Is it the best way to mark out the first the second and the third world?
>Pic from 2015
Is it the best way to mark out the first the second and the third world?
algeria is 78, we should be dark green
but we're 3rd world, or 4th world
so no, sorry, bad idea OP
On this map for example Chile is Ukraine tier and in reality Ukraine is much shittier.
have you been in both countries
The first world doesn't exist anymore, the second world is people who pray to Bog, and the third world is all the rest
I've been to Ukraine few times. About Chile I only heard but those were always good things.
That's an old definition.
Funny thing is that in Chile they made a documentary about how shitty Ukraine was lol
Our GDP per capita is about 5 times higher.
well sorry to break it but this country is unbeliavable unequal and classist
our gdp is higher but ukraine is a much, MUCH better country
yet the median annual salary is 6K, yet it has first world tier cost of living
the average annual salary in ukraine is 4K (June 2018), it has a very small GINI coefficient so it's not far from the median salary, and it has a small cost of living
My professor says that "first world" and "third world" are racist terms that have no place in the modern world. She wants you to apologize.
GDP is a rather abstract data, it can be artifically boosted, it doesnt represent the quality of life, the purshase power etc. I mean there is a correlation and clear causality, but it's not 1:1
And the black market in 3rd world countries is very huge, like 50% of ukraine gdp isnt counted because it's hidden from the state
many of my family lived in Ukraine and work there and it's a much better country than here.
it's important to take into account like 20-30 different metrics to compare countries, especially for countries with a complex situation
Algeria on paper and in every metric is better than Morocco but the real situation is very diffrent
Lmao, That's not racist, besides I live in Poland where there is still freedom of speech.
3rd world is a political seperation, not an economic one, it was meant to divide the non aligned world during the cold war
a professor should know that
Now everyone is using this terms in economic regard tho
yeah but it often includes extremly rich countries like emirates, saudi arabia, bahrain, qatar etc.
I prefere the "post-industrialized tertiary economies", or "OCDE economies" or "developed countries economies"
I like the definition first world as the way of describing top countries in quality of life.which pretty much results in life expectancy.
yeah but algeria (hell on earth) is 78 in 2018 and would be dark green in your map, yet its an horrible shithole
countries with lower life expectancy like Russia are MILLION time superior to Algeria, because vodka ruined their life expectancy
Cuba also have high life expectancy because of its socialists policies and its a shithole
I'm working on a new metric (like hdi); but I dont think I'll ever published
If it's such a he'll then it's interesting why you live so long. Russia as you brought about might be quite rich but people live a stressed life etc which results in low life expectancy.
I'm an old person. And anything new feels fake and uninspiring.
Just go by percentage of non-whites. If it's over 30% it's not first world anymore.
socialized free medecine for everyone
the state waste all the oil money on socialist medecine, socialist house free for everyone, socialist road, free socialist good, free stuffs for everyone to buy the peace.
the country doesnt support any local industry or economy, it juste live off the oil and "waste" the earning
we're like venezuela pre-oil crisis, it's good on paper but shit gonna get real
I visited a lot of countries and Japan was, is and always be my favorite;
it's a pretty old map, the average is rised in basically every of this countries in 2018
Maybe you will go to shit soon. But it sounds like you live the life of first world countries now.
Feels bad for you, tell the truth and dont let your politicians play out that way before you guys get to suffer.
The world iq went down, it did not rise.
flynn effect? basically every country got 15-30 more iq point since few decades
either we survive those few years on our reserve, then the oil price rise, we get time to diversify the economy and be a good country
or, more realistically, the same thing that the last oil crisis in the 80's, we go into a civil war
I'll hide in Europe soon anyway, I've a good diploma, EU citizenship and some money from my grandparents
First world was mean to be a term to call the allies in WW2
Second world was Germany and its allies
Third world was everyone else not involved.
Your professor is very dumb.
>like Russia are MILLION time superior to Algeria
False, while looking at plenty of other data you'd find that Russia is worse than Algeria. For example murder rate :
kek, I have heard leftists say that a lot of times too. I just say "oh thats okay, I'll just call em shithole countries instead"
hey, wanna borrow some T.P.?
No it's not.
But its comparably higher than most east European countries