We are going to blast America from outer space.
>US raises questions over 'abnormal' Russian satellite in row over space arms race
We are going to blast America from outer space.
>US raises questions over 'abnormal' Russian satellite in row over space arms race
Make sure to clean up your toys after your down boys
Not the USA.
The (((US))) is worried.
Be ready for our space battleships, munafaka!
Space Force is in direct relation to the situation in Antarctica. Trump has every intention of siding with those that reside there.
do it fagt you wont
USA should go to war against russia
This is all just an excuse to launch another arms race so Russia and US can rape their tax payers. Nothing to be proud about Igor
>tfw when putin and trump put on a space race 2.0 to justify hyper lasors and death rods only to drop it all on Israel and anyone else that wants to keep playing the fiddle
Try it faggot
I agree, btw. I just find it funny. Reminds me science fiction films.
>Russia has the money for 0.00005% of a space battle ship
>"Abnormal behavior"
what was it doing?
Hi Hillary
>rods from god meme
I wish I'd screencap'd the post where an user ran the math and completely BTFO you retards. Rods are WORSE than literally every conventional weapon at bombardment
I'd be interested in this. Anyone else?
May be that gopnick already sided with aliens in order to concuer America.
Can you guys laser strike California?
You have no idea what tricks we have up our sleeves
>takes it word for word
By your logic space ships are blasphemy
A space launched projectile is 100% in the realm of possibility and that’s the tip of the ice berg
If you’re going to do it aim at the liberal shitholes please thanks
do it you fags, maybe movies and pop culture will be better for a decade
In energy yes, in ability to intercept no.
Rods from God are fake and gay.
The Earth is flat and satellites work differently from how people say.
They roll across the dome.
produce tungsten arrows and store them at 400 km altitude - when the shit hits the fan drop them on any target .
Space is fake and gay
+1 shekle for me where do I collect
Could you please do this ivan, iam tired of American faggotism nothing of value would be lost if you deleted them from earth.
is there no space ?
hmmm...ok .
what about the guys in the ISS spaceship ? must be a vatican plot in a studio ?
The US already has weaponized satellites.
They are just mad because now they have direct competition.
Just Zionist money siphon
Name of the movie?
It's a shooop, nigger. The ship from District 9.
Space doesn't exist. Google Flat Earth
Basically it'd cost so much fucking fuel putting it up there that you're better off using that fuel to gas the Jews. It's cool af, but retarded as shit.
>Space doesn't exist. Google Flat Earth
So, muslims are pretending to be CIA now, huh?
Just show me the curvature, globecuck
Not even your military knows what tricks you have apparently getting captured like pussies
The only way rods from god is remotely doable is if we have gear set up to catch an asteroid (small rockets set up to intercept asteroids and nudge their direction). We can call it Rock from God instead though.
>Just show me the curvature, globecuck
Be honest. Every country is shitting themselves with how much the USA is investing in space. USA is close to leaving the world behind again just like the ABomb.
That's the moon, part of the firmament
Aliens or Russians - what's the difference?
>That's the moon
the shadow on the moon belongs to the earth, and that shadow is always a circle.
There is only one geometric shape that ALWAYS casts a circular shadow, no matter what angle the light hits it.... and that is a sphere.
Go ahead and try it at home with a coin, an orange, and a flashlight.
The flat coin will have a flat shadow from some angles, but the sphere will ALWAYS have a circular shadow, just like the earth.
So it's a good idea if there was a better way to get it in place? I thought user was suggesting that the weapon itself is not as relatively effective.
Different ways to squat in space
kek thats not even a picture of the USA, who made this shit?
>EMP satellite
nk confirmedly received super emp tech from russia as early as 2006, mongrellus btfo
Nice try, jew
The official estimates is that Russia can take US out of operational capacity in one hour.
Exchange rates are based on foreign trade and demand for tradeable goods. Russia is the only nation on earth right now that has a functioning profitable economy. The military production of Russia is larger than all of EU and US together.
>Nice try, jew
Only backwards muslims believe the earth to be flat, because they would literally be killed by their peers and family if they ever contradict the koran with science.
Citation needed leaf. Also, don't forgot your proximity to us.
Another quality post by the most abhorrent posters on this board
>Losing space craft to an F-15
The absolute state of advanced zero gravity armored high speed blimps that utilize advanced energy weaponry modules
so can Canada
do it bch
too late
>Putin: Make treaty for space peace
>US: lolno
>Putin: Sdelayte eto, sdelayte rulon stvola
No shit. WTF is with that article?
>we’ve never seen anything like this weird-ass satellite
>38 paragraphs about other bullshit never saying wtf the satellite did
You need to stop taking so much cock. The jizz is starting to leak into your brain.
Earth is flat. Eat shit Rabbi
Russia has to run its carriers on diesel wtf are you talking about
Space weapons my ass
How do you manage to go outside without being hit by a car or punched in the mouth?
Are you mad your 6000 year old lie is coming to an end?
You’re like those MLP homos, but without the whimsy.
Let's start another arms race. Compare GDPs. Russia isn't even at California level. Do it now, Russaboos! Arms race. You spent yourselves into economic disaster the last time and your utter failure to become China (they also won the Cold War, you didn't) means you will never compete economically. Like Canada, all you do is resource extraction.
Carriers run on bunker oil you dumb nigger. Russia doesn't need power projection or CBGs because it cannot be cut off from itself by sea. Globes, look at one.
we're going to revoke your space pass if you keep this shit up
Which members of the Trump cabinet are envoys from the Fourth Reich?
You mean the Nazis?