Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Austronoia / Anschluss me! Edition



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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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So, Krautfags. As someone who had the privilege not to go to scool in Germany i ask you how you plan to educate your kids?

Can only speak for Austria but here the trick is to avoid the schools in the cities ... the countryside is mostly not 'culturally enriched' (if at all shitskins are true minorities there) and also still have a decent quality.

teach them at home the logical fallacies of the left and to ignore anyone who is unlogical or cannot debate that should keep them safe

This also. If they don't succumb to peer pressure they will learn to think for themselves.

No job and no education? Become teacher in Berlin!

>avoid the schools in the cities
Yes, but still. I got some mail from school authorities for my kids, warning that possibly i would not get my kids into school of my choise. After that i got my kids the fuck out of Germoney. But what are poor Krauts supposed to do in such case? Move?

In the meantime: Alles auf Kurs hier bei uns, die Reichsbahn muss rollen Tag und Nacht!

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Thread theme:

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What does "Anschluss" mean?

Krautfags, I hear your cucked government now has an official dritte gender that's called "Diverse"

Are you fucking kidding me? Can a German user give me the actual Krautspeak for this new gender. Is it 'das'?

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That means that we here in Austria include Germany „Heim ins Reich“.

Oh Ben.

>Is it 'das'?
Yes, it is "the Thing".
>pic related

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trivial since this was kind of bought by Google

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we have male , female and nigger

>Not getting replies to my shitpost.
Even as a shitposter I am a failure.
And going outside wasn't good either.
Had to witness a loli taking a shit on the shore.
At least the father picked it up after.


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what happens here

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Big Benis

Ah fuck, I remember seeing that exact loop at 15 years old.

>Had to witness a loli taking a shit on the shore.

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>Even as a shitposter I am a failure.
Yes, you are. Be proud of it.

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private schools are also possible. Thats why I get a good education to pay for that. I have seen what happend in the school of my sister and it actually redpilled her.

And this new gender is what?
>das Diverse
How is this word spelled and used in context?

I was standing on a floating element in the lake.
I just observed the shore.
There were a few naked kids, nothing unusual as long as goatfuckers, vans and perverts stay away.
Anyways, I look at the mountains in the distance, a nice day and a clear blue sky.
I look at the trees and then the shore.
See one of the girls that were at the shore contorted and wide-legged, not sure if she is okay and didn't see parents near.
Bends knees a little.
Shit falls.
Luckily the father comes and picks it up, like you'd pick up dog shit.
I pondered the carnal nature of human existence for a bit.

lol sardinia??

Not sure if I even wanted an explanation but thanks I guess.

Me and my friend secretly hope to join OEBB after our studies and Putsch with the Railway just to build through every Refugee center and have Railway races.

You seemed like you found it weird or something, so I explained.
I guess referring to the kid as loli was weird, though, in hindsight.
In reality I was just trying) to be funny.


>How is this word spelled and used in context?
Are you trying to force rules on nonconforming, nonbinary nonhuman free spirits??? You fucking biggot! Burn in hell!!! Where are mods when you need them???

...but for real... Krautfaggots are so cucked, that they gave up on grammatical rules a while ago. Just search for "gendergerechte Sprache"

i love this country sometimes

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>You seemed like you found it weird
But that's why I found it also funny
>I guess referring to the kid as loli was weird, though
You're on 4chinz. Watching an irl loli take a shit is relatively normal tbqh desu.


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>You're on 4chinz.
Welp, that I get, but it's not 2008 anymore, fuck sink threads.
>Watching an irl loli take a shit is relatively normal tbqh desu.
Honestly, that's a first for me.
If you have kids, then I guess, but prior to that the only time I ever saw a kid take a shit was when I shat on the porch as a kid.

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there are still dmg'ed ppl here

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What's the story behind Kerstin?
Was she an Jow Forums whore?

oldfag here. kiddos 12yo 16yo. living on the country side. both are visiting conservative gymnasium in smaller city nearby, no enrichment in the school yard and the collegium ain't that leftarded. we are talking and discussing every single day about what they learned at school at abendbrot. besides school literature, i give em a lot books to read, london, swift, dickens, cooper, verne, tolkien, defoe, aitmatow, huxley, orwell, ... the classics, and some programming stuff.
we got no regular tv programm, but we watch older movies a lot (50s to pre 2k). besides school, kiddos write a lot of aufsätze and referats about things they are interested in and about what i like them to learn (history, geographics, culture, nature, tech stuff). they love it, it's always a pleasure for them to show up with what they discovered. they even love to learn poems by heart. the 12yo just prepares for fishing license, 16yo just got his jugendjagdschein. both are interested in /out/. i'm pretty sure, i'll die as a happy man.

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Can't wait for Tayanon's return, these generals are so fucking boring without him/her.

two are not enough
Gratulation zum grünen Abi.

how long until the cunt could return? i forgot when the ban happened, like 3 weeks?

Maybe like 1-2 weeks until Tay returns. I'll be posting on this thread with a "Tayfugees Welcome!" sign on the day of his/her return.

I wish I had been raised like that.
But in the end I am probably just trying to take off responsibility from my own failure to build myself.
How did you get your kids to be so eager?
And so learning-affine?

Based Eestiboi.

>Tayfugees Welcome!

Ok with me

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>i'm pretty sure, i'll die as a happy man.
I sure hope you will.
Still, your oldest is 16. So, you are what? Max 60? There are some 2X painful years ahead of you.

That's Estnog for you, Wh*Teoid.

>grats 4 grünes abi
werds ausrichten. 16yo is lurking here, will delete post soon.
>2 not enough
got 4. the grown ups are lost to hedonism. i learned from mistakes.

Would you rather take refugees or tayfugees?

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My heritage is 1/16th Ashkenazi Jewish and the rest is Finno-Ugric/Mongolian.

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are you preparing them to face the fucked up germanistan world outside of your bubble?
have they read deutsche Götter und Heldensagen? i sure hope so.

>That toilet.
Who did that?
Ever outed?
Was it a nigger?

>That's Estnog for you, Wh*Teoid.
Okay, Eestiboi! :3 Show cute eestiboi pussy desu.

>And so learning-affine?
it's just about triggering curiosity. kids like to learn. and they like to be rewarded for their engagement. took me a while to discover.

Liberal technocrats usually at least work for their living so yeah ...

So I guess that 1/16th Ashkenazi makes me 1/16th Wh*Teoid, if Jewish counts as Whites to y'all.
Send a dic pic first bby ;) Hmu on Snap.

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Hmmm, maybe I am just a fuckup then, because personally I can't find the motivation to do anything anymore or learn or improve or anything.
Maybe I was just genetically unlucky and my hormoens fucked up.
I guess Hitler was right about Arbeistscheue then.
Or I am once again being lazy relaying to determinism what I am not ready to determine myself.

Anyways, if I actually make it to normiedom and have kids, then I will have to probably read books on child-psyche anyways.
But thanks for your answer.

>Send a dic pic first bby ;) Hmu on Snap.
What is "Snap"?
And what is "Hmu"?
Also, what would you do with an image of my :DDD?

>germanistan world outside of your bubble?
yes. we travel a lot offroad in eastern europe. i think both will leave the country. diaspora.
>deutsche Götter und Heldensagen
all of them. nibelungen in dual version, old/modern german.

nobody is born a degenerate. i blame your parents user.

>Are you trying to force rules on nonconforming, nonbinary nonhuman free spirits???

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Well, that won't help now either.
I am a 20 year old boomer by now.
I already have 1/3 of my good life behind me and no achievments under my belt.

Snap-Snapchat. It's a very fun app to get nudes on. Twitter and Facebook messenger are downright awful for nudes (most of the time), and you can add filters, so if a girl has a real weird-looking pussy/asshole, it could end up having a dog face on it, which is funny as fuck.
HMU-Hit me up.
>Also, what would you do with an image of my :DDD?
I would send it to my university Facebook Messenger group.

>I would send it to my university Facebook Messenger group.
Fucking shitposter man.

godspeed user, you are saving the white race, make sure your boys make a lot of white babies.

I will help saving the White race by having no babies. Estonians are Asians and having babies would result in us subverting the White race. HH brothers, pic related is what they took from you.

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are you retarded? 20 is nothing, just get your shit together kiddo. your hormones are perfectly fine, get rid of whatever holds you back and live your life.

Send me a dic pic with your Instagram and Snapchat name.

Fucking biggot! I hope ms. Cortez cancels your burgerpassport.

I have neither of them.
I could probably be an online ghost if I shut up for like a year or so.

Heh, probably a sensible advice.
Have a nice day today.
I'll go to bed now, I have to wörk tomorrow.

What social medias do you have? Twitter? Facebook? Tinder?

>I'll go to bed now, I have to wörk tomorrow.


Can't even create anonymous twitter because (((sms verification))). Fucck them.


Use vpn of some shithole outside the eu and some throwaway mail. Or get an anonymous prepaid sim, if they ask id, pay some bum to buy it


as the other user said, get rid of your adolescent, nihilistic weltschmerz, or even better, turn it into something creative. the krautistic steppenwolf will build the future.

Can I get more eternal Austrian memes? They are very funny.

I don't know, can you?

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Gute Nacht, Estnischer kawaii-Jüngling.

But I thought I can only get past SMS with SMS and not online?
I heard there are online paid temporary phone virtualization solutions with a virtual phone number.
Like that I'd probably not have to get out of my chair to get the verification anonymously if I can access the phone-verification anonymously, but I can't pay the virtualizer anonymously, so I'd probably have to buy prepaid.
I hate these kikes.
No matter what they do, most of that page is bots anyways, govt. bots at that.
And they sperg over user-made bots.
Day of the blockchain when?

It's tough, really, I have trouble building meaning, I really can't get over the "lmao just kill myself" phase.

Sometimes twitter asks for a phone sometimes it works with an email, but I just make throwaway accounts, so no idea if they survive longer than a tweet or dm

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full version

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Oh shit, it has historical flag and Hitler killing himself, thanks.

oy vey, are we the jews of the german race?

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Would call it a healthy dose of 'Niederträchtigkeit'

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>can't get over the "fuck you world" phase
the world owes you nothing. get your shit together and try to make it a better place to live in.
at least, die trying.

>user twitter
sometimes you find some anons willing to share their user prepaid phone numbers on discords.
be social, get in contact, spend some crypto. be creative.

even if, you are our jews

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I just noticed that I had that file in my "Gott strafe England" folder for some reason

Weird. Ok I often misplace memes too ... folders are one huge mess!

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where did you bring them? Are there even "good" countries left?