Vermont Democrats nominate tranny for governor

Christine Hallquist, first transgender nominee, will face Phil Scott in Vermont governor election

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Those crazy white people at it again I tell ya hwhat.

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There is nothing wrong with thisvarhiddenField = document.createElement("input")

Looks like Mike Rowe in a wig.

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>put mentally ill people in positions of power
As if women didn't cause too much damage already.

lmao it's blue in every single one what a cuck state.

jesus christ the usa is going to swing right so fucking hard over all this shit. would love to see trans monster vs a real republican in a debate live on stage. trans monster has to diallate midway through kek

Lmao how is Iowa red if white people voted blue??? Stupid conservitard

What the fuck is wrong with these 95%+ states? Are they the perfect examples of boomers living in gated communities, yet untouched by any of the threats that loom over the rest of the states? Why are they so liberal?

Whites are the only group with a majority that votes right. Wtf are you talking about?

95%+ white*

In what way are you threatened by transgender people?

So progresive!

Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder and it's so bad that 42% of the people who have it successfully commit suicide. That's not someone who should be in a position of power.

I don't think a suicidal person would be running for a political office.

Well apparently he is runnin against the incumbent governer, who is quite popular, so he will probably lose.

Not threatened, disgusted. You leftist retards always love to conflate disgust with fear. I also find black licorice disgusting, doesnt mean im afraid of it.

tarl may have a chance

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Chelsea manning you stupid redditnigger.

NH must build a wall if they elect that fruitcake.

>inb4 she loses by +20 Points

I replied to a post that implied that transgender people were a "threat". You guys are such drama queens.

You answered you own question sir leafaton. The wolf at someone else's door can be repurposed as a cute doggie with no threat or cost to yourself.

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White women ruining it for the whole race, yet again

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>Are they the perfect examples of boomers living in gated communities
Yes, they live in a literal bubble world where the most extreme thing that happens is someones dog is too loud or something

Vermont kikes. Half of New York Jews move to Vermont to be free from New York degeneracy, then they vote for democrats to make it more degenerate like NYC. Kikes deserve this shit.

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>VT governor nominee is tranny
>MN dem nominees are Muslim
Seems like a stable coalition...

so fucking what, if you think for one minute this tranny is beating the already popular incumbant you're fucking dreaming. why is anyone getting a big dick about this? you realize who the biggest voting block is still correct? do you really think straight white men are voting this freak in? it couldn't make it as a man, why would we make it a governor?

Crazy people need medical help and a quiet garden to sit in until they get better. Putting them into a position where they have to interact with the public is irresponsible: it's a man who has convinced himself he's literally a woman. By comparison, a man who has convinced himself he's literally Napoleon would be encouraged to sit on the warm benches under the cherry trees until he got better.

This election is a freak show: people with no concerns or sense of urgency in their local democracy are pushing the Village Idiot up on the platform because they think it humilates the stern, sensible candidates. That would be fine if they weren't going to vote for him on one level, but still exploitation on another.

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