Meanwhile in Yemen

This school child can thank Donald Trump and Mohammad bin Salman for killing all of his classmates around him and nearly killing him, leaving him emotionally and physically scarred for the rest of his life.

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what does trump have to do with shia/shiite fueding?

Why should I or anyone else care about sandniggers killing other sandnigger?


oh I get it military industrial complex literally IS Trump now because it suits your political agenda when it's not Obongo carpet bombing the middle east. Fuck off back to whatever shitty site you crawled in from faggot.

id have been happy if all my classmates died. the fuck is wrong with this kid?

At least he doesn't have to go to school anymore.


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>leaving him emotionally and physically scarred for the rest of his life.

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>what does trump have to do with shia/shiite fueding?

>tfw you are literally this dumb

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You’re welcome buddy.

>it's a WHATABOUTISM argument
>it's a BUT WHAT ABOUT OBAMA argument
>implying I supported any of these wars under Bush or Obama prior to Trump

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those little sand niglets would have been killed no matter who was in the oval office. nice of the left to start paying attention though

Fucking outrageous. Missed one. Ought to increase the budget so the Air Force and navy can buy better bombs.

its not what about ism. its, show me how to stop it because in american politics there isnt a viable party campaigning on ending any of this shit

chris hayes is like the only main stream pundit that covered it at all and only then begrudgingly and for only several minutes at the end of his show. if this isnt leading every segment of every show on cnn then its because the establishment is pro fire bombing little sand niglet children, because thats what we do, because if the oil stop flowing then the firebombing comes home

>viable party campaigning on ending any of this shit

There are a few Democrats and a even fewer Republicans who are on record opposing this. Every representative under the War powers act has the ability to bring up a bill ending this war. There has been votes to end it, but it hasn't been able to pass either Republican controlled chambers. Vote for anti-war candidates, either progressive or libertarian candidates of both parties in 2018 to end it.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about Yemen.
Thanks anyways.

Haha look at you angry little faggot.

>chris hayes is like the only main stream pundit that covered it at all

Yes and he was the only one (I believe) to cover Israeli genocide being carried out in Gaza a few weeks ago.

You are the reason everyone hates America.

is this a facebook post? you thnk we're that dumb? fuck off shill

if the dems want to go full on anti-israel ill do a 360 and walk away from trump so fast.

>is this a facebook post? you thnk we're that dumb? fuck off shill

It's called reality. The finale red pill is voting for anti-war progressive and libertarian candidates for office running under the Democratic and Republican party labels. This is why they want to take away our right to vote.

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America isn't the world's police.
Shit stain countries should be held accountable for their own shortcomings.

Im not even anti-war Im just anti- fighting wars on israel and or saudi arabias behalf. im actually pro war, just so long as its with israel and or saudi arabia. we should just go in there and take their oil. we can fire bomb their children i dont.. give.. a.. fuck.. about a sand niglet child, just so long as its benefiting ME, and not some royal saudi prince or jew banker

That's amazing. USA flexing its might once again while sustaining 0 casualties. Get fucked lib.

Islam creates chaos because it is uncivilized.
It's not our problem. saudi arabia is a close ally, houthis scream death to america. of course we will side with saudi arabia.

The less mohameddan cancer the better.


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