>Jow Forums recommends me to do Nofap
>search up nofap
>find pic related

yeah no ty

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Other urls found in this thread:


Lmao white bois just can’t stop acknolweding black supremacy, they know it deep down and try to rationalize in the silliest ways

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imagine being a fucking jewish kike
press S to spit in the oven.

Pretty sure you're thinking of weed, user.


i mean sure, if a majority of your country is niggers then obviously it would seem like they mostly do everything, right and wrong. i dont know why im replying to a reddit post in an obvious troll thread, but there you go.

im a sucker for history films


>posts leddit faggotry
You can also kys OP.

what is 'pmo'.




NoFap has nothing to do with "no masturbation". It's about masturbating to pornography.


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What the fuck

Attached: Forgiveness Stops.jpg (369x496, 20K)

this has to be troll

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>black men dont watch porn
>black men are confident

>white men watch porn
>white men aren't confident

I see a pattern forming

Attached: it was us all along.jpg (236x282, 8K)

This perfect. Will try this method asap.

Tried it, but failed after 3-4 months. After several tries.

>Jow Forums told me to do something so I went to r/NoFap to confirm and I saw this based nigger post that I wanted to upboat and share with Jow Forums xD


This cuck has been watching too much nigger cock porn.


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What’s up with libtard sites telling me what to believe in in the title.

>Yes it’s a big deal.

No it isn’t retard, migrants and the race war are a big deal, niggers in a BBC movie are part and parcel.

Sperm only lives for 4 days. Without fapping your balls get full of senile dying kids which lowers your fertility and causes high stress to your entire body shortening your lifespan.

>waiting until you're 60 and you're past the age of hard bodies
>waiting until you're 60 and all you get now are handjobs with disgusted faces from women
aaah *sniff*, the fresh smell of stupid people

Based and redpilled.

>The black guys in the interracial porn I watch never seem to have the problems I have
Is basically what the post boiled down to

really shows how emasculated an average huwhite male has become

>Overuse of porn cause by objectification of women
>Objectification of of women is a problem
Already knew this guy was a fag three sentances in.

Really, dis nigga week

>lurking reddit
Get the fuck outta here

nah yesterday on pol we reached consensus that redheads are actually the supreme race

I dont think this has anything to do with fap/nofap or being black or white.
Some people are loud and obnoxious an others arent. The most "confident" people are those with NOTHING to offer. No skills, no spiritual development, no class nothing. If you can think and evaluate and assess, you are more likey to appear "unconfident".
Remember the most confident person you've ever known? He was an asshole right? You were like "how the fuck does this wanker not realize he's acting like a total fucking wanker?"

The truth is those with zero intelligence have all the confidence and those with much intelligence have little confidence.

Attached: Bukowski.jpg (500x707, 41K)

Thanks doc.

>relapsing at all with this method

Attached: worried kraut.jpg (902x964, 178K)

>those with zero intelligence have all the confidence and those with much intelligence have little confidence
Clearly you never met anyone smart and handsome

Please speak more about this subject my brother.

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I am someone smart and handsome.
Perhaps you are the "zero intelligence" type?

i've noticed stupid people tend to be less depressed.

reads like a Jow Forums post desu

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Lol. Holy shit!

Reads like a Jow Forums post

>objectification of woman is a problem
Wanna know how I know your a neckbeard virgin and always will be?

Attached: crow of judgement.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>black males are confident
>they don't jerk off

>white men use reddit
>zero confidence

I found a causation... someone tell scientists

that nigger is gay as fuck.

in college the black dude across the hall used to watch japanese porn all the time. Shit happens. Niggers beat their meat too.

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Yeah, but niggers would fuck goats. I'd rather not. They would also fuck extreme fat white women. If you have absolutely no standards and would fuck everything that has a heart beat you don't need to masturbate.

what is pmo

I think Porn-Masturbate-Orgasm

Did they cum inside each other? Also they should have gave each other brojobs. It would've been hotter

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>that bigger is gay as fuck
So are you shitbrain so are you

i am very sorry to ask but what means PMO?

thanks. i'm too slow

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Wish I had a bro to try this method with.

i rather chop my dick off then fuck another man or never EVER fap again untill the sun explodes at least it cured their addiction ugghh

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Anybody who has ever been on the nofap forums knows that's it's the world's biggest cauldron of angsty teens, lost old men, confused sissy-hypno addicts, confused pajeets, etc etc... in addition to the occasional razor-sharp boomer, and spiritual guru.

The most ridiculous, and outlandish posts pop up continually and endlessly. This is like taking a cringy post out of /b and attributing it to the entire Jow Forums community.

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>the bottom to pretend that he is either pegged by fem or fucked by trans
why do they think this is good?

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Thanks redditors

momma locked me in a chastity cage to keep me on that nofap till i found a thot to lay.

/ b is the entire Jow Forums community.
Everything they do reflects badly on you

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Audibly kek'd

This probably isn't even satire

you are fucking R E T A R D E D if you think black dudes don't watch porn and jack off all the time like anybody else lol
Multiple tyleeches at work just float around with no energy and a thousand yard stare that says "I jacked off to cuckold porn thinking of myself as the bull this morning"

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Raced and Bedpilled

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Thanks for the audible kek


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>Stopped watching porn
>Started buttfucking each other in the missionary position
I hate humans

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He's kind of right though. Masturbating is a shameful act for a reason. Just because Jewish media tells you masturbation is cool and hip and "normal" doesn't suddenly make it a good thing.

For fuck's sake, it's a fucking sin, and it's not a sin because evil Christians hate people having fun.

But I don't give a fuck really. Jerk it up boys. Jerk it every day. It's natural. It's da natural herb mon, it come from da earth. IT CURES CANCER BRO.

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It's only gay if the balls touch.

There must be some truth to it when this statement receives divine blessings.

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>Falling for obvious bait then reposting it here.

I don't have to worry about that. I don't have any friends.

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To be honest knowing how hard it is to stop jerking off I believe that this storie is true

I miss Keri Sable. She was perfect. Wonder what happened to her.

Tell me about a scene of her you really appreaciated

What is this meme?

No male in southern europe is scared of girls and the few blacks that there are here are getting routinely beaten whenever they get upitty.
They are timid as fuck when they approach you to sell you their shitty hakuna-matatas.

The problem lies with american men and their 300ng/dL testosterone levels. You fucking cucks.

It's been proven again and again that nofap does nothing for your testosterone levels. You intellectually bankrupt effeminate imbeciles.

Can't remember much now. I've stopped watching porn years ago. If I remember correctly she was in a dim lit room and strange old world couches she was bent over and flipped upside down.

What did you like about her then what other girls couldn't offer?

Jerking off was always considered fucking pathetic until the internet came along, now you young faggots act like it's a badge of honor

t. 36yr old boomer

She didn't fall for the plastic surgery meme and ruin her body. She was natural and seemed like someone I could actually get with in real life. And as to my knowledge she never did anal which I find disgusting.

Hello fellow oldfag.

Black guys are more confident because they are delusional and because society doesn't shit on them all the time.

They are more confident because they have substantially lower IQ. Period.

PMO and fapping in general is a plague on all races. Why not fight together and stop it? We must get porn banned from the internet

semen retention is legit but the nofap community is cancer. they literally have to get a support group to abstain.
I just stopped jacking off/fucking thots because if you cum too much your hairline recedes.
bonus effect for me is more outgoing and confident. best effect is better hair growth.

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There's a strong correlation between suicide rates and IQ. It's why suicides are rare in the nigger community. They're stupid. The higher the IQ, the more likely you're burdened by the weight of the world on your shoulders.

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Fucking cringe.

Does lost hair return?

It's easy to be confident when you lack the intelligence needed to be aware of yourself

Reminder the average Kenyan child can't even recognize his own reflection till age 6

Literally dumber than many animals