Paganism is anti-european

Pic related is antonius.
Emperor hadrians gay lover.

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Pic related is caligula having gay buttsex with one of his many gay lovers

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Paganism is a joke

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Also pagans are pedophiles.
That explains why the pagan catholics have so many pedos too

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Dont even get me started on odins semen drinking from dead men

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talmudic ashkenazi jews hate Jesus.

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Pagans are homosexual pedophile child aborting feminist degenerates. Just like talmudic ashkenazis

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Gay male prostitutes were so popular in rome, they put female prostitutes out of business

Having some tolerance for homos didn't stop pagan Rome from achieving one of the greatest empires in history.

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Paganism is a belief system practiced by ancient people of Europe. It's not arbitrarily anti-euro, though it's effects could certainly harm European people on a meta scale... But then again so can any religion. If you think religion is the answer to Western decline then you're trying to grab air. The answer has been and will continue to be nationalism.

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Jews are pagans. Monotheist jews is a meme. Kabbalah talks a lot about their pagan deities. I’ve heard them discuss it among themselves too. They also know they are Edomites. They’re pagans who memed everyone into believing they’re God’s chosen people. They hate Christianity, the Bible, and Jesus. They’re also responsible for corrupting and destroying Christian knowledge, and pervert and twist our scriptures to suit their nefarious ends.

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>Anti European

>American flag

Fuck off you new world scum your not real European Real Europeans have cultural heretige that is older than your fucking clountry go fuck yourself muttnigger Paco son of a bich.


Exactly correct

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All cultures have homos.

The church ative protects pedos, there is no moral high ground to claim with pagans

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Found the gay cum drinking pagan.
Get the poop out of your mouth pagay fag, no one can understand your homo ramblings

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There is no such thing as Paganism at least in a historical sense, there were many religions that may have shared a common origin and when one religion conquered an other they deployed the propaganda tool called syncretism. Now new age pagans are cucks who don't believe in Jesus or any Good but like to dress up and pretend to worship fictional characters, because they hope the medivel propaganda about pagans an orgy's are true.

>hahaha look at these cherrypick images of ancient greece
Remember how Christucks where burning inocent woman on crosses for beeing wiches?

Im not even norse Pagan im Baltic remova pagan but even i know that Odin drinking cum is a myth bu Gay who wrote the book, and he missunderstood word milk which odin drank and wrote that it was a semen.

If you don't fuck boys then you're not a true European

I just want to blood eagle, plunder and light Flüchtlingsheime up tho
no homo orgys

>New world faggot
Your country is a joke.

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They had the sense to differentiate between the giver and the receiver. Giving was ok but reviving could ruin your reputation... Also the hole super gay stuff is during the Imperial period and despite it's name most conquest happens during the Republic

>reee fucking fags ruining society
>lol Jews are fine though let’s let them run the banks
christcucks are silly

Also Tacticus wrote about Germanics drowning fags in mud
Not how they fucked each other
>yes goy your forefathers who set the foundations for the civilizations you live in today were sodomites

what did the pagans do to you jew lover? why are you such an angry fag?

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More like you're a poorfag. Ancients realized women are shit and men had to be paid dowries to marry them. Rich men who could afford servants fucked them because men are better than women at everything except childcare, including sex. In the modern world, women are far worse and we're expected to pay them for the privilege of their company.
Caesar almost had his reputation ruined by rumors of him being a homo, if I remember right, so it isn't like Rome was just a big gay pride parade or something, whether giving or receiving. .

>Remember how Christucks where burning inocent woman on crosses for beeing wiches?

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Like the rest of christians are any better...

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Did you miss the part when Jews were constantly being kicked out of Christian communities throughout Europe until the 1950's?

hey fuck Christians and fuck Christianity

just came in here to say this

get the fuck off my board

kicked out only to get special status in neighbour countries

Homosexuality was seen as degenerate and a vice of certain elites, being unmanly by taking the passive role was the greates of shames, some edicts allow only slaves to be passive. All men were expected to take wives, what happened in Roman and Greek times has nothing to do with modern faggotry. Roman morality taught to be strong and masculine, not meek and passive like cucktians.

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>constantly being kicked out of Christian communities

This is why they always came back