Nucleus of the AltRight imploding due to Richard literally cucking Greg (allegedly).

According to the rumour, Conte returns to the hotel where he and Spencer were staying, only to discover his GF having a threesome with Richard, Richard's GF (not is wife Nina). Not sure how true this is, but it doesn't sound out of character. There were reports of this from a few different sources on Twitter long before the resignation was made public.

Greg was a loyal gifted asset to the altright and it looks like its been wasted. Fuck.

Resignation letter:

Discussion on Luke Fords stream:

Attached: file.png (867x657, 529K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>Writers and publishers for the last 10 years are ecelebs because I can find reference to them on the internet, from which they are being quickly deplatformed!

This is what redditfags actually believe.

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no place for cucks in the chad right

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>Whole alt right gets done in by the sexual deviance of its leadership

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of feds

>Greg was a loyal gifted asset to the altright and it looks like its been wasted. Fuck.

Yes, surely he's now joined antifa because richard spencer is an asshole.

>Self- publishers on the internet

Q - Zionist

Alex Jones - Zionist

Jerome Corsi - Zionist

Roger Stone - Zionist

PJW - Zionist

Posobiec - Zionist

Bannon - Zionist

Ben Shapiro - Zionist

Jordan Peterson - Zionist

Thomas Paine - Zionist

Sam Harris - Zionist

Spencer - Zionist

Mich Enoch - Zionist

Lauren Southern - Zionist

Faith Goldy - Zionist

Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist

Tommy Robinson - Zionist

Ann Coulter - Zionist

Molyneux - Zionist

Cernovich - Zionist

George Webb - Zionist

Jason Goodman - Zionist

Milo - Zionist

JF - Zionist

Andrew Anglin - Zionist

Weev - Zionst

Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist

Kyle Chapman - Zionist

Stephen Crowder - Zionist

David Duke - Zionist shill

Laura Loomer - Zionist

Patrick Little - Zionist

Gavin mccines - Zionist

>Highlighting "Conservatives" that are against free speech,

Conte getting cucked by Spencer was something a blind man could have seen coming a mile away.

>moarpheus forgets to turn off his LGBT flag



and i thought Spencer was gay...so whats the psyop story line here ey ?
Can´t get the story straight Schlomo ?


Richard Spencer is not CIA, just vain, arrogant and inept, but also intelligent to his credit.

CIA are the ones on this board calling everyone CIA / gay / Zionist to divide and conquer.

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>Nucleus of the AltRight
So, Jews?

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It certainly wouldn't shock me if it's true, but at the end of the day, I don't really care.
Spencer is interesting as an intellectual, but he's not a leader and shouldn't be seen as such.

>Richard Spencer is not CIA, just vain, arrogant and inept, but also intelligent to his credit.


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Richard needs to find a way sleep with Heimbach’s wife and mother-in-law to establish his hegemony over the right.

'Tis the season for cu'cking, tra la la la lala la la la.

So is there actually anything substantial backing that cucking story or is it just something someone made up to explain the resignation?

This whole country is C.I.A. by the definitions of some. "Everyone has a price!"

>the alt-kike imploded in less than a year

Dickless Dickie Spencer has to be one of the worst leaders of any movement ever, we gave these fucks a viable revolutionary movement and they squandered it all. Almost like it was done on purpose eh?

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the "source" is from the fucking irony bros, i shit you not


>muh dik
This whole thread, in fact:
>muh dik

I remember Beardsly, he isn't very truthful about things, most only humour. I would call him a parady bro before saying that he's an irony bro, but maybe that other name was already taken. Point being, it sounds like a joke more than anything, the only thing giving it credibility being the timing of the joke and the information on that tweet.

This. no one is going anywhere. figureheads will come and go until we find our fuhrer. obviously spencer is not that man.

No, these guys are actually important (somewhat).

Nobody really likes wops anyhow.

No, I watched the stream where they revealed this and they predicted that this would happen. You have to remember that his co-host was pretty deep in the AR and they have credible sources in AR circles, I think Conte resigning is not a coincidence. However, I do think that, or at least I hope, that it's not as pathetic as it was said to be in the stream.

The 'before he was famous' radio shows with Jonathan Bowden et al were pretty interesting desu

Shawn wasn't involved with dick. Shut up.

Shawn was in IE and he had a big podcast on TRS. Beardson was also buddy buddy with a lot of the AR guys pre 2017. Most people in the AR are in a transitional period and it wouldn't surprise me if they leaked this information as a "fuck you" to Spencer.

the madman

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Having said that the main fondness I have for him is via this. Good times.

Attached: check em.jpg (500x750, 134K)

The thing is that the rumor is older than this resignation.

Watch the naziboo's scream:

When have you last thought about the far-left commie killers, who murdered tens of millions in their countries during peacetime? Those so-called “worker’s paradises” were turned into prisons, with borders closed against people from escaping and getting out. An Iron Curtain. 1Sec Stalin and Chairman Mao are infamous for their high body counts, as I already mentioned, in the several tens of millions.

The ideas of the far-left are so bad that when they are put into practice, everyone tries to leave because their lives are under threat. However, today there are some people who march in the streets with hammer-and-sickle symbols, which represent these terror states of the 20th Century, like the Soviet Union. When will politicians denounce and disavow the far-left imagery? After all, killing on the scale of several tens of millions is something that must never happen again, the political activity which took place under the hammer-and-sickle.

>pretty deep in the AR
Ya he was a faggot that got kicked out of everywhere lmfao.

The funniest thing about all of this is that the "altright" never existed, so even if they get rid of all these talking heads it does not matter.

>Everyone is CIA
>Everyone is Jews
>Everyone is controlled opposition
>Everyone is a shill
>Everyone is JIDF
>Everything is a psyop
>Everything is a false flag
Remember, that no one and no thing actually exist. Everything that ever happens ever, is the result of an operation.

Yeah, and Spencer is a sexual deviant that routinely gets BTFO by lawyers and jewish activists.

How would one go about becoming a figurehead

>literally (allegedly)

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good thing in the long run. he found out his girl was a piece of shit and he's ten times the guy Spencer is so he'll actually be effective when he starts doing stuff without the colossal retard that is richard spencer

That's a hoax, like the holocaust. Communists didn't kill anyone.

Remember this every time you see the term "e-celeb".

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Start a YouTube channel, get a Twitter, join small political streams and have something to say, then keep climbing. Also, join an organization (like NPI, IE) if you don't care about getting doxed.

I've tried starting a youtube channel before for unrelated subjects, nobody ever follows me. This is where my wheels begin spinning in the mud

>intelligent to his credit
Not really. As a "thinker" all he's ever done is just paraphrase entry level Nietzsche. He's like a bright teenager who never really progressed beyond that.

Why would you watch Luke Ford? He's a subversive pseudo jew

You just need to be constant and see what works. Eventually you'll find an opportunity

KMG is literally the best guy around.
He single-handedly redeems the entirety of Canada.

Attached: Grugper.jpg (400x400, 42K)

This, what a bunch of fucking disgusting CIA niggers degenerates

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Post one of your videos to see if it's good.

He's read a few books at least. That's more than you can say for most of the alt-right or 99% of this board.
I think he could beat some pop intellectual like Sam Harris in a debate (sounds gay, but just saying).

>Nucleus of the AltRight imploding due to Richard literally cucking Greg (allegedly).

This is literal fake news started by "irony bros".

Are you smart? Do you have something interesting/original to say? Are you well read? Do you have a nice voice? Are you handsome? This all things you have to ask yourself. There clearly is room for political pundits and philosophers, especially now that the 2020 election is right around the corner. If you feel well versed, I ask to join small political streams and see how you do. If you do good, people will go to your channel. It's that simple. Or you could join an e-celeb discord and become their friend. That usually works too.

"Trump isn't the bad thing. He's your last chance before the bad thing."
The sorry truth is most of these people weren't here before Trump, they didn't stew here in the absolute horror that was the current year. Didn't marinade in the thoughtful, eloquent dissertations posted here, that were a regular occurrence between the ordinary oceans of piss.
To them, it was the end of their golden age. They simply can't comprehend all their efforts and seething hatred for 'good' are what make us this way to begin with.
>Let's make sure they have no reprieve and nowhere to hide!
It's a risky strategy let's see how it will pan out.

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If only Bowden were alive today.

>He's read a few books at least. That's more than you can say for most of the alt-right or 99% of this board.
One of the biggest weaknesses of the movement. Even when we don't read anything, we could BTFO leftists in debates, to the point where they refuse to debate people on the dissident right and instead aim to deplatform. Now imagine if we all just read a couple of books and took studying philosophy seriously. We could create something viable. A movement of smart, well read, reactionary men is (((their))) fear because we possess the truth.

>Inb4 who's Bowden

and there all true. Sage

Post a video, nigga.

>Getting into politics to fuck women because you seem popular and a leader.

Wow this is so unusual.

I would never allow my GF to do politics with me. Politics is full of men who wouldn't mind pussy but also of the kind of men that make vaginas tingle - charismatic leader type, with money and good looks. They are ambitious and know how to take advantage of their position, but first and foremost women themselves just want to jump on some (even seemingly) alpha cock, even if they don't have any real power like Spencer, who is basically a racist liberal and is in it for the thrill, money and pussy.

Never trust women. Never take your women to meet your boss/leader/superior etc. Keep therm home, do politics yourself and make it known that cheating on you would be incredibly painful.

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>alt right

oh gee another dying figure of the long dead alt-right is destroyed by literal cucking. god this hollow shell of a joke could only get better by mike enoch blowing his brains on live tds.

April Wine - Enough Is Enough (Official Music Video)


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Weev is the only thing giving these rumors credibility. He came on the weekly sweat drunk af and saying Richard was cucking Greg and stealing money from him and all kinds of shit.

Weev is the man. I wouldn't believe it if not for him. He hates Spencer's guts.

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Spencer is a follower of estoeric Heimbachism. XD

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What about based Bill Whittle?

>implying richard spencer or any of the Unite the LARP is right-wing

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>Patrick Little
Go be a jew somewhere else.

I wonder why they fired the only alt-right element that wasn't jewish friendly.... Meanwhile Spencer has been sucking israel's cock left and right. I can't wait for the video with Sacha Baron Cohen's dick in his mouth, and maybe in his ass too

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are you the same faggy leaf who spams varg-related threads with ">eceleb"?

where are pics of his gf????

>Spencer has been sucking israel's cock left and right
not true

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fake news and jewish streamer
fuck off lmao

>spencer is a gay!
LOL at you fags, he is cucking guys left and right, a real ALPHA.

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None of these idiots display any sort of leadership or charisma. Sometimes you have to go through a few iterations before some decent leadership rises to the top.


Oh cut the shit you retarded shill.

>luke ford
hes a fucking jew loving retard

The chad Dick vs the virgin Greg

>Luke Ford
who listen to these überhomos seriously? Boomers, autistic kids?

>he's gay!
>no wait. he fucks other peoples gf/wives!
the absolute state of the left
what are they gonna say next?

>nucleus of the alt-right
>a made-up group with made-up followers
>with sudden e-celebs appearing as the "heads of the alt-right"
this is directly out of the communist manifesto

Okay going to check Luke's stream, I'm skeptical but honestly wouldn't be shocked if Spencer was a degenerate.

he's using it as a precedent, if you can't understand the dynamics of this you are fucking retarded

nah, I like RiCHAD Spencer, he gets too much flak here from spergsoc retards.

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Do people still watch these streams?

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Is that why 8gag/dildomarch/trumpniggers hate him so much? Because he swims in pussy? Fuck it must be so demoralizing.

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This, he’s controlled opposition

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>glorifying cheating
Gtfo you degenerate

>believing Spencer isn't an actual homosexual

ah I guess they deleted the video,
lukeford.net/blog/?p=122717 here is a summary of it I found