He's the most Zionist, Israel-firster we ever had in office, he's a known oil-driller and suspected pederast, he wants the US to be blacker, he's helping hohols and sanctioning Russia, Iran, Turkey and anyone else who shares go against the zog, besides wasting millions in bullshit like a "space force"
Explain yourselves
Why does pol support Trump so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying we don't want our president to conquer other people's through the womb
based racemixer
Literally because he causes butthurt
yea he let a jew mary his daughter and hangs out with kanye and sleepy ben (niggers). i dont think he is /our president/
memeflag calling trump a zionist
>why does Jow Forums support the most politically incorrect politician who also actually wins.
It's a mystery. I blame ancient aliens.
>Why does pol support Trump so much?
Because we see those that oppose them and realize that EVIL hates Trump. Therefore Trump must be pretty good.
>Why does pol support Trump
Trolling mate. It's for the lulz
get your supervisor to transfer you to another board
good try leftist pig
I'm not a Trump supporter. I just literally hate everyone who is against him.
what is up with leftists and really perverted things? Every leftists cartoon/ political movie is always full of perversion, why? what the fuck is this pic?
Double post faggot
so you hate everyone who hates the jews?
its a porno where oil-drilling kike trump and salt-guzzler malia fuck each other
I don't really support him that much.
But supporting democrats is a non-starter.
The deep state and the MSM are shitting their pants..........and that's a good thing!
As bad as you think Trump is, people voted for him over Hillary because she’s That much worse.
I nearly threw up in my mouth
kys boomer homo
I doubt that guy is a leftist, he stars in a bunch of parody porn, like the Pirates of the Caribbean one. He's far too humorous to be left of center.
i don't think that's trump or malia obama 2bh
>“For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.”
that is unironically 100% comedy gold
How much do you get paid to post this shit?
I don't care about Israel, I care about not having more loud, annoying Mexican neighbors.
is hillary's daughter a literal jew?
how much do you get to shill for Zionald Trump?
Evan Stone and Chanell Heart
how do you get paid? american markets in shambles and they are scrambling just to try to save bitcoin now. lira rebounded also. so (((mr.babydick))) president isnt controlling shit just starting fights he cant win
It's bizarre. Can't fund or build a decent wall but plenty money for space force, Israel and literally everything else. Record deficit and still no wall.
>He actually fell for the wall meme
The memes were supposed to become real! That was the deal and contract!
The only wall will be the one around the new estate he buys after he leaves office
Didn't read.
>w-why does
Instant sign of slide thread material.
>He's the most Zionist
Objectively false, or we'd have tanks rolling into Damascus.
Nothing else is even up for discussion. You're desperately scrabbling and you've lost the argument. I don't owe you any explanation and you haven't offered any serious ideas.
Get off of my board.
What a surprise, the exact same language used by Greek cringeposters in another thread.
Glad I can disregard all of this obvious shilling. Turkey is irrelevant, we have already won the discussion on Turkey. Trump has done nothing wrong.
How could have this happened? It's almost as if people voted for a dodgy con man and not a successful and smart businessman who can actually fix and build things!
Pretty much. I saw everybody attacking him, so I decided to vote for him because of it.
>No wall
>Hillary not in jail
>Massive debt
>Obamacare not repealed
>Immigration still going on
>Muslims not banned
>Wanted to go after gun
>Went after bump stocks
>Foreign wars for Israel still going on
>Still sanctioning Russia and Iran for fighting the Jews
Fucking BASED
>still causing massive leftie butthurt
Fucking based.
I don't know how I feel about this, Malia is mildly attractive, and that pornstar is quite attractive, but the real Malia is a college kid right now and having a porn parody of her must be uncomfortable and distracting. Also, the real Trump is physically repulsive.
> t. I have some Jewish heritage, but I'm not a Zionist and I'm pro-Iran. Religiously I'm basically a Zen Buddhist, but I'm looking into Quakerism. Politically I have some Burkean conservative views, but economically I'm basically a left-syndicalist
Jesus these porn parody's are based
I don't know how I feel about this, Malia is mildly attractive, and that pornstar is quite attractive, but the real Malia is a college kid right now and having a porn parody of her must be uncomfortable and distracting. Also, the real Trump is physically repulsive.
> t. I have some Jewish heritage, but I'm not a Zionist and I'm pro-Iran. Religiously I'm basically a Zen Buddhist, but I'm looking into Quakerism. Politically I have some Burkean conservative views, but economically I'm basically a left-syndicalist. I'm into Indian girls, my last gf was black, my last date was with an Asian.
Because he's destroying the left. Actually they're destroying themselves over him.
Really? The Justice Democrats (leftist progressives) have 21 winning candidates now. They seem to be doing okay.
you disgust me
>Stop supporting Drumpf! We've told you everything you need to think!
Imagine being this big of a faggot.
>all the black nationalist flags are just black girls looking for white dick
nice blog post, faggot
Based Captain Kirk being down with the swirl.
I'm sure I feel exactly the same about you. :)
cthulhu fhtagn
>the picture
my dude, what in tar nation is happening to this planet
Make America cum again and again.
ah yes drumpf is the biggest zionist in US history because he moved one (1) embassy... also he took out Assad and did a full regime change, don't forget about Iran too, drump completely toppled the Iranian government... oh don't forget about Russia, he declared war on the Gremlin just last week and also don't forget about the full fledged ground war happening right now in North Korea... literally (((Bush))) 2.0
here's another (You) bitch ass nigga
Would you MAGA with an Obama?
Stay delusional Cletus. You wouldn't get a more pro-Israel president if you voted for a Jew
I'm not gonna lie to you.
See ya!
based and redpilled
wow who cares!
Evidently you cared enough to reply. And I appreciate that, I think it's sweet :3
i care :3
"Motorboating Malia"
Are they pulling you shills off the streets now? It’s like you aren’t even trying anymore.
I'm just for anything that makes shills butthurt. So I'm for Trump.
I’d try to knock her up so I could publically LARP as an Antifa-tier cuck right into the third trimester then I’d catch a flight out of the country leaving her to raise our spawn alone, Tyrone style.
you'd be on the hook for life.
i support him because hes the clisest thing we have to an oldschool dictator would butcher people and lock them up for talking shit.
basically this
Trump is an idiot who hates brown people
Jow Forums is full of idiots who hate brown people
trump literally browns his family
I’d be given a platform to lampoon cucked left-wing faggots for a few months. I’d do such a great job (it’s easy as hell) they’d probably pay me to leave and presumably stfu (I would continue to do interviews LARPing as the Trump-hating, Antifa-loving retarded deadbeat dad who loves blacks so much that he went full-Tyrone on his own black child).
Chanell Heart
the ((controlled press)) is their foremost weapon.
This controlled press is *universally* against trump.
Trump is very much /ourguy
>Hillary supports uncontrolled immigration from the Southern border in order for more criminals to intrude, rape and murder Americans
>B-but a relative of Dr-Drumpf…
You see that you are making yourself look stupid?
sure, (((they're))) our friends huh
Tiananmen Square in 1989 killed between 100 and 10,000 people.
this is interesting b8
T. Real trump
these board is like a porn rec thread
its truth, not bait
>Trump Malia parody porn exists
He's better than the alternative.
The alternative is Pence