Fact Sweden has dominated every nation in europe they were the inventors of spaceships pyramids and ancient nuclear bombs they wielded in great quantity
They say Every meme has some truth to it and when the blacks say "we wuz kangz"they are right in the sense that egypt and what came before it had great technologies unknown to public view even today, but wrong on race.
Instead ancient Swedes decendants of Atlantis dominated the world with an iron fist with the help of Nuclear bombs and spaceships waging world wars with the black ones.
Even today 14000 years after it all,we are the worlds 7th richest nation, Having the 3rd biggest airforce 40 years ago.
And 10000 years later after the great ataclysm and the end of atlantis the swedes went on to conquer all of europe not with space age weapons but with fire and sword, and more than half of europe was conquered, Of all the royals can trac their lineage to.
You have an inferiority-complex. Like all inferiors (real or felt) with a sense of wounded pride, you project fantastic and grandiose claims for yourself and your people without a basis in fact.
Julian Martin
>Fact, Sweden is no more relevant in world politics than Idaho is. Prove me wrong. I guess the biggest economy is the most relevant.
Lincoln Johnson
True, the English/Spanish/French/German/Portuguese/Russians etc don't really feel the need to brag. It's always the Scandinavians for some reason, always going on about the Vikings like anyone gives a shit about something that happened over a thousand years ago.
Parker Cooper
Dude, the last time you did something was back in WW2 and even then you only sent some soldiers, the whole nation stayed neutral (i think).