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There goes his chance at the Presidency. All 2% that he had.

That's the face of a man who knows he's abotu to be in prison.

how to commit political suicide 101..

i fucking hate this guy
also , only good thing he's done for this country and state

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also his POS brother is antifa panty sniffing faggot who thinks males who pretend to be girls belong in girl locker room.. fucking filthy family.

he's not going to prison, none of them are

if hilary can skate.. all of them can..

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Well, if America is so goddamn awful, then why don't you leave? Stupid dago wop bastard.

You underestimate 50% hivemind votes and the power of electoral fraud.

I'll keep saying it: hubris will be the right's downfall in the next election.

Cuomo rhymes with?


clever. he isn't a schlomo but he sure acts like it. italian mobster genetics.

I am glad that there at least some sane people in the crowd who had a negative reaction.. means they can still be reached.. somehow.

>Well, if America is so goddamn awful, then why don't you leave? Stupid dago wop bastard.
Speaking as a dago myself. This fuck needs a "sit down".

He could've said that America was ALWAYS great, but no, he just had to go with "never great," because needed the supported from the socialists for some reason.

He's scared of that dumb bitch from sex and the city

It wasn't. America was good up to around 1861?

lol if it was so bad after 1861 why do so many foreigners wanna come here so fucking bad?? yeah gib me dats that why.. even you can't possibly be this stupid.

It's a race to see who hates America more in NY

>why do so many foreigners wanna come here so fucking bad??
Only elites want to come to America really. Mexicans come there because of no better alternative. But if you asked people where do they would like to go : Western Europe or North America, then I think they would pick the former, because of a bigger balance between elites and the rest of populace

uhh that makes a america a place worth being in you fucking retard.. capitalism made america into a fucking juggernaut that no other country can touch.. but dumb niggers here want to destroy that and turn into a communist shithole.

>guis we need a message to run on
>how about "WE SUCK"
>yea that'll really resonate well with the people!

the US is currently riding the high we got in the 1950s. demographic and cultural shifts (decrease of whites, destruction of the family unit and white atomization, radical individualism) have ruined this country irrevocably. no one from europe comes here anymore because it isn't worth coming here. hit the nail on the head imo

Why are the Cuomo's such a blight?
Are they crypto Jews?
This guy thinks America was never great.
His brother shills for antifa on CNN.
I remember being a kid and hearing Bob Grant rant about their father on the radio.

There's something up with this blood line.

mobster wops raised by a corrupt lawyer. yeah, establishment crypto jews

If you are trying to say the jew made america not so great anymore then you are correct.. the fact is that cuomo said america was never great is the issue.. because it really was great before the fucking jew decided to fuck with america.

When it comes down to it everyone on our "side" is extremely disorganized and retarded and it's not really a surprise whenever we suffer defeat. We have as much as in-fighting as progressive retards and a bunch of fragmented successively more cucky groups within groups that are still stuck in high school crying about "optics" and wanting to distance themselves from anyone who criticises Israel or based black guys. It took a while for me to notice because for the longest time, left wing discourse dominated absolutely every facet of the public sphere. I only found out about Jonathan Bowden last year for fuck's sake.

who the fuck even says shit like this

a crypto jew who's only goal is to stay in power so he can fuck up some more shit to please his masters... those cocksuckers.

what did kek mean by this ?

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Means too many fucking liberals in power covering for each other

There's no pleasing some people.

NY is straight up cancer.. it's amazing we even have a president from that hellhole that is a republican.


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He's doing it wrong.

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No one from yurop may be coming here, but they sure as hell ain't leaving for life as a yuropoor.

Q predicted this

Why do people say this? Cunts say the same shit about Australia. You can literally leave any time you like, we won't stop you.

His stupid wop ancestors came here like niggers to work in factories because they faced the prospect of starving in the streets at home.

It means they'll be lynched.

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This is how politicians an hero.

In the interest of accuracy does anyone have the actual quote in context?

But those digits...
Confirmed arboreal 187

>america was never that great
>new york is part of the united states
this guy is essentially saying he's doing a shitty job.

this but unironically

It was great enough to subvert and destroy, fucking kike piece of shit.

What's with the left despising their country?
We've done much.

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>hubris will be the right's downfall in the next election.
i and many more will be voting.

Who are the recently graduated Ivy Leaguer campagin managers who are giving the Dems this terrible advice? This simply won't DO

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With a goofy red hat and a microphone Trump has mind fucked these people to smithereens. It's absolutely amazing how much content Trump pumps out daily without even really trying.

I wish

After the boos you could see him start panicking and then says it will only be great if we kiss the SJWS WAMEN AND NIGGERS ASS... fuck this asshole.

-Chris Cuomo

Fuck america I want it to turn into a paradise for lazy ass communists and niggers.. is what he was really saying.

pretty telling that the america was never great quip never trended on twitter... social media is nothing but censorship and leftist drivel.

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He is right, you know.


At least leftist are no longer hiding their anti-Americanism.

>Well, if America is so goddamn awful, then why don't you leave?
He don't want to leave, he want to actually mkae great for real, instead of disillusioning himself in thinking there exist an old formula to restore a greatness that has still yet to be.

what a niggerish thing to say

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Negro Cuomo

>why do so many foreigners wanna come here so fucking bad??
Because the US of A is still one of the few advanced country that do not require to have an Identity Card. The other notable one is the UK, who guess what also get to have plenty of immigrant wanting to go there.

I always find funny how the US want to control the immigration yet at the same time can't even force their own citizen to prove they actually are.

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Its incredible how not 2 generations later, the country that set everyone free and made them equal and made the only serious commitment to "diversity" in the world is now defined as not great and neo nazi. If they don't even value that why keep up the charade?

>Its incredible how not 2 generations later, the country that set everyone free and made them equal and made the only serious commitment to "diversity" in the world is now defined as not great and neo nazi.
>and neo nazi.
Well, clearly, it is getting shit because it didn't properly finish the job.

Cuomo running as President and actually getting the Dem nomination may actually fucking turn New York red.
So many people in this state despise him. NYC, Westchester, and Albany may not be enough to outweigh that statewide.

your claim is not falsifiable

>Its incredible how not 2 generations later, the country that set everyone free and made them equal and made the only serious commitment to "diversity" in the world is now defined as not great and neo nazi. If they don't even value that why keep up the charade?
Because commies were here for a long time and we failed to see it. Because commie infiltration and apathy. We need to fight with higher intensity.

Of course, I am speaking the truth.

He is literally trying to demoralize us. Think about this... Long and hard

Then it'll be no problem if we start shipping out nonwhites so they don't have to suffer our ungreatness.

Get the fuck out then you guinea fuck

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Fucking kek, why would anyone say this? I'm not going to watch it so give me a rundown. What on earth makes him think that shitting on the country would do him any favors?

Not so much shitting on that a reality Check. He want to make America Great, but Trump disillusion in thinking it once already was is an hindrance to that.

Oh it was pretty great right up until the 1860s, and then the north fucked it all up.

He's right, we even had a civil war over the dispute that America was not being great for half the member states. Of course the tyrant, using a conscripted army of foreigners, came down hard on the rights of the individual states, cementing crooked federal government as "the boss" so we've been stuck with a shitty, overreaching, jewish-subverted tyranny ever since. the real nail in the coffin was when they assassinated leading businessmen and politicians who opposed the ((Federal Reserve)), which they managed to get passed because all the opponents died in tragic ((accidents))