Women in Positions of Power

Would it really be so bad if women ran things for a while?

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Yeah because women are fuckholes.

she looks like a sim

>Would it really be so bad if women ran things for a while?

it's just a bullshit excuse for the same evil fuckers to be in charge, just now with gender reassignment surgery.

Yes, look at ancient rome

Generally yes, but even so it's the wrong women. Put me in charge and first order, day 1, all niggers dead or in chains.

It absolutely would. Their hearts are extremely soft, and they would lead us down a path of destruction. "Borders are mean! >:( Let's let all the Hispanics and Muslims in! Diversity is our strength, they're just like us! :D"
Then our economy plummets with crime skyrocketing and our average brainpower dropping like a rock. We also lose all cultural identity, and our country becomes further divided.
That's just one example, but it would be a fucking disaster. Perhaps not even God could help a country entirely led and overseen by women.

Women dont know how to maintain anything. They just use it up and go look for the next best thing.

the greeks knew

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Name one example of a women consistently doing something better than men

Stop hurting me like this with your fake hypotheticals based in reality.

Take a look at my country or Sweden and reconsider this question please

they can run the sink

If you thought Babydick Obama was bad, wait until we get the first actual woman in there. Forget "actual woman," the way things are going, it's probably going to be a fucking tranny, for fuck's sake.
A fucking tranny is going to some day hold the Bully Pulpit with their finger on the button if the leftists keep this shit up. Think about that.

It's been scientifically proven women have better aim than men when it comes to shooting guns.

Egypt was destroyed from within, women were put in power to make that to happen.
In other words, when you see a woman leader it's a sign that the nation is going to die (eg. Germany)

yeah, because that would distract them from sucking dick. we can't have that.

Women in power are worse than Islam (for they will usher it in and vote against their own interest). Jow Forums woke me up to this.

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Only if they retain their feminine qualities.
Leadership is masculine by nature

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The people who created democracy openly mocked women being in positions of power.

Women in business can work out fine, but usually only if it's family business. In politics women in the whole political spectrum tend to solve their problems with banning things they don't like and increasing state while decreasing liberties, which seems to be far too common for right wing female politicians too. There are of course exceptions for both.

>going to die
fucking top kek
We stood against harder catastrophes and will only be stronger after mastering this one

Bitch, everyone else is sitting here wondering how we can take away your voting rights. Don't push it.

That women is on anti-depressants. If I were a shareholder in both, I wouldn't want her running it. Her eyes are giving it away

Women in a position of power are more vicious, less empathetic, create much more work place abuse and are generally total bitches when compared to men in the same position.
So I don't want women in any power position.