Real talk

If you`re a pole and still hating Germany to this day, then you

a) clearly haven`t lurked this site long enough
b) ignore the truth just to still be able to shift the blame on germans

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Other urls found in this thread:

>holding hands


Maybe this will help

fuck off folksdojcz pig

I like them but...all that slavshit threads...

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based Singapore

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You`re just a butthurt, bluepilled faggot. I know what kind of (((propaganda))) is pushed onto us, but you need to lurk more in order to properly see the whole truth. Additionally you`re acting in clear contrast to the person I love and you should love too:

fuck off volksdeutsch

Forgive? Yes.

Forget? Never.

Attached: Ruins of Warsaw 1945.jpg (960x720, 127K)

I get this so often, just because I`m an oldfag and not a newfaggot like yourself. Lurk moar

Nice proxy Bernd.

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I am not a newfag and I know germans better than you do
Those 30 year old boomers from germany still blame us for everything bad that has ever happened to Germany
they still whine and cry about muh danzig muh reich muh prussia

Germany a gud boi, he jus tryna get he borders together.

Nice projection Chain.

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"This unification has to take place on the principle of equality and at that same time has to secure the identity of each nation and its economical independence, of course, adjusting the latter to the interests of the whole German living space... After the unification of all the German nations into one family, this family... has to take over the mission to include, in the family, all the Roman nations whose living space is favored by nature with a milder climate... I am convinced that after the unification, the Roman nations will be able to persevere as the Germans... This enlarged family of the White race will then have the mission to include the Slavic nations into the family also because they too are of the White race... it is only with such a unification of the White race that the Western culture could be saved from the Yellow race...

At the present time, the Waffen-SS is leading in this respect because its organization is based on the principle of equality. The Waffen-SS comprises not only German, Roman and Slavic, but even Islamic units and at the same time has proven that every unit has maintained its national identity while fighting in close togetherness...

...It is important that every Waffen-SS officer obeys the order of another officer of another nationality, as the officer of the other nationality obeys the order of the German officer."

bump thx OP
people need to see

It was your fault for genociding Germans in Danzig. Maybe try not acting like the niggers of Europe next time.

>the other most delusional country feels entitled to shit its misguided opinion

Niggers be French too, we's be all egality and fratermity and sheeit here boss.

That`s true though. However I won`t hold it against them, I just hate how much many poles on here hate germans and national socialism. It shows to me that they clearly haven`t lurked enough

I thought like this in the beginning too, because of Jesus and his teachings. However the more I lurked, the more I got to see the whole truth. Lurk for a while, you might come to the same conclusion as me.

Anyways enjoy your day and how was church today?

>no argument
as expected

I have mixed feelings about this. If you click on that you probably get put on a list and watched for life

Anyways you`re welcome

we're already all on lists
might as well know why

Never forgive, never forget.
They are our sworn enemies since forever, it's either us or them. It's either Poland or Mitteleuropa.

Post the oldest pic you have saved from Jow Forums

>genociding Germans in Danzig

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>They are our sworn enemies since forever
We could spitroast you with Russia at any moment, you should show some respect to your masters.

Now get back to cleaning toilet, Wojtek.

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Are you a Pole or an Ukranian subhuman?

i quit my job 3 months ago.
now pay my welfare germcuck.

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I`m not a sub human either way

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You are an Ukranian I knew it, only you guys have a hard on for Germans.

I don't understand this thinking. Why do you germans always push from your memory that russia and other slavs marched into berlin in 1945 killed and raped everyone and then enslaved 1/3 of your country for 50 years?

All germcucks suffer from stockholm syndrome

No I`m not, you just worded your question weirdly

WW2 was not a fair fight. We were getting attacked by the jew funded (((anglos))) and (((mutts))) from one side, and jew funded (((soviets))) from the other. When the fighting was fair we BTFOd Poland, France, England and Russia.


you are an ukrainian subhuman after all hahahhahaha

no, right

you two need a room?

>Stockholm Syndrome
WTF? Do you know what Stockholm Syndrome is?
Also the Germans haven't forgotten, but they also know it couldn't have been done without (((you))) and the other faggot western allies. German confidence may have been destroyed but even in their cucked state today they still fundamentally understand their position compared to any Slavic nation.

I didn't word it wrong, you are just trying to deny your true nature, like I said, only Ukranians go so far as to defend Germans.


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>the other faggot western allies.

that includes you, tanned anglo

Ok retard, instead of just saying "germans wuz gud guys belive me" how about you actually expain why we shoudnt hate them.

>When the fighting was fair we BTFOd Poland, France, England and Russia.

How was it fair? Poland was a free state for like 20 years before you attacked them. In that time they were fighting was with Communists already. You pretty much attacked a weakened state that was barely holding to life. Where's honor in that?


I know you all have brain problems but at least try to contain your stupidity. I know what stockholm syndrome is and germans were beaten so badly by russians that they now feel tied to their oppressor.

>even in their cucked state today they still fundamentally understand their position compared to any Slavic nation.

What the fuck are you talking about you aussie wanker

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He is Ukranian.

I'm aware, believe me. However one of our Senators called for a 'Final Solution to Immigration' among other things recently so I think we are making up for lost time.

They fund you via the EU

Thank you OP. I know so many Poles and Germans who still hold unnecessary grudges against each other. Let's leave things in the past, leave the border where it's at and fight side by side like it's 1683.

how's that an argument?

Ukranians are not Poles, and they are also known for loving Germany alot.

Powiedz coś po polsku.

He lives in your country, I think he knows your language pretty well by now.

all fucking krautniggers must fucking hang

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This summer I visited the new museum of Polish butthurt in Danzig. Have you been there?

I like Poland and Poles btw. You guys are nice to be around.

Poles are cool. Not as boring as germans, not as crazy as russians. Crafty and good workers, fast - even if work moral can be iffy. Most of you guys could need some education but I think Poland is getting there with the newer generations.
I have no reason to hate you. And the "polish steal everything" meme is pretty laughable considering romanian(gypsies) are much, MUCH worse.

Also: would drink and party anytime.

That's the spirit.

As an island you shouldn't have any border issues at all. Still you didn't quite get were Ireland starts, right?

Diaspora right?

I've been there last time I visited. Walked around for like 10 hours. A lot of people I talked to told me it's one of the best in the world comparable to WTC museum in New York . Anyone can confirm?

yeah but it doesn't mean Hitler did anything wrong

Dobre pytanie.
Nie wierze że jest Polakiem.
Nie ma szans.

they didnt touch yet... Nothing happened !!!

>They now feel tied to their oppressors
What exactly indicated that? Stockholm Syndrome is feeling affection for your captor or abuser or what have you. The German user wasn't implying affection for Russia, he was merely commenting on a possibility that has its roots in history. If Germany were to split Poland would Russia it would be what; the fifth time it had happened in history? It is you who was intentionally interpreting his statement in an overreaching way to suggest he was 'tied to Russia' in any way that garnered emotion. And you call me stupid.
>What am I talking about
I am talking about the fact that even though they deny any claim to be superior to anyone, the Germans still implicitly for the most part feel superior to the Slavs as they always have. And it is easy to see why. But you know I'm starting to suspect you aren't British at all. Are you actually Anglo or a Pole diaspora?

Shekel is spelled with a q? The moar you know...

Niet, ups wrong language.

Hitler was a lunatic, we needed moderate people like the Italian Fascists to rule the world.

Krauts deserve all the hate they get.

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Italy is the reason the good guys lost WW2


Most poles work for us!

Nazi Germans were not the good guy, but the Allies were not either.

Duh, he is Ukranian scum and a german lover.

>good guys lost WW2
>implying either side were good guys

fuck off. i am grateful to what poland did to Danzig after the war. you rebuild the City back to iits former glory! compare Danzig to what the soviet hordes did to Marienburg. This war should have never happened this way. In the end we both got eaten by the soviet. Still you Keep dividing.

>Nazi Germans were not the good guy
you're purple pilled

Exactly! I know.
Hans might be right now quickly opening Google Translate to reply. All sweating as his mother is being raped by niceboi Muhammad from the Audi dealership.

'Member to hail Merkel you autistic kraut cunt.

>The German user wasn't implying affection for Russia, he was merely commenting on a possibility that has its roots in history.

Now you are making up your own reality. We all know intentions behind his post you are the only one who feels the need to say otherwise and suck german dick because you aussies have no cultural identity of your own and your life consists of drinking and breeding children with fetal alcohol syndrome.

>the fifth time it had happened in history?

You are just proving further how stupid you are and have no idea about european history.

You know the only reason germans allied themselves with russians is because they needed more time to prepare? That's the only reason.

European axis were retarded and Allies were kikes. The only good side was Japan.

I will never understand why French are so happy with being German slaves.

Speaking of winning the war....

>nearly smashes NWO
>not the good guys

Kek why does an italian hate ukranians?
I mean, we have our reasons but what about you?

You all know what happened with germans after WWI in poland.
Its kinda sad but we should settle down our differences. Everyone who opposes this is a fucking D&C kike or low iq brainlet.

Non-white pasta nigger spotted

>the only nation that fought the parasites deserves hate.
Fuck off shithole country

Oh no, a 5'3 slav wants to fight me.

We're so scared.


we weren't slaves, they freed us from the kikes you moron
would they have BOUGHT Madagascar if we were?

>European axis were retarded
in what way? Mussolini fucked up a lot but aside from that?

Maybe you are right about that, but a victory from the Axis would not be an utopia for most countries, especially you, French guy.

Germans literally conquered you and made you fight with fellow French.

Is it because he's squatting or standing?


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Maybe going against half the fucking planet as one disorganized nation which thrown it's military into Siberia-like conditions with tracks thinner than an Asian man's willy?

you fuckers are that retarded i dont even know where to start.

anglo look at the death tolls. all those russian rape babys cant fill these gaps.
and half of europe was enslaved by the soviet so its acutally your fault. your were the only one that could have prevented it, still you chose to attack the anti soviets and make peace with them. Great plan. look at the world today.

To the retarded german stop being so short sighted jesus fundamentally retarded


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They are like Romanians here, a bunch of nigger like creatures.


>but a victory from the Axis would not be an utopia for most countries,
the war never would have happened in the 1st place without the bongs
Hitler had no plan to take over Europe
>especially you, French guy.
he was meaning to emancipate us
we also would've joined his side in the war if you twats hadn't attacked in june 1940 after we had already been defeated by Germany

>you are the only one who feels the need to say otherwise
no you're actually an overreaching retard with no argument

>starts a war that causes more European deaths then any other ever.
>good guys

>Hitler had no plan to take over Europe
But he eventually did lol.

>he was meaning to emancipate us
He wanted revenge on you for WW1, conquering and dominating your culture and people.

>we also would've joined his side
You have no respect for your country.

we declared the war
wtf were they supposed to do?