What do you think about Andrew Cuomo (governor/NY) saying today that America was never great?

What do you think about Andrew Cuomo (governor/NY) saying today that America was never great?

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imagine how corrupt you need to be to thrive in new york politics

>What do you think about Andrew Cuomo (governor/NY) saying today that America was never great?
I don't really care what he says because him and his brother will be in prison shortly.

OP here. Personally, I don't have any feelings for what he said. On the grand scheme of things, America was never great and never will be when compared to the mighty expanse of the universe.

Reported to the ADL

>the mighty expanse of the universe
Too bad the Earth is flat and space is fake and gay.

Too bad that you had a brain transplant with a cockatoo, but I'm not going to argue with you, because I'm sick of this cancerous sub.

by his standards
he knows he needs the groid vote to stay in power
and groids by and large hate this country
that's all this is

Enjoy prison Andrew! Tell Chris he's a bitch!

Reddit detected

I could give a shit what he says, he and his brother are dimwitted stooges who sold their souls

My thoughts an opinions violate several laws, because lan-a-tha-free

Never great on what metric? Also what countries does he think are great?

A winning strategy call everything shit.

America has accrued 50% of all global wealth by the end of the industrial revolution. The previous record is the Roman Empire which has about 25% and the British empire which had between 20-25%. The US still currently has about 25%. These people are idiots.

I live in NY and generally don't mind him (he would never dream of fucking with the area I live in, he has to cater to the richies here). This was a fuck up because someone told him he has to make a play for the far left due to Cynthia Nixon running.

It's not going to hurt him long term though, Ds and Rs are so beyond corrupt here party label almost doesn't matter. He knows how to work that system.

A typical America hating piece of shit...

One of his foreign spin masters must have thought that this speech was a "good idea"...

He knows nothing about the real America or it's people. All he knows is what (((they))) tell him to say...

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I think it's the end of his 2020 presidential campaign, even if he's far too dumb to realize it yet. He's DOA.

Strike his name from the list, lads.

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well i hope you catch a brain tumor while youre here, reddit faggot

Cuomo? he related to the CNN dude Chris Cuomo?



Commie cuck showing his commie cuck colors.

Yep. His dad was previously governor too. Fuck their whole corrupt family, they all suck. This asshole is responsible for the bullshit NY SAFE act, among other nonsense.