How does one explain the rather sudden increase in the social acceptance of homosexuality at every level of society during the last decade or so in the developed world in general and the US in particular?
In the '70s, the overwhelming majority of Americans found homosexuality to be abhorrent and about half flat out supported its criminalization — and this trend only started to truly reverse in the '90s. A liberal politician like Hillary Clinton remained opposed to the legalization of same-sex marriage up until the early 2000s, which contrasts with her enthusiastic (if shallow) embrace of LGBT rights around the run-up to the last presidential election, when gay pride took off.
Hard Mode: no, it's not the Jews turning kids gay with mind-control waves broadcast through the TV.
In the western world. Homosexuality is a non-issue in East Asia (though the Americanized as fuck Taiwanese and Koreans try to make it so) while I doubt Middle Easterners accepted it at fucking all (despite the hypocritical homolust fetishes of ass-backwards Gulfie Arabs).
Jordan Ramirez
A concerted effort by the gay population to firstly demonstrate that a fairly large portion if the population is gay and that these people are otherwise no different from straight people.
Also the diminishing importance of religion
Nicholas Torres
> in the developed world in general and the US in particular
Ayden Thomas
Some of the places I mentioned is pretty developed. Japan is pretty developed and it remains a non-issue.
East Asians historically viewed Homosexuality as a sexual fetish, and like any sexual fetish, only bad when you develop an addiction to it. They frankly couldn't understand the idea that it is a gender identity and so there's an utter disconnect between many East Asians towards western LGBTQRSTUV
Jose Green
Increasing horizontality of Western areligious morality combined with public concerns about overpopulation. >there are too many people >why be concerned that your genes aren't the ones passing on if we're all equal Not that I agree with this thinking.
Elijah Baker
A large uptick in portrayals, fictional and real, of homosexuals in pop media. An initial increase resulted in more acceptance, which resulted in yet more portrayal, and then more acceptance, and so forth.
It stops being gross and foreign if you can actually see it and the lack of satanic rituals involved in it.
And, yes, mind beams.
Colton Flores
And how does gays being allowed to marry compute into the Jewish plan for world domination?
Carter Gray
> They frankly couldn't understand the idea that it is a gender identity Homosexuality isn't a gender identity, it's a sexual orientation.
Levi Jenkins
Thats not what westerners are saying, tho.
Jeremiah Nguyen
Really? If someone views themselves as a man, but want to have sex with men, that's a gender identity?.. even if they think their gender is "man?" What does sexual orientation mean in that case?
Sebastian Rogers
Go ask some Jews.
Oliver Cox
I'm sure you're expert on the subject. Come on, don't be modest.
Kevin Martinez
Because the left wing decided it would be the "new civil rights movement" and give them victory over the forces of Bush.
They did succeed in turning an extra 2-5% of the electorate into reliable Democrat voters, so that's a mild win.
William Hernandez
>while I doubt Middle Easterners accepted it at fucking all The pre-modern Middle East was rife with pederasty.
Elijah Edwards
That's not what words mean, user.
Gender orientation and sexual orientation are different things.
Hence the names.
I think he's trying to make a joke about identity politics
Christopher Anderson
Weird how you can attract the loyalty of a group just by giving them rights!
Hudson Nguyen
I'm starting to think that it's contagious.
Aiden Parker
I honestly think a huge part of it was the mass adoption of the internet, and exposure to online porn in particular. Whether due to curiosity or just getting prank links, your average perv would've been exposed to gay sex multiple times, and repeated viewings inevitably take the shock out of anything.
Japan is pretty "developed", yet they illegalized CP only a few years ago.
Jordan Rodriguez
In order to... what? Be dicks about stuff eternally? What's da joos' end goal?
Henry Fisher
White people deformed and drove to suicide Alan Turing for loving another man in the privacy of his life you pieces of shit had no fucking business with, even though Alan Turing gave you shit-filled people the computer you use to spread you hate propaganda from. White people should be branded like cattle and burden alive as retribution for their crimes against people like Turing.
Wyatt Hall
> That pic Someone has unresolved issues. > sterilize and pacify the population How exactly can you "sterilize" a segment of the population that feels no romantic or sexual attraction to the opposite sex in the first place? And how would that "pacify" anyone anyway?
Owen Williams
God, that picture is cringy.
Evan Howard
modern males are extremely sensitive to social embarrassment, yes.
Asher Garcia
Realisation that two men can love each other.. Homosexuality isn't just about sex, it's about love. Obviously reactionaries spread all sorts of moronic propaganda involving Jews and ThE dEcLiNe Of ThE wEsT but thankfully most thinking people ignore it.
Julian Nguyen
Everyone is "extremely sensitive to social embarrassment", always have been. Why do you think homosexuals stayed in the closet for so long?
Leo Miller
Newer generations finding the old generation retarded. This isn't brain science.
Elijah Gray
Remember that adcounicil propaganda (I’m not using that term in a derogatory but a literal manner)
Where the kid said “that’s gay” in a checkout line and the girl scolded him in front of people? It started there. Also Will and Grace
Liam Lopez
Sticking your dick in a man’s shithole isn’t love
Connor Bennett
coochies are gross
Kayden Long
No, but holding another man in your tender embrace while staring lovingly into his eyes is.
Connor Rivera
This thread is retarded but I have an opinion on this at least:
I'm skeptical of love altogether, I don't believe in some permanent romantic attachment to another human being, I think there is friendship and there is sexual attraction, and what people describe as love is usually finding a partner who is also their friend. But I'm not big into believing there's a mysterious eternal bonding force between people.
Luis Davis
massive media campaigns massive corporate backing massive backing from celebs and other trend setters fanatical cult like organizations pushing their agenda and most importantly well organized attacks on any one that speaks out against it
what they did was in effect create a environment and situation akin to war time propaganda
>I've never been in love, as such I'm sceptical towards it This is /x/ levels of conspiracy thinking
Brody Roberts
Turing was white though
Ayden Thomas
>reps give blacks rights >blacks vote dems because dems give them gibs
Isaiah Phillips
I think it's a permanently natural and healthy suspicion. I've had multiple relationships and I'm far from a sociopath, they've had admirable qualities and I'm friends with many to this day, but I didn't feel an irrational "need" for them, a magical bonding force at all.
So I'm skeptical others do, nothing wrong with that.
Nathan Nelson
Sounds gay
Mason Smith
> massive media campaigns > massive corporate backing > massive backing from celebs and other trend setters Shit like rainbow-colored corporate PR and symbolic celebrity endorsement only happened very recently, when it became socially safe to do so. Do you seriously believe the Coca-Cola company or reality TV stars to take a stand for anything?
Dominic Jones
> The Democrats and Republicans have been the exact same parties as they were back in the late 19th century Literally boomer shitposting on Facebook tier.
Charles James
Concerted effort by the media to normalize it.
Diminishing importance of religion.
Triumph of the liberal conception of love (something done out of passionate affection instead as something to procreate) and individualism.
Jaxson Lewis
The developed world has simply become rich enough to afford itself tolerating people who are genetically deficient. It used to be that having children was most people's only pension plan and even for the upper class it was important to continue their lineage. In those societies people would obviously not take kindly to any freak of nature who wants to center his life around sexual deviancy rather than be responsible, create offspring and keep both his own blood and society at large going for another generation. This has only changed recently. People can now stay childless and still not starve when they reach the age at which they become incapable of being productive, because the massive surplus wealth created by the modern western economy lets us feed a whole bunch of genetic dead ends who would've been fucked just a hundred years earlier.
The whole process was a bit slower than you make it seem, however. The groundwork was laid by radically individualistic lifestyles gaining acceptance, again because our societies became able to afford this when they previously could not. It took a few decades before faggots and dykes finally got their acceptance as well during the 90's, riding on the coattails of a culture which no longer condems anyone for failing to settle down and found a family. And before you even start, the parody of marriage called "gay marriage" is not about settling down and taking responsibility. It's all about getting that sweet validation for your deviant lifestyle plus getting tax benefits for sticking your dick into a man's ass. Sounds like a shameless waste of taxpayer money? It is, but remember, the West can afford this waste and it does. At least for now.
Aaron Wood
> Diminishing importance of religion. Belgium is an historically Catholic country, and it was one the first to legalize same-sex marriage (in 2003) with little to no controversy surrounding the change. France is the bastion of secularism, and same-sex marriage was not legalized until a full decade later (in 2013) when it was met with mass protests.
Justin Roberts
One thing is a person to self-identify as Catholic, another is to effectively practice the religion. What you are saying does not preclude the possibility of Belgium being mostly cafeteria Catholics and the minority of practicing Catholics in France having political strength.
Lucas Phillips
> you have a duty to produce offspring no
Parker Bailey
>daddy state should steal the proceeds of labor from other people's children and give them to me when I'm old no
Wyatt Green
The general theme is the atomization of society. Capitalism produces so much wealth that the individual is less and less reliant on the community. If the stakes are higher the community can and will enforce harsh penalties for deviant behaviour. So we might think that biblical people were barbaric for stoning adulters and such but consider the consequences. If a woman left her family it either meant that her children would starve or that the community with hardly any surplus resources had to take over the expenses. It is a far greater offense than today where the state will provide at least the material necessities. In the case of homosexuality the original pressure came from the continuity of the polis. Everyone had to have children so the community could survive constant warfare. Individuals had to have children so they had support in disability and old age. All these pressures created the moral code which enforced heterosexuality. That's true even for Greece and Rome. People could engage in the behaviour but they still had to marry and produce offspring.
I think the reason this changed so quickly is that the necessitiy of heterosexuality has diminished so the opposition to this was a lot weaker than people thought. They might not like it aesthetically or whatever but that doesn't mean that they will go out in their millions and change voting behaviour and such just because of this issue.
In general I consider this short-sighted and an experiment on a vast scale. Society still relies on reproduction it's just that the mechanisms to signal, reward and enforce this need have collapsed.
Nicholas Parker
The Jews.
Connor Rogers
This is the only non meme response ITT
Juan Lewis
> implying people who have children don't also get old age pension
Matthew Smith
Literally tell this to any functioning member of society and you will be immediately shunned and branded as immature. Not continuing the circle of life has always been taboo no matter what lies or bubble you imagine yourself to be in.
Cooper Bennett
Tell it to any functioning member of society and you'll be the one getting shunned for being a hateful sperg demanding that people follow your rules
Should couples who can't produce offspring due to fertility issues be annulled? Should people who can't reproduce due to health reasons be jailed or executed?
And genes get passed down through nieces, nephews, and cousins as well, if a gay person supports their reproducing siblings, they are technically perpetuating the cycle of life and fit the criteria that you are establishing.