he would have been murdered by the sailors. The next day he was helicoptered off to another ship even while his shipmates fought frantically to save their dying vessel. Unheard of in US naval history.
Total piece of shit.
i wish mccain was still a POW in gookland
they don't care about that shit
the objective is to expose the flip-flop morals of the right
shock and awe considering what he's done with the military budget, right?
It was totally this phenomenon that has never happened before or since.
McCain’s actions after the fire show a determination to exit the ship as quickly as possible. When New York Times reporter Apple finished gathering his notes on the fire, McCain boarded a helicopter with him and flew to Saigon. Given that fires still burned on the ship and some of his fellow airmen were gravely wounded and dying, McCain’s assertion that he left the carrier for “some welcome R&R” in Saigon has a surreal air. Apple, now dead, said nothing in his news reports about inviting McCain to leave the ship, although he did report talking to him in Saigon later that day. McCain does not mention receiving permission to leave the still-burning ship. Merv Rowland, a commander and chief engineering officer of the Forrestal at the time of the fire, told me that he had not known that McCain left the ship within 30 hours of the fire and that he found this “extraordinary.” Rowland added that only the severely wounded were allowed to leave the ship and that no one, as far as he knew, would have been given permission to fly to Saigon for R&R. McCain’s quick flight off the Forrestal meant that he missed the memorial service for his dead comrades held the following day in the South China Sea.
I think along those lines, but wasn't he kept alive because of his Dad and the hopeful use of him as propaganda?
John McCain is not a hero. He is a warmongering psycho. The US is collapsing and 21 trillion dollars in debt because baby boomers like him can't satisfy their bloodthirst. And he is very likely going to die before the country collapses completely. Few people have caused so much destruction, and debt and disaster to the US has him.
Hopefully he doesn't manage to successfully campaign for a new trillions dollar expensive war with Iran before he dies
Fucking lying bastard, ran on promise to repeal Obama care.. when vote came, cast the deciding vote FOR Obama Care.
He needs to retire.. NOW!!
>never called for the draft
>somehow dodging the draft