Pædos strike again

Prove to me that the church doesn’t allow pedophilia-fueled corruption to run deep in its veins, and threaten literal hell otherwise.

>Protip: you can’t because this shit happens all the time

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within any assembly lies a vacuum for power and in turn corruption. be the scattered body.

Fuck you christcucks that defend this shit.


>pedophilia-fueled corruption
No the crusaders

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Cool reply you utter faggot

what is there to defend?

I see people trying to shift the blame to "Satan" rather than the priests own sickness and the relocation lottery system. These people should be defrocked and shot.

I wish people would post their names, but honestly Im to lazy to do it.

Actually this is a good point. I relate it to 'born this way' argument. When in every case it is traceable to a childhood trauma, usually sexual.

i mean ya sure satan tempted them but they still were the ones who bear the sin of acting on said temptation. its not out of line to say satan tempted me but to say he did it is fuckin retarded.the onus and wages of sin are ultimately the sinners to bear.


Satan has nothing to do with this. This is grown man on child rape you apologist scumbag.

Well it's one of the ways the top brass in the evil catholic church gets there energy from hell.

that and murder and stealing and all kinds of other evil shit as well.

the sad part is all the decieved catholics in the world who give these evil fuckers money and participate.

Pic related

Attached: snake.png (1912x708, 698K)



Attached: The_Satanic_Temple_Bill_Crisafi_Baphomet__copy.jpg (4928x1500, 1.85M)

Here's a non-distorted perspective dipshit.

Attached: vatican.jpg (1024x578, 140K)

You mean a side view?

a front on picture is hardly distorted.

Here's another perspective just in case it doesn't click for you Mr. Damage Control.

OH gee look at that it STILL looks like a snake head.

Attached: AudienzhallePaulVI.jpg (1024x683, 183K)

OH and look at this if you mirror the horrifying artwork on the stage in the chamber it looks like a baphomet imagine that.

Attached: 1533036084791.png (314x408, 346K)

Damage control? I'm no friend of the church, I just don't appreciate your choice of cherry picked image.
Next you'll be saying this doesn't have perspective fuckery.

Attached: 44c.jpg (2048x1363, 536K)

>I'm no X I just act like it.

The snake is the first perspective you'd get were you to walk in the doors at the rear.

Sorry you can't handle that and are choosing all the weird floor to ceiling feet first and impossibly high side to side angles which hide that.

I think that sounds a lot more like cherry picking to me.

Stay asshurt though.

The only thing, this is not funny and sick as fuck!!! Good job catholic church. Good job penn!

And it's really funny since back to front it kind of looks like one too!

Attached: .jpg (1400x787, 691K)

Kinda sorta looks like a snake with a wide angle lens, I'll give you that much. It also kinda looks like Darth Vader or a robot too.

Weird how Penn State got busted for the same thing huh...almost like there is a connection being hidden.

Attached: Jerry Sandusky Penn State.png (576x102, 12K)

...Or that there is an occult law of reversal that people like Alister Crowley taught...as above so below etc.

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you didnt really read what i said. which is whatever, your opinion is of no real consequence. as a christian, from my perspective, temptation is the devils hammer. the fact remains however, despite this modus operundi the onus of those who fall to temptation rests squarely with the sinner, not the tempter. also youre a bitch.

If we don't do something about pedos soon. Life is over.

that building proves they worship satan

That is Cesare Borgia not Jesus.

we could delve even deeper on that choice because star wars teaches the false notion that there is is such a thing as good or bad magic.

Like the masonic tiles. "my good deeds out weigh my bad"

Or the right and left hand paths...right and left wing governments...which both work together for the benefit of the one controlling the arms.

When in fact scripture condemns magic in all it's forms.

excuse the merchant pic, I don't have the original saved

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You're the bitch that thinks God is his friend and Satan is a real entity. Enjoy your delusion. I hope it serves you well.

you have literally no clue what i believe. and again your opinion is as meaningless as someone screeching for me to call them they.

which is why exposing it catches so much flak.

but there are other proofs you just need to be smart enough to find them.

"he that hath an ear let him hear."

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The problem is we're judging the morality 40-50 years ago vs today. Today an old priest buggering a 14yo boy would be rape. 50 years ago it would be seen as a homosexual priest consentually buggering a boy who is not viewed as a child. The priests were moved around and the story hidden to both protect the priest AND the "child" from public shame.

You just said Satan tempts them.
Explain what you mean if you don't believe an actual devil tempted them please. I'd like to understand.

satan is a manifestation of the ego. i believe he is a real entity with a real influence, however i dont think he is flesh and bone. satan tempting someone can be as simple as seeing a beautiful woman and having sexually deviant thoughts. it can go as far as murder and blasphemy, but for the most part its mundane. he is an entity who has an effect on the very nature of a persons perception but not on their reality.

So is it a manifestation of the mind or a real entity? I don't understand how it can be both.

its both... atleast thats what i believe. its a being that causes an archetype within someones character through its very existence. it can only be destroyed by he who is i am. it is otherwise not mortal. i dont really know how else to explain it to you. its just a personal belief anyway.

The Orthodox Church never has these scandals because they don't make being a celibate male a requirement. When you have a position where you can't have sex with women, it's gonna attract either autists who can't attract women or degenerates who covet special access to children and arn't attracted to regular women.

Interesting take.

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