Why do people even believe the whole refugee shit?

At this point, I've seen about 9+ different videos of supposed "refugees" showing up in droves to swarm beautiful beaches. Nearly every single "refugee " is an able bodied Male.
Why the fuck do countries and governments keep allowing them? For shits sake, why do the citizens and local residents allow it for that matter? Pic related

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>Jow Forums: I am the refugee now

Oye, yew bettah been thaat knoife yew buggah, absahlewtly knoives ahhnt pahmitted heah

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It's because deep down EVERYONE knows that blacks are idiots that can't take care of themselves, so "we've got to do somthing" kicks in.
The correct answer of leaving them where they're at because their culture is incompatible with freedom is deemed racist because they know that they will never help themselves. So they're willing to create chaos for everyone just so worthless niggers will stay alive, 'cause they really matter, man. Every person is equally worthwhile!--they will scream as they're "diversified".

Yes it is odd. I've never seen so many doctors, lawyers and scientists walking around in one place.

Which is funny, since their usual situation is pretty high functioning.
They're coming in droves to take advantage of free stuff (And why wouldn't they?) that they get just for claiming to be a refugee (Which is at absolute worst, a minor hit to pride, and usually not even that). They show up, live for free, and either coast indefinitely or send enough money home to live like a king for the next 5 decades once they decide to leave.

>ruining their nations is high functioning

Are you feeling well, user? Have a fever?

>being a leech is high functioning

Well, we are on Jow Forums.

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Ruining other people's nations that they don't care about.
And it is high functioning. It's cunning and clearly effective, since they get to live for free on other people's dimes and strike it rich once they go back to Syria. It hasn't bit them in the ass and probably never will. That is highly functional and more planning than a low functioning person could make.

No one supports it, any social media support you see is fake designed to cover up the fact that the governments are acting 100% against the wishes of their electorates. If people realized that they were part of the overwhelming majority the governments would be overthrown. As it is they get to hang on a bit longer

I think your skin is dark and you stink. They ruined their own countries and then instead of fixing them, they want to ruin ours too.

Countries don't factor into their situation.
It's exactly the same as the illegal mexicans who make normal amounts of money in the US and then go back to Mexico where that small amount of money goes a looooong way.
In the EU, what a refugee makes in a day is more than they'd make in a week back home, and they don't really pay any bills or even have to buy essentials like food. They make a relative ton of money and then go home rich, compared to their peers who remained.

No, it's not the same. Jews don't spend tons of money to fly sandniggers here. Mexicans are a huge problem, but they aren't muslims at least.

*whoops, rather, Jews do not spend tons of money to fly MEXICANS here as they do sandniggers.

The only people who are in favor of these scum are those who are uninformed and haven't met any themselves.

It's the same situation for the guys on the ground. That's why it's all young men and not their families. They're "refugees" who were never in real danger, and are simply taking advantage of a system that allows them to collect a fortune, on other people's dime. They show up, make as much money as they want, and then leave. How they got there doesn't matter to them so much as the fact that they get to go there for free.

This, normies don't do any research and all the information they get is from passing glances at the news outlets (which parade refugees around as saints).

That's racist af and not true at all
Most black want to work and live a normal live.
A few IQ points of difference don't really matter

This must be "No Fucking Shit Day".

>That's racist af
Yes, so what?

>Most black want to work and live a normal live
Hahahaha..no. Most blacks want to get free stuff and antagonize whites in order to laze around all day and night.

>A few IQ points of difference don't really matter
Sure they don't. Nog detected.

>this is what mapleniggers actually believe

Well, some people didn't seem to understand how taking advantage of the system wasn't a show of cunning.
If you could go somewhere else that you admittedly don't give a shit about, make dozens of times more money than you do now without worrying about housing or food or literally any expense, and then come back, would you? Most people would, especially if their starting situation is very poor.

I've spoken with a few xenophilic idiots who work with refugees and the faith they have in the system's standards for evidence is fucking absurd. Just ask them what they do if someone show's up claiming to be fleeing from a criminal gang and you'll see how willing they are to accept the vaguest shit.

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>Yes, so what?
There is no reason to hate someone simply because they have chocolate skin

>Hahahaha..no. Most blacks want to get free stuff and antagonize whites in order to laze around all day and night.
Not in my experience, but here blacks don't have the slave culture from USA so they can never play that card.

>Sure they don't. Nog detected.
Still whiter than you

>There is no reason to hate someone simply because they have chocolate skin
I agree wholeheartedly, Leafy, which is why their accompanying behavior is what seals it.

>Not in my experience, but here blacks don't have the slave culture from USA so they can never play that card
Lucky you.

>still whiter than you
Not. A. Chance. You may read about my ancestors in the history books; you've probably seen many pictures of my direct ancestors; hint, Germanic Royalty. I am so happy with my genetics, lemme tell ya.

>Not. A. Chance. You may read about my ancestors in the history books; you've probably seen many pictures of my direct ancestors; hint, Germanic Royalty. I am so happy with my genetics, lemme tell ya.

Literally we wuz kings and shiet

I'm still whiter than you

Technically I am royalty, user. And no, you're a mutt in a cucked land. You make America look like America from the '50s this present day.


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Yep, had a liberalish cunt friend she was/ is exactly the same. They will fucking cut right through any red tape they come across for these man children Muslim fucks.
The big question is why do the locals allow these shitheads in, and once in, why do they allow them to dictate to the actual local citizens what is ok and not ok?

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Ok lol

It's funny 'cause it's true. :) Gott mit uns.

>what is the end result of polygamy

>There is no reason to hate someone simply because they have chocolate skin
>Still whiter than you

shill detected

What are you talking about? Where do you come up with this shit lol?

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liveleak.com/view?t=dcc_1433086112 this is what u do to niggers and other shitskins

Okay Mr Schlomo Shekelstienburgmankravitshorrowitzkowski

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it really pisses me off when people try to meme using a well known meme but they don't understand the format

it's "LOOK AT ME / I'M THE [X] NOW"

the people who try to meme with shit-tier memes like this must be either 12 or 42 because they just don't understand how it fucking works