NOW why he did that?

Utah man flies plane into home

Attached: Duane-Youd-pilot-1.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He was trying to kill his wife's son

did he?

did she divorce him and took the house?

I'm glad I am able to recycle this meme.

>Flies plane into home
>Doesn't even break the brick of the front door
>I'm still expected to believe a plane somehow annihilated the structural integrity of a gargantuan tower made of steel and concrete to the point it collapsed

Obviously THIS:

It has begun ...the literal rain of small cessnas over the US has begun.


Attached: 1472248984688.jpg (472x645, 39K)

God I wish that were me

I want a jetpack and a rocket launcher.

>747 filled with fuel and weighting thousands of tons hitting middle of a skyscrapper vs a shitty embraer prop plane hitting the grass lawn in front of a suburban house.

Just do Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, Down, Left, Right

Attached: file.png (291x433, 174K)

>compares a private plane and house to a fucking airliner and skyscraper

Notice the lack of structural damage to the building. This was the plane.

Attached: small_jet.png (1324x761, 1.36M)

>why he did that?

Why can't any of you fuckers ask a question the right way?

>embraer prop plane
It was a dual jet engine Cessna you retarded monkey.

> 747 filled with fuel and weighting thousands of tons
no model of the 747 supports even 500 tons of take off weight you retarded monkey

Considering the entire tail is still intact, im gonna take a guess the retard went nose first into the ground instead of the actual home. Probably wasnt even going a significant speed lmao

Patrician choice of vid

>not fl


Don't forget the otherwise extremely fragile aluminium plane pierced right through steel and concrete like butter with no crumpling and no loss of speed.

Attached: jelly portal tower.gif (720x480, 1.59M)

white spite

>Youd clipped a shed on the side of home, Sandoval said. "That maybe changed his trajectory a little bit,"
He missed his target it seems.

hey news faggots. here's your next headline piece
"white spite, a malicious display of weaponized white privilege"

>Plane is big therefore plane is stronger than steel and concrete.

Simple thought experiment: take a stationary 747 and slam a moving 100+ storey steel and concrete structure into it at 500mph. Exact same physics involved. Do you think the plane would stay intact and pierce through the colossal speeding juggernaut steel and concrete building, or would the building absolutely destroy the plane on impact?

Yeah....and he got the plane

>Simple thought experiment: take a stationary 747 and slam a moving 100+ storey steel and concrete structure into it at 500mph. Exact same physics involved
Its not you retard, you have no idea what the different in ft/lbs of energy would be would you? also

>breaking panes of glass is difficult

Darn copycats

So what's next? Some muslims see the thread and do a second 9/11?


How can a jet aircraft crash into a solid wall at hundreds of miles an hour and end up in a recognizable scale sized form of an airplane?

Attached: ice cubic.jpg (448x480, 19K)

Anyone else noticing how aircraft wreckage is evident

He was a big guy

...and emerged on the other side...

At this point I wouldn't be the least bit surprised, user.

Attached: reeee.png (796x558, 568K)

He probably stalled out, making him miss the target. Should have played more flight simulators

wait. that's the plane and the dude just has a few scratches.
I think I need a rundown.

That's a random mugshot from earlier dumbass. The guy died in the crash

>Jet fuel melts steal beams, goy

he caught *the gay*

no steel beams

A 47 wasn’t even used on 9/11 dipshit. 47’s have four engines