It's over. Burgerland was the last bastion of hope for the western world. If we let the muslims have control it's over.
It's over. Burgerland was the last bastion of hope for the western world. If we let the muslims have control it's over
>Burgerland was the last bastion of hope for the western world.
Sure, race-mixing, ^pornography, drugs and materialism was surely the last bastion for the western world.
Try to stop importing degenerate trends like twerking or dabbing first.
what the fuck has happened to minnesota? why was obama able to flood it with somalis? of course they will only then vote for other somalis
god is this the end of america? or will the normies finally wake up and we can send them all back?
Serious article to read for any interested:
Interesting thing was when they started DNA testing they found, surprise surprise, the Somalis were telling lies and bringing in non-family members pretending to be family members.
So immgiration was suspended and guess what Obama reinstated it desptie KNOWING it was all lies.
>Burgerland was the last bastion of hope for the western world.
Damn they really did a number on you, didn't (((they)))? That's ok. We can rebuild you - better, faster, stronger.
i dont see any other nation fighting back
Where is your politician that fights for you?
I dont see him
Fighting back against their own golems?
i live in maryland, we already have a bunch of fucking muslim politicians in power. never say that its over, but lad we have an incredible uphill battle ahead.
i'd say there's a 75% chance brainwashed liberal retards won't wake up in time and will basically burn this nation into the ground rather than admit multiculturalism was a mistake, but its that 25% chance we just might remove kebab, paco, and all the other filthy non-assimilating, non-whites that keeps me going.
also this.
>pic related
>fighting back
Fighting back what? you ARE the enabler of Jewry in the Middle East, you ARE the enabler of refugee crisis by taking parts on Middle Eastern conflicts because your kike master decided so.
You're not fighting back shit.