Crimea ditches Visa & MasterCard in favor of Russian national payment system.
US payment systems Visa and MasterCard are no longer present on Russia's Crimean Peninsula. The republic’s largest bank has finished the procedure of switching all plastic cards to Russia’s Mir payment system. “On August 14, the process of replacing Visa and MasterCard plastic cards in favour of the Mir payment system has ended. Visa and MasterCard plastic cards issued by Genbank, which have not been replaced, are not serviced since August 14,” the Crimean bank said.
Mir is a Russian payment system established by the Central Bank of Russia in 2015. It is currently accepted mostly by Russia-based companies, such as Aeroflot or Russian Railways, but is gradually gaining acceptance among foreign companies with Russian operations.
The payment system was launched after the United States and its allies imposed sanctions against Russia in 2014. The Russian government ordered the establishment of a national payment system due to concerns the country would be cut off from international payment systems.
Based and redpilled Every nation should break free from Amerijews claws Like China does-create their own national digital infrastructure independent of the International Joos Corporate HQ aka JewSA
>Mir payment system >can't pay for internet or light in the house No thanks, I'll stick to Visa and Mastercard
Alexander Hall
Okay. And?
Brandon Wood
Nowhere in Russia accepts credit cards anyway because everyone is too cheap to pay the fees. The entire country runs on cash.
t. Married to a Russian woman and spent more time in Russia than I care to admit.
Samuel Roberts
French here. I'm "too cheap" to pay the fees, but eveyone runs on cards here. The question is why. Why the hell do people give away they money so easily? interests, subscriptions, insurances (they don't actually need). You people (yeah I'm including you because implied credit cards were a good thing) just waste all your hard work to enrich your (((masters))), it baffles me.
my credit card has 0 fees, I pay off the full balance every month because i'm not a knuckledragger, and I get 1.5% cash back
Joshua Powell
I get a much better exchange rate through my bank using my visa debit card than I get from the slav kike money changers in Russia. That alone makes using my visa in Russia preferable to paying cash.
I don't keep thousands of dollars of that shitty, volatile, near worthless, currency one hand just for when I need to go there on short notice.
Anthony Hill
Oh shit, they’re starting to play with the shekels, (((tricks))) intensify.
Logan Rivera
No they aren't, not like in America. I've been in taxis, restaurants, and even fucking hotels that wouldn't take cards.
Cooper Smith
So, this is the real reason why the Elites hate Russia. They are fucking with Visa and Master Card.
Money changers are kikes everywhere. When? And where? You will have problems with cards in small cities and villages, yes. Some taxi have the card readers now, but cash is better. But it certainly not >nowhere you exaggerating cheeky cunt.
Better yet Buy something with cash & pay with dollars instead of rubles Watch them drool
Ryan Clark
Oh and good luck finding literally anyone that accepts amex or discover, which are indisputably the patrician's choice when it comes to actual credit cards.
Jeremiah Turner
Thomas Walker
Congratulations, you fell for dumb russian propanganda. They arent fucking with Visa and Mastercard, it is actually the other way round, Visa and Mastercard dont provide their service on Crimea anymore. See my post here People cheering for Russia are always so gullible and tricked so easy by such stuff.
Chase Morris
>accepts amex or discover Kek, what is that garbage? Is it like Mir, but for USA?
Sebastian Hernandez
At least I'll get HIV fucking a woman and not an abomination of a transsexual.
>When? And where? All over Krasnodar Krai, specifically Krasnodar proper, Anapa, and Novorossirysk. Sochi less so for obvious reasons. I honest to God had two hotels in Samara (which incidentally; fuck that shithole btw) that wouldn't take cards and I had similar problems in Rostov-on-Don. Moscow I never had a problem, and I know you don't understand because you live there every day and it seems normal to you, but no, there are exponentially fewer places that accept cards in Russia than in the United States. I would compare it to the US circa 1992 as far as the number of places that accept them.
Hunter Wilson
See? This is exactly what I'm talking about. You don't even know how shitty you have it
Parker Jackson
The US could have wiped them out completely if they wanted too...
Jonathan Garcia
??? WHY YOU ARE SO STUPID ??? read the story... ..continue: In 2014, both Visa and MasterCard announced the termination of work on the Crimean Peninsula after the region became the target of Western sanctions after joining the Russian Federation. However, bank cards using the payment systems continued to operate in the Crimea long after Visa and MasterCard were obliged to move their Russian operations to servers in Russia.
>Small Asian population for hundreds of years live calmy in their own areas, birthrate lower or similar to the Russian rate, don't bother anyone, contribute to the country positively >Enormous ever growing Mexican population for a few decades dispersed around the entire country, outbreeding the white Americans, rape murder and leech off the system
To be honest I never been to small cities. Not even medium ones, like Samara and Rostov.
I'm perfectly fine with Visa and Mastercard cards. Have absolutely no difficulties without Amex. Is it accepted outside of USA?
Zachary Sanders
Maybe you should not have chopped up the story so conviniently in you OP in order to give it a total different spin. They didnt make the new thing because they wanted to, they had to do it. It is your own fault, so pretty rich that you call others stupid. Memeflag posters are always shit.
Grayson Bell
They could have... but it was never a war of annihilation
Jaxson James
nice. If I was you guys I would have ran up a huge bill first. Those companies are parasites.
Joshua Wilson
>tfw ur a Crimean and just want to join Russia but the imperial West is forcing you to be a slave to Kiev
>Maybe you should not have chopped up the story so conviniently in you OP in order to give it a total different spin I can not be posting whole articles you dummy. I just gave few lines, and the link to the article.
Noah Cox
This is the obnoxious Ucrapinian shill posting braindead RT logo pics and threads.
Always under meme flag, and has been going on for quite some time already. He deliberately chooses inflammatory, borderline satiric headlines and threads, like the one where he glorified 12 pre-production Su-57 and shitted on F-22 and F-35.
And some retards fall for this.
Fuck off, you disgusting piece of D&C goodest goy shit
John Phillips
>want to join Russia Kek, nobody asked them what they want. Nobody asked us if want those shits either.
Michael Bennett
First statement is completely false, Central Asians have much higher fertility rates than ethnic Russians and there's millions in Moscow alone. It's by no fucking means a small number of people.
Second statement is stupid whataboutism
Jack Hernandez
Fuck off, you edgy piece of shit, descended from Bolshevik scum
Carson Miller
>it is just a mere coincident Try lying harder, faggot. It is fucking obvious what you were trying there. People that make an OP, which make it look like the story is an entire different one, should be banned for low quality and shitposting. But how would you know, you use a meme flag.
What’s the matter, Ukroshit? Someone called you out for your low quality attempts at Jewing? Emulating your masters?
Choke on salo, zrada and peremoga, dipshit.
He is too stupid to post under proxy, and he just uses retarded memeflag.
Cooper Rivera
>edgy lolwut. It's exactly what happened. Nobody asked Russian people if they want to send billions of gibs to useless crimean cunts, who leave by renting their houses to tourists.
And why the fuck would croat care about the matter?
>Nobody asked Russian people if they want to send billions of gibs
Because those “billions” and “gibs” are not yours, dipshit.
>to useless crimean cunts, Crimea is most valuable real estate in the Black Sea region, you ignorant fucktard
>who leave by renting their houses to tourists. >leave Yeah, everyone has been having a great time doing tourism business, its a total gold mine for Crimeans.
Fuck off, you are a subhuman descended from proletarian retards who fought for Bolsheviks and destroyed Russia. You are so devoid of logic, intelligence and knowledge that you can’t even understand that military and strategic considerations trump any “gibs”, “economy” and welfare mantra
Logan Howard
>i made something stupid and you called me a retard for it, this means you are butthurt I will never understand this mindset, even as damage control it is so stupid it starts to be counter productive.
Landon Rodriguez
He is not a Russian propagandist, he posts misinterpreted and sensationalist articles, pictures with RT to cause negative sentiment towards Russians.
Lowbrow false flag.
Angel Lee
Sucks when you have no real answers like you, but thanks for proofing to be the shitposter you are.
Hudson Taylor
It is hard to tell those apart nowadays.
Brody Peterson
Took you 50 years to make your own system with widely published technology and still you gave it a shitty name? (mir = peace)
Carson Jones
>Because those “billions” and “gibs” are not yours, dipshit. No shit, they were thrown away into useless tourist attraction piece of useless land full of lazy, good for nothing people.
>Crimea is most valuable real estate in the Black Sea region, you ignorant fucktard So valuable, that we had to build a fucking bridge to it. Who is retarded here?
>Yeah, everyone has been having a great time doing tourism business, its a total gold mine for Crimeans. So? They were whoring out their houses pretty much fine without Russian citizenship.
Are you one of those """people""" who emigrated and became staunch patriots (exclusively on the interwebs of course) within a year?
Hudson Ross
Trust me, the professional shills and PR are very good and work a specific angle. They operate by gaining credibility through use of facts and build a sensible narrative upon those facts/foundations, to influence the spectators/readers. They lead to you to make up your own mind in a specific way by exposing you to info and sources that would point you to desired outcome.
I have tracked such social media accounts in Croatia, either US embassy/NATO ones, or major political party influencers.
Elijah Morales
>So valuable, that we had to build a fucking bridge to it. Who is retarded here? You. What do you think is the point of bridges?
David Jenkins
>Is it accepted outside of USA? Yes. Mostly in nicer, more upper class places as it's very expensive for retailers but very good for the people who have the card. Amex historically only gives cards to people with money.
Daniel Morales
I am not even Russian, Homo Sovieticus bastard. Your obsession with private material wealth betrays your origin, as does your repeated refusal to address your ancestry.
Isaiah Thomas
Dude, no, try paying the marshutki a with plastic and that's a good thing. Fuck plastic money. It's literally trying to dissolve human and real capital.
Daniel Lopez
It must be some Rabinovich, Abramovich or Hoholenko under Russian flag. See how he memes about no public support for Crimean accession to Russian Federation, while in reality it was 80+%
Luis Cook
Allowing transportation from point A to point B via land transport.
>croat >talks about ancestry Hungarian/Turk rapebaby, why are you so mad?
Yes and since they would invest in a bridge (also for PR though) it means Crimea is valuable enough.
Oliver Bell
>memeflag >anti-US >RT
Wow it's almost like you're not trying to hide the fact that you're a shill Vlad.
Gavin Reed
>dat 800+ bases! you are so clever, only murricans believe in the we kill you all meme, these days it's asymmetrical and the mutt is still bruting around
> is valuable enough For political reasons. Putin's Great Return of Rightful Russian Clay. What you would to say "oh well, job is done. fuck those Crimeans, let them starve?"
Tyler Wilson
>What you would to What, you would expect to Putin to say
Carson Ward
>paid russian shills fuck off democrat kike. this site was always pro russian long before the election. if you were here for crimea you'd have known that
You're an idiot if you think otherwise If I recall correctly most of you faggots were shitting yourselves when tensions were high between US and Russia
why would you want to order stuff on-line or travel anywhere but russia, right?
James Phillips
The America stronk meme jews have taught their mutt pets to chant everyday makes me believe the jews are very afraid of us finding out that America actually doesn’t even have half the capability it claims and is all talk no walk.
They were basically inconsequential in both world wars and lost to Vietnam and Afghanistan so it may be true.
Tyler White
It would have been if they had proper leadership before WW1 and no Bolsheviks.
Luke White
Russia so stronk they need diaspora like you living in Western countries and enjoying Western luxuries to tell us how stronk they are kek