Fact Sweden has dominated every nation in europe they were the inventors of spaceships pyramids and ancient nuclear bombs they wielded in great quantity
They say Every meme has some truth to it and when the blacks say "we wuz kangz"they are right in the sense that egypt and what came before it had great technologies unknown to public view even today, but wrong on race.
Instead ancient Swedes decendants of Atlantis dominated the world with an iron fist with the help of Nuclear bombs and spaceships waging world wars with the black ones.
Even today 14000 years after it all,we are the worlds 7th richest nation, Having the 3rd biggest airforce 40 years ago.
And 10000 years later after the great ataclysm and the end of atlantis the swedes went on to conquer all of europe not with space age weapons but with fire and sword, and more than half of europe was conquered, Of all the royals can trac their lineage to.
You have an inferiority-complex. Like all inferiors (real or felt) with a sense of wounded pride, you project fantastic and grandiose claims for yourself and your people without a basis in fact.
Julian Martin
>Fact, Sweden is no more relevant in world politics than Idaho is. Prove me wrong. I guess the biggest economy is the most relevant.
Lincoln Johnson
True, the English/Spanish/French/German/Portuguese/Russians etc don't really feel the need to brag. It's always the Scandinavians for some reason, always going on about the Vikings like anyone gives a shit about something that happened over a thousand years ago.
Parker Cooper
Dude, the last time you did something was back in WW2 and even then you only sent some soldiers, the whole nation stayed neutral (i think).
Carson Perez
yeah those somalian child sex slaves sure bring in the money
Nathan Hernandez
And (don't say it too loud) they weren't even particularly good warriors.
Charles Moore
You went from space vikings to this. Where did it all go so wrong?
I mean, i'm sure they could fight, but they weren't civilized. There's a reason they didn't conquer all of Europe. They can go on and on about muh genetics and muh fierce Viking warriors and shit but at the end of the day Scandinavia is soon to become a Muslim Caliphate and what are they doing about it? jack shit.
Brayden Lewis
I guess getting gangraped by Africans isn´t exactly a good way to proof you are relevant.
Netherlands sucks with all the sandniggers but Sweden is really fucking cucked, better start finding some Vikings before they rape you out of existence...
Grayson Morales
White nordids tend to be metrosexuals, it's where the term White boy comes from.
Owen Kelly
Theres a giant storm of angry shills in this thread!
They are all liars though!
It's a fact that SWEDEN and The other NORDIC countries went on to dominate and conquer more THAN HALF OF EUROPE!
>There's a reason they didn't conquer all of Europe. Population size. Throughout history, one of the larger Mediterranean cities has contained more people than all of Scandinavia. It's not that far from truth even today with Istanbul being about as populous as whole Scandinavia.
Andrew Flores
They were conquered you illiterate buffon and ruled for hundreds of years
Hunter Thompson
All the ragnar lothbroks died in battle, just the beta autists remain.
Adrian Martin
every on earth knows that The Nordic Race is the most aesthethic, and holy race on earth. Nords descend from The Tribe of Dan
Andrew Brown
I mean sure, whatever, but ruling over a place for a while dosen't mean shit. I mean look at my ancestors they held Iberia for like 700 years and then they got kicked out. In the end you're losers and the White race is dying. What are you even talking about? who gives a shit?
BTW, isn't Viking like a very specific type of job that only some Scandinavians did? you can't just call the fucking Visigoths Vikings, lmao. Jesus Christ.
Jaxson Brooks
I know, Who actually conquered Europe? the Romans, that's who.
Joshua Moore
I'm sure that, according to OP, all the people in those Mediterranean cities were Swedes.
Jace Barnes
No they didn't. They conquered Mediterranean. Nobody has conquered Europe ever.
Juan Nguyen
They wuz Swedes!
Liam Wood
Dude even a french guy conquered most of Europe.. can't be that hard.
Yep, i guess God isn't as much of a racist as we thought. I mean Nords are great and all, but you can be so fucking disgustingly annoyingly pretentious and narcissistic, it overshadows your positive qualities. I'm lumping you in with the other Scandinavians to be nice btw, you're literally Bruce Lee. i'm Whiter than you, you fucking hapa. Fuck you, peasant. I'm gonna go to your house, find your dog and then kick him. I don't give a shit. Thug life. Westside.
Joseph Kelly
So what? other people have conquered and ruled over others as well. Literally what's your fucking point?
Angel Anderson
Sweden could've conquered the entire world at some point, look at the present.... -Your Government is Marxist. -Your Woman are being Raped. -Your Cars are being set on Fire -Your Streets are Unsafe
The only reason why some people still believe Sweden is okay is because your media is covering most of the crimes up.
Within 2-3 years if this continues, you will be a failed state.
Gavin Rodriguez
Meh, only the Germans and a few others. Scandinavians tend to be petty narcissists, they don't strike me as being very Aryan (noble).
Brody Bell
They were the ones that came closest.
Christopher Harris
No excuse. Portugal has always had a pathetic population size and yet somehow managed to make themselves the first global empire.
James Hernandez
Noah Lopez
I mean, they got lucky and they were fighting low IQ stone age shitskins (i'm part Portuguese btw).
Alexander Brooks
Idaho hasnt been jewed to death like those faggots, now buy potatos
Sebastian Martinez
It was the Germans that fought for a future after all.
Carson Mitchell
and the Italians could've helped them a little bit more... you know instead of mass-surrendering to some British fags
Nicholas Watson
Right? when i think Aryan a German comes to mind. Scandinavians are like peripheral peasants that used to be Vikings (literally White niggers) a thousand years ago.
Adrian Roberts
Maybe it's because of their Pagan beliefs, that shit is demonic imo.
Adam Peterson
I don't care if you're part Portuguese. You've also admitted that you're part Arab so don't expect me to regard you as a blood-brother.
Luck had nothing to do with it. The stunning victory at Ceuta which shocked practically all of Europe wasn't luck. The progressive and incredibly bold exploration of the western African coast wasn't luck. The ludicrous and death-defying feat of passing the Cape of Good Hope wasn't luck. The absolute domination of Mamluks in the Indian Ocean wasn't luck (btw, these weren't stone age people).
Lincoln Harris
We have to save our skins mate, next time we won't surrender I swear!
I think the same thing, it was the Germans themselves who glorified the Aryan race, the Scandianvians were already content with being social democracies.
Brayden Martinez
For how long though? getting to the top is easy, staying there is the hard part.
Carson Sullivan
Trying to take credit for Finland's success
Robert Foster
Actually the Germans were very Christian back then. The concept of Germany was created by Christian Protestants too.
Henry Nguyen
Well you are doing better now than the Germans... at-least you are pushing back against the migrant hordes and the EUSSR
True, he shouldn't have fucked with Russia, could've hold on to Europe for much longer.
Sebastian Perry
When you're fighting non-Whites your feats aren't that fucking impressive faggot. Sorry. Wow, you defeated Indians? wow.
Adam Phillips
Why would god be a racist at all? We are all utterly insignificant compared to him. He probably thinks of Nords and niggers the way we think of rats and mice. One might be smarter or stronger, but both are utterly primitive.
Nazis came the closest.
Most of history, Iberia has had a far greater population than all of Scandinavia. You might not quite understand just how sparsely populated Northern Europe was in the past. Iberian peninsula had about 30 times the population of Sweden during the middle ages, for instance. Further back than that, the difference was even greater.
Chase Gonzalez
When i said i was part Portuguese i didn't list it as a plus, what are you?
Christopher Richardson
I meant the Scandinavians.
Dylan Rodriguez
Finland and Sweden are aliens to each other. Finns gotta admit that they descend from Eurasian hordes.
Hopefully we'll make amends for the past. I'm ready to support a possible 4rth Reich.
Ayden Gray
LMFAO, God is a White supremacist.
Eli Mitchell
Scandinavians were either savage pagan warriors like you said or social democracts that brought their countries to this situation.
Liam Bailey
White bois always think everyone else want sto be them, what a faggit. I'm gonna chop your fucking head off and then rape your sister.
Angel Rivera
So am I, but my nation is cucked beyond any recognition..
Bentley Cox
They used to be a bunch of literal niggers (like my ancestors) then i dunno, i guess their fucking Vikings all died in battle or something and only the peasants remained.
Camden Cooper
Oh, you mean like you? ching chong ho ho.
Brayden Jenkins
Fuck off you infeior subspecies of gorilla.
Cooper Howard
Some of you probably thought the same way before you decided you'd rather fight for eighty years straight than be ruled and cucked by foreigners.
Bentley Stewart
The fire is going to start somewhere. Didn't Austria elect a right wing party that was made by an ex SS commander? Also I don't want to say the same thing other people say but really, it's only a matter of time before the people snap at this situation and stop worrying about being labelled racist. In Italy we arrived to the point that being called racist is a buzzword now.
Aaron Rivera
Raiding is not the same as conquest. Even Rome paid off raiders, as it's very expensive to defend your entire coast line.
Connor Evans
Make me.
Xavier Moore
Brody Cooper
LMFAO ethnic allegiance means nothing, there's only winners and losers.
Brandon Stewart
What faggot? you want me to pop your fucking eye out for Charlie M?
I mean what the fuck is an Italian? who cares? you need good/smart and ideally good looking people. That's it.
Hudson Watson
Charles Watson
The old system died back in WW2, and hey, i'm a fan of race war as much as you are.
Colton Howard
You're still salty from when the Swedes cucked you.
Jeremiah Richardson
Was that a reference to Charles Manson? i always wondered.
Gavin Walker
Most of the conquering and exploring vikings were Norwegian anyway.
Connor Fisher
I mean, after all he was the king man, he runed the underworld, guy. He said who did what and when they did it at. He rolled the nickles. The game was his. He dealt the cards.
Ayden Williams
You can shitpost all you want, but it doesn't change this fact. And I'm not even implying it's bad given PISA scores of Finland and Estonia. All of Russia's North is full of their blue-eyed blonde brothers, Mongolish offsprings.
Nothing to be salty about when we've managed to be almost more succesful than them now, we were part of Sweden so what?
Lincoln Martin
Mamluks weren't Indians you buffoon.
Take a wild guess.
Portugal is not a synonym for Iberia. Spain possessed anywhere from 2.5 to 5 times the population of Portugal depending on the period in question. You're more than welcome to look at the Medieval demographic data on Portugal, specifically, and you will note that, while it's true that Scandinavia has ever been sparsely populated, Portugal was by no means some sort of sprawling network of urban centres relative to countries like Sweden. Densely-populated would be a place like France.
Jose Barnes
You're the one who mentioned you're part Portuguese, as if I'm supposed to care. Moor filth.
Xavier Gomez
So your great-great-great etc hapa grandmother sucked Sven's big uncircumcised cock and licked his big pink Viking (?) balls and guess what? she loved it.
Logan Peterson
So sandniggers then, wow, i'm in awe. You're some sort of Amerimutt.
Dominic Nelson
What was that? i was busy conquering your country for that nigga Muhammed.
Logan Sullivan
Holy shit, i love killing people.
Julian Taylor
Yeah, and how did that work out for you, you confused, irrelevant, colonial swine?
Landon Hughes
My family moved around 1600s to Sweden and were dutch mercenaries how about you keep your mouth shut you spaniard slave?
Really? Because I was under the impression that your goat-raping ancestors whose bones I piss on got shoved out of Iberia by point of spear in one of the most stunning and singular victories for Christendom in history.
Robert Turner
I don't even watch football.
Nolan Roberts
Plz don't insult the state I live in currently :( We are just potato farmers.
Josiah Hughes
You're literally licking my cock right now cause i'm also part Iberian.
Wyatt Collins
It must be a really nice achievement to be less relevant than Finland, how about you go hang yourself to a tree or something?
I would say that your mother should have simply flushed rather than nursing a turd to adulthood. But, then, one cannot expect a whore to use her brain.