When did you realize you're actually in hell, and the jews/niggers/muslims/fags are demons tormenting us?
When did you realize you're actually in hell, and the jews/niggers/muslims/fags are demons tormenting us?
its not too late to escape it. Kill yourself and see what happens.
We're in an infinite loop. Killing yourself is like putting a new quarter in the jukebox.
I actually believe in something like this. Earth is hell and we're all doomed, God gave us free will and we misuse it, falling to Satan's temptations. If you pay attention to the Bible, it says Lucifer was banished from the heavens after betraying God but it never mentions Hell, it just says Lucifer fell down. To Earth.
We're in a prison, its a cycle, ever wonder why our society is so similar to Roman society near the collapse of it all? One fucking day it'll all come tumbling down, and we'll have that reset. Empires will rise and then will fall.
you havent tried it yet. if you come back here again let me know k
hang yourself
Holy fuck dude.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
You know what that means, don't you?
I'll report back what I find it i kill myself before years end. Imagine having to relive your life over and over