



Attached: hate.jpg (960x800, 316K)

You don't want to go too close to the commies, else they could accidentally show all the crimes against humanity that walk among them.

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to Manichean dualism...

wow I didn't know Jamie from mythbusters was a white supremacist.

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He’s a Nazi leatherdaddy.

Really makes u think

So the faggot who drew this lives in upsidedown land? Because that's pretty much the exact opposite of what the crowd looked like.

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All the men and women on the love side are actually women and men.

Is this a parody comic?

Yes you are right. I love my people and hate those who seek to destroy them and their liberty.

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Throwing bottles of piss means love

It's funny, because I'm very much inclined to believe that the opposite of the depicted situation is taking place. The media (including entertainment media, news media, and even social media) has taken to shining a spotlight on all the liberal freaks of the world that have no concept of social cohesiveness or economics. They show trannies, drag queens, soiboys, interracial couples, LGBT garbage, etc. The list goes on, but one thing is certain: These people that are so put on a pedestal are still but a fraction of the population. And it's this same group that is almost universally despised by anyone with common sense or reasonable thought. Sure, the majority of people you'll see on the roads are complete peons. They are Bethesda NPCs with no real lives, just existences. But those that have broken out of just existing and choose to live, they see this farce for what it is, and the days are numbered until these people decide that they've had enough of this sick clown world and choose to do something about it. Right now, there's a big push for self-improvement among these individuals, and if the time comes for war, they'll be ready, though I'm sure many would rather it not come to that.

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i saw the leftists with my own eyes.
lmao, hardly peaceful.
>die nazi scum
>it takes a bullet to stop republicans
>kill white people

It's so ridiculous I made a smuggie

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Heil Hortler

what world is this artist living in? it was literally the opposite. no-one was dressed like that except for the commies.



Acid attacks of love, trucks of peace, pedosexual is love.

"love" while antifa coves their faces and beats people over the head with bike locks and batons

"love" and the lying bias media that does 24/7 Trump hate propaganda

The spin is impressive.

Being proud to be white is "racist hate".

That’s the exact opposite of what happened.

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How fucking deluded are they
The camera is on Antifa wishing death on us 24/7

being a murderous commie is love.

and they are all white


I am motivated by love.

Love for my family, my lineage, my community, my people, my nation and its history.

This is why I support eugenics.

Everyone under 90 IQ should be sterilized.
As should
>violent criminals
>career criminals/multiple felons
>drug dealers
>corrupt politicians and government officials

Immigration and new citizenship should require a mandatory minimum 100 IQ.

Voting should require a 110 IQ minimum.
And those who are sterilized would be barred from all political activity, including voting, donating, working for a campaign/party/poltician and political advertising/super PAC etc.

I would also have this implemented world wide.

Repent from your sins while there's still time.

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didnt know that pedophiles can lectures us about love