Omarosa is living proof that niggers are genetically retarded...

Omarosa is living proof that niggers are genetically retarded. She believes that releasing a tape with Trump calling niggers niggers would get their supporters to dislike him.

She is a retarded mongrel. That will only add support for his base. He knows that niggers are lower than subhuman. That's why and the rest support him.

Attached: Omarosa-Manigault-White-House-meetings-ban-.jpg (940x545, 51K)

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Dude, everybody hates her already. No need to bring race into it.

What the fuck is an omarosa? It sounds like an alcoholic breakfast drink

This assumes that thing is subhuman let alone human. Kys

i bet you feel pretty stupid knowing that 180k of your tax dollars went into her pocket

There is no tape, she's trying to sell a book. A book that mentions nothing about a tape.

Hilarious part is that she literally is just perpetuating the stereotype that black people are boorish?

There is no tape. If it existed it would have been playing on CNN/MSNBC on a loop since yesterday

High quality shitpost

>yfw niggertape comes out and Trump GAINS support

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The Mueller investigation is estimated to be closing in on 21 million dollars, so I think we got off cheap on this ape.

It would have been playing since the 2016 elections.

>He knows that niggers are lower than subhuman.

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Does not matter faggot. Even if it did exist it would only gain support.

>releasing a tape with Trump calling niggers niggers would get their supporters to dislike him.
Obviously you're genetically retarded too.
This fucking fiasco isn't to turn his base it's to fuel the people who hate him already or middle road buttfuckers. All claims of Trump being racist are either he said mean things about spics or that black tenant case which wasn't him directly but that's the narrative.

>That would just make him more popular!
Among fringe nobodies who have never been relevant to anything, ever.

If this were true, which it's not, it would be enough to ruin the rest of his administration, hands down. But the fact is that she entered a NDA over the substance, mere months before a massive midterm, spells out exactly what this is: A facade.

Does anyone else like that Trump is getting fucked over this? I was so pissed he brought her back in appreciate season 1.

No, I don't like it. I hate political drama, especially when it's only meant to stir the pot. He went out on a limb and tried to hire someone he thought he could trust, despite her having zero experience. Gave her numerous chances, literally gave her all the relevancy she has, and she uses that platform to fuel a one-hit-wonder book that will fade out faster than Michael Wolff's. She'll be another MSNBC contributor in no time, just wait.

No it won't ruin it you motherfucking retard. Go put a bullet in your head

Just from watching "The Apprentice" I would have stayed as far away as I could from this woman. She always came off like a vindictive, conniving backstabber.

But, reality shows aren't reality. It was probably scripted, at least to some degree.

This brings me to the possibility that Omarosa is a distraction cooked up by the Trump team. If she dangles a new tape every few weeks, the media is totally distracted from anything else going on.

Is she exactly like her reality show persona? Or still playing a part?

>chimping identitarian foams at the mouth
Imagine thinking that would get me to illicit an emotional response. Sad, but predictable.

Trump is a cuck for giving her a job.

Just imagine if Omarosa is actually working for Trump dangling this in front of the media on purpose and Trump fans the flames. Later on, it all comes out and Trump straight up admits that Omarosa was working with him to troll the media and just straight up insults them and calls them retarded on live TV. Then he does again with some other fake story. Once he's done this enough times, they will be so paranoid that any time somebody goes to the media with some dirt on Trump will get attacked by the media as working for Trump to discredit them.

If anyone really was recording items in the situation room, they would have tossed into a black van and transported to a black site and learn about how water works when you are strapped down. They would need to know EVERYTHING she had recorded for national security.

And you're a fucking faggot. Literally kill yourself

>Trump is a cuck for giving her a job.

B-b-but Fanny Donny said he only hired the best!

I think you’re giving her too much credit saying she thinks this would hurt his voting base.
It’s a lot more simple. “I was fired. Tell people he said nigger and they’re all racist. Maybe this help my book sales too?”

Not an argument MAGApede

Hmmmmmmmm. Notice the necklace she's wearing. What symbol does that look like to you?

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Trump is THE prime example of boorishness lmao


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I wonder....

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Even jimmy kimmel came out and said something is wrong with her

>nig tape comes out
>redpills millions
>niggers get re-enslaved
>Omarosa whipped on the town square
>Obama will become the house nigger of the White House

Honestly he should just shut them all down. Arrest the journalists and help save this nation from their kike lies.

What tape?

Trump helped her become a millionaire right?

>House nigger
Animals belong outside not inside

>She is a retarded mongrel
i dont think she realizes that what she did is like dropping a match in a forest. you cant just throw something like that out there without having some proof. she will be ruined as a public figure if she does not provide some evidence of her accusations. if she thinks she is helping blacks by playing the race card without anything to back it up, she will achieve the exact opposite if it comes to light there is no smoking gun.

she's been caught stretching the truth before and she just released a book, so my guess is that this is a PR stunt to sell books, but, if that is the case, she went too far.

btw, i hate trump, and i'm hoping she's not lying. but if she's lying i hope her career as a celebrity is ruined.

These sound like the ramblings of a schizophrenic.

>Without proof
She attacked the president. I dont care if she has or doesn't have proof.

this thread is a psy-op to get you fools to defend him in the case he actually did say nigger on this so-called tape.

show me the money, op.

>She is not a nigger
She is a nigger. If he said it so what? Who fucking cares?

After all if he did he be correct.

She sounds like such a retard. What fucking subhuman moron hired her in the first place?

>What symbol does that look like to you?
idk... hearts?
what does it look like to you?

Drumpf’s base is hopelessly retarded. There’s no helping that but if tapes ever come out of him saying the n word it would further damage his legacy.

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They don't have shit, If she did CNN would be gleefully spamming the airwaves with it.

>She is a nigger. If he said it so what? Who fucking cares?
The whole nation isn't Jow Forums knuckle dragger.

Ah yes shill, you want us to agree with you that Trump is racist?

I will not.

Trump is not racist, and neither are 99% of his followers.

We are patriots from all races, and we're going to take power back and defeat your evil cabal.



This right here. Omarosa has a book to sell, and she knows her audiences. She isn't smart, but she does have that conniving and manipulation thing down pat.

Kikes did

Patriots who worship another country? how does that work. I remember we called those patriots traitors

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nah, black support for Trump has climbed into the 30% range, democrats can't win unless they have the black vote locked down. that's all that this is about.

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>implying we need a psy-op to defend him for saying nigger

do you even know where you are, reddit?


Not the whole nation are a bunch of white hating libfags

you're thinking of mimosa lol

wake the fuck up faggots
what was in humas hand with clinton around remember when they were walkin around?

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white respecting progessivefags (only if I get respect in kind) here, thank you very much

It’s worse than that, it’s a tape of her saying she heard someone else mention hearing it. Both of these people have already denied the claims.

Could Trump calling her a "dog" possibly be in reference to this? I just rediscovered this and it's funny how many coincidences there are. 3:55

False, she thinks releasing the tapes will magically make her a whistleblower and thus not legally obliged to her NDS.

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havent you trumpcucks done enough damage to your own communities?

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>She always came off like a vindictive, conniving backstabber.
My brain hemorrhages every time people say shit like this about Trump's enemies but never Trump himself.

you want to know why she was called a dog
here comes the shills

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She's literally controlled opposition and Dems took the bait.

Oh look, it's trumpcucks back to sucking pollsters' dicks again.

Nice principles you got there, trumpcucks.

cant decide if she is whitehat or blackhat yet
anyone want to help

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No Russian ever called me deplorable.

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test cross

Except those numbers are fake as fuck. Rasmussen didn't even do the poll. Some 30 year old kid did it based off of internet surveys


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I agree with the shirts.

Democrats would rather have the US be Mexico.

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Only right answer

NO, you fucking memeflag nigger, you don't get to reverse this or twist it. It's BECAUSE nogs are unable to be self-aware, take responsibility for their actions (dindu), or see the damage and flaws OF THEIR OWN RACE, that everyone else has automatic "moral superiority". An example of this is (You) posting that shitty meme, *instead of* identifying how Omarosa acted like a nog too. Get real, get fucked, get your fucking BLM ass outta here.

It’s moot because the tape doesn’t exist.

I like how Omarosa does what Trump's own fucking lawyer did and she's a nigger for it but Cohen, no one even talks about Cohen. Proof that white people actually enjoy being angry at black people.

you're a child

If this shit is real and happens then it will unironically be the end, not only for Trump but for the whole fucking civilized world. All because that fucking fat cheeto motherfucker couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut.

Shut the fuck up you pasta eating pussy.

>trump tape drops where he uses the word nigger
>black support instantly jumps to 80% because they have something to identify with him.

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You have to be 18+ to post here, subhuman.


'member the DNC sending goons to the RNC to hand out Russian flags with MAGA on them?
Jow Forums remembers.

Attached: worst false flag ever.jpg (720x960, 59K)

>tfw this is the best the pedoelite had to offer to stop drumpf once and for all

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Trumps way more alpha then you’ll ever be.

>She believes that releasing a tape with Trump calling niggers niggers would get their supporters to dislike him

Trump never said it. If he had they would have run the tape already.

Based Tara knows what is going on:

>Trumps way more alpha

Attached: trump water.jpg (540x663, 109K)

>High equality shitpost.