What's with the meme to ban everything

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It's not motors they need to ban

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Lol, those fuckheads in parliament could be forced to walk to work and still think nothing is wrong.

Oh who am I kidding they'll still get to drive.

They're getting nervous. One of these Tommy Robinson football hooligans is gunna go postal one of these days so they better up the ante on the security if they want to live.

False flag incoming

why are we allied with you faggots? i hate you all.

>vehicle ban
>going outside ban
You guys deserve this. Fucking stand up to this.

They live in a ruined over populated island that is hopelessly fractured and deeply in debt they have no way to fix anything as the political system is defunct

oi bin that car m8

V for Vendetta was a lie. It was never an autocratic, conservative regime you needed to fear.

The carbonated jew should be banned anyway

They can ban barely anything so they try to ban everything

Because it's easier than dealing with the real cause of attacks.

>Ban knives, knife crime is rampant
>Ban acid, acid attacks are rampant
>I know, lets ban cars....
Our politicians deserve the nuke, no other thing for it.

>Pass any law to protect themselves, do fuck all the protect the people they serve.

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Just having a look at 6 seperate articles about this. None of them have allowed a comments section (although they have for other articles).
This might seem like a bad thing, but it is a blessing in disguise. Once the people's response becomes so predictable, it means they are onto something.
There will be an uprising soon. All the evidence is there.

So politicians get special protections with armed security AND protections from vehicles? interesting, and bongs can't even buy spoons.

your government hates you, and you should destroy it.... politically of course...

When will they finally ban the Islamic political ideology?

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oi, bin that rubbish m8

Oy, you got a loi-

That Britposter needs death

Easier than admitting allowing uncontrolled mass immigration was a bad idea.

>terror crash
What, now there is no such thing in Britain as vehicular assault crimes?

It's easier to dominate the domesticated and emasculated Anglo in one million different ways, than to tackle the actual problem.

In a few years, "everybody" in the UK will have to eat with plastic sporks only, go by foot everywhere, won't be able to use q-tips and so on, while muslims will do whatever the fuck they want because they know the British state is full of cowards who won't challenge them in any way.

I actually don't mind this.

Scary fucking shit, my step dad was minutes away from this attack as well as the last one that had multiple fatalities.

Kill your dad.
Hes a terror cell leader.

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The spelling and grammar tell you all you need to know about that poster.

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>INB4 terrorist start to fill Starbucks cups up with gasoline, splash it on a crowd, and light them on fire and the UK government bans coffee cups and the purchase of gasoline

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Instead of banning cars, the government should ban crime.

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You might be onto something, he was also next to the Westminster police man stabbing last year.

Not even literal babies are safe.

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Wtf, it's real

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The diversity barriers didn't work, so they've finally wised up and instead are banning assault cars so that we can still keep the great diversity of our capital!

It's literally win win!

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>muslims and jews still aren't banned

did he shoot her with a nerf gun like that?

thats like 95% of their population

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Theres already a wave of muslims getting rekt by british law even when not legally married recently so dont think the rules dont apply or that the UKs turned into Detroit or Chicago.

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we' re in a mirror world

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Many countries modeled their police force on British system. Those were the days... *sip*

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Bin that car

>progun argument that "if guns should be banned, cars that kill more people should too!" is taken literally by the bongs

Yo America should straight up invade Britian and kill your politicians Iraq style. This is just insane. As cucked as Canada is, at least we voted for what we are getting. British politicians just straight up ignore their populace and bongs do fucking nothing. Absolutely embarrassing - all of the good anglos clearly left that shit island and moved to the Americas many, many years ago.

Nice fake.
Can they 100% prove its you and not some random person going on your computer?

Nice try.

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Just ban victims and there won’t be any crime.

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Well, now he's got the controller so the system works.

Instead it will be a autocratic liberal regime
>tfw Vendetta will an Ahmed so he literally can’t be touched or charged by the police in loicenceland

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>only the living commit crimes
>time to ban life!

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This has to be fake

>oi! Do you got a loisense for that vehicle?
Have we come full circle?

fake as fuck, that is not how a court summons is issued

kek, this is the most british Jow Forums post ever

poo in it

You couldn't drive around there years ago, it was an open space for people until they turned it into a road.

They just want to waste tax cash on make a pretty space with allah ackbarriers everywhere. This was a proposal by the Welsh MP Nigel Evans.

Please leave.

>ban everything but the root cause: shitskins


what a dogshit country

I'm in this TV license letter cycle. Theres nothing thy can do, but they keep threatening

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Don't be mean, bin that caffeine!

I saw the news earlier with an eyewitness describing the driver as not a black man, but having "dark hair". I was like, "the guys fucking black. what do you expect?"

I rekon this is a false flag to stop traffic around parliament to prevent further problems since they know the goyim know

Don't give Jow Forums any ideas

Use punctuation, Muhammad, so people can understand what the fuck you want to communicate.

You can't go through self service without being ID'd for an energy drink

>a tesco bag
i thought they were banned

They won't drive, they'll get driven

Who the fuck cares? There is literally no reason to drive in central london, ever. Congestion charge, nowhere to park, gridlock traffic, cyclists and pedestrians everywhere.

> when you have no spine and even fewer principles

Have you banned fists yet?

No civilized human ever needs to clench a fist unless they're a violent criminal


it's real though, they can 100% prove it was him if he is the only person living in the building with the IP address, I had something similar happen to me, police showed up at my house saying that the RCMP was contacted by the FBI since I made a joking threat towards Hillary Clinton in a /PTG/ and someone reported my post

write "loicense" on a blank index card and mail it in.

Other European capitals are closed off to cars, the reasoning doesn't matter. London is too congested.

>Need a license to carry rubbish
Is littering mandatory for the peons in England?

When I cancelled my TV license payments, I told them in the cancellation email that I would not tolerate visits or letters -- and that I understand that I'm not allowed to view or record live broadcast TV or use any BBC website or service. I've not received a thing.
I meant it, too. I will NOT tolerate harassment when I have no need to pay.


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It doesn't matter whether you want to do it or not, because they're telling you you can't regardless.
Next you know you'll be banned from doing things you WANT to do as well.

This is so weird, why do they keep bothering????

Britain should make all vehicles bumper cars with giant balloons and pillows on them


What if you don't own a tv, still need to pay propaganda tax?