Siriusly Jow Forums, how come the culture accidentaly in 4 years??

>pic related
no pedo, sirious discussion only

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>siriusly Jow Forums, how come the culture accidentaly in 4 years??
what did you mean by this, man of color?

How do you qualify beauty without reference to sexual characteristics?

trees and mountains are beautiful and they are not sexual for normal people.

>trees and tree stumps are beautiful and they are not sexual for normal people

The black kid is fully made up and airbrushed to bits. And she is still ugly and odd.

Speak for yourself.

sexual attraction instills lust, beauty instills awe

>Most beautiful girl in the world is a kid
Jesus fucking christ how do the authors of these articles still have jobs?

You can, but these people aren't. This isn't a neo-cherubic movement. The fuckers funding and "appreciating" this are child molesters.

Who judges this shit? Neither of them even compare to Anna.

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tons of filters on the niglet , 0 on the white girl - really makes you thinkgens.

No way in fucking hell a nigger nose on a human will ever be considered "Most Beautiful"

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She was pretty over rated "Cutest Russian loli" flavor of the week. Anna Pavaga was cuter. And honestly I'd take a genuine qt like Mia Talerico or Maya le Clark over any of these mini-model sluts.
Lolis are very sexual.

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I see you are also a man of taste and sophistication.

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came here to post this.
also agnia rosina.

Jews fuck children! The Jews are the devil. The jews want to rule over the planet.

You guys are going too young!

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Obama is the reason for a lot of this bullshit

Can't spell chomo without homo

>too young
No such thing. That's like too much money or a ar too fast.

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>>too young
>No such thing.

Do I "Win"?

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Those things still can't wipe their asses properly and without an adult doing that creepy makeup they'd still be covered in sugar syrup and magic marker. Anyone who talks seriously about the "power" and "truth" of photography is a massive faggot who wallows in fantasy.

Next, the media will try to say Abos are the most beautiful!

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I like little girls but some of this is pushing it.

I mean, I say there's no such thing as a girl too young but they really only become doable around 2.
>Those things still can't wipe their asses properly
I don't know what children you've been around but if they can't use the toilet by themselves at 5yo you've got a retard.

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FUCKING PERVERSION. Taking the inherent beauty of a young healthy daughter, and industrializing it into a edible sexual paste for mass consumption.

Go back to /tv/ you filthy canadian freak.

>only become doable

Evil cannot hide itself.

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People need to learn the beauty of children. Professional child modeling is something to be cautious of, but it can be of use if it allows people to discover what was hidden from them and experience new feelings.

Shut it down soft core cp thread.

They should learn that by seeing kids running around at church, neighborhoods or community gatherings... Not on the fucking electronic eye.


You aren't mentally permitted as a man to be conscious of the beauty of children. There is no-one to teach you. It's a good thing that the internet lets you discover part of your humanity.

Yep, Anna is absolute top class daughter material. Honestly would be terrified to have a daughter this beautiful, though.

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Peak degeneracy, also stop hiding your flag muhammad

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>by Sienna Fantozzi
>by Martha Cliff
By two women... Really makes you think.

>only become doable around 2.

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>if you say that fucking 2yo girls is degenerate you're a newfag
Ok mahmud

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based and cunnypilled

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>gringos worried about having beautiful daughter
>not degenerates at all

why you like having sex with your children, gabachos?

Is there a way to push media into a hole? a way to make every media outlet purge money and lose all viewership? There needs to be a coming together of minds in this board to devise a plan to destroy all media in every sense of the word.

>sirious discussion only
You can't even fucking spell it moron

Nice VPN flaggot

That bitch on the left has a full on beard doesnt she?
Wow, so beautiful, so powerful!

Fucking pedos. You'll all be necked on day of the rope, the whole lot of you.

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>I mean, I say there's no such thing as a girl too young but they really only become doable around 2.
Even if you are joking, you need to fucking GYS you fucking degenerate kike


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>trees are peepees and mountains are the milkys

>not wanting to fuck a giant redwood

Now, there is nothing wrong with aknowleging and appreciating a childs beauty and or cuteness. I hope you dont consider everyone in this thread who does that a pedo.
Most of us just want to protect and uplift those children, there is ZERO sexual desire involved. Much like pic related.

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this is ((their)) new tact, along with our controlled press subtly pushing pedophilia via articles like OP's... I've seen posts all over with natsoc/confed flags saying 'of course we're all pedos, NEWFAG!! what are you, gay?'

>he's never accidentally anything

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Or even, pic related. I unironically pray for her to be protected from the evils of hollywood and the jewsic industry.

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This fucking thread is degeneracy at it's finest.

>tfw the second pic is so uncanny that its less cute but more creepy.
Its not even a race thing. Her eyes give me bad vibes. Looks unnatural af

Just wait until you see 2020's most beautiful girl in the world.

>pedos on Jow Forums?
>must be a conspiracy
>no one Jow Forums could really be a pedophile
And then you wonder why you're called a newfag. Because you say dumb shit like this.

This entire fucking thread

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a reminder that only the weakest and most degenerate of men go the pedo route... theres not a single exception to this rule, pedophilia is the surest sign of a deeply unhealthy/sick/broken mind and soul... theres a reason its almost a wholly jewish institution, the desire to destroy/corrupt innocence is as jewish as chuck schumer

>surprised to be called a degenerate on Jow Forums
You're the newfag here

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Fuck I had to double take.
Kid's got talent.

>Once upon a time, there was a nearly beaten society caged by an unclean and hateful bluebird. Since the cruel leaders of the regime forcefully terraforming this society depended on this vicious bluebird to broadcast, organize and undermine, and since the bluebird was unwisely the prime communications hub for their entire network of hate cells, the death of the bluebird effectively ended their regime. The trick, this society learned, was to keep the bird from resuscitating at all costs once dead.

>I'm not sure but I think in the ancient mythology of this society the organized, worldwide method tribesmen used to commit avicide was a Definite Deathblow Of Sorts.

The above is only a myth, and we may never know for sure if it was true.

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All the child model friendly chans were packed with regular hitler w/ girl photos and they'd reee out at you if you posted a niglet.

you used to be correct but these days /w/ is run by a black guy

pol is a christian board.
begone, jew. plenty of fellow child lovers at reddit... in fact, they run the place, you'll be welcomed with open arms

I agree... really well done

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Nah, liking little girls is duhgenerate. Progressive feminists like us here on Jow Forums only like old hags.
>pol is a christian board.
Hahaha, holy shit, are you really this stupid? And where in Christianity is there anything against pedophilia?

>n 4 years??
when I was a kid people used to say Halle Berry was the sexiest woman alive and that was when she had that Rachel Maddow haircut.

I still don't know if this is all virtue signalling or if people just get really bored of what's common and yearn for anything weird.

lira rebounds but murica has no future. chilrens BTFO