Have you taken the Nimrod pill yet Jow Forums?


I'll consider this a continuation of this thread from last night 182328159

You should also read the first two chapters of "The curse of Canaan" as was discussed in last nights thread

archive.org/stream/pdfy-hH7b-2yjyACdh8nO/The Curse Of Canaan [A Demonology Of History]_djvu.txt

This is fucking huge Jow Forums, this is the REAL red pill. Anyone who has been falling down the rabbit hole as long as I have knows this.

LETS FUCKING GO ANONS. RUN WITH THIS! The war of Shemites vrs cannanites rages on!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>thread from last night

they weren't pagans tho, they were jews in the original sense, a demon worshiping mercenary army of misfit mutts that double up as as merchants and bankers

Everyone came from Jews dummy, the flood killed everything else other than Noah and his children.

The (((((Jews)))) were the tribes that were captured by Cannanites, and integrated ((((the teachings of man)))) into the Torah, hence the Kaballah and Talmud.

Literal we wuz hotep shit. Gas yourselves.

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Glad to see that the shills have learned not to use meme flags anymore.

Know Your Enemy: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCED9C361662866BD

This kills the "Trad Catholic" shills that run Jow Forums and control the false redpill narrative . How can anyone still support Rome in any form after seeing this

bumping ofr interest. Whatever happened to the other 11 tribes, why were the Judah ones the remaining tribe even though they were enslaved?

guys in pic rel is wrong

Pharisees(babylonian satanist sect) prepared Bar Kohba revolta in order to get Romans to kill most of the other jews while they run as refugees which made them become mainstream form of judaism with no one to oppose them. they hijacked israelite identity just like they hijacked european one and made themselves leaders in both cases


The catholic parts the only parts I have issue with. His comparisons with Islam aren't very good. But I'm not above bias so who knows.

I wan't to believe in the bible and God - just the thought that that shit happened sounds incredible.

But for some reason doubt still remains in me - how do i overcome this?

Jay Dyer, and Mysterium Fasces are both great at converting people, they are Orthodox though, and I ended up being Baptist.

You just need to see that there are highly intelligent Christians. The stupid parts of Christianity are put on display by the mainstream media to paint them as stupid.

Rewatch things you watched when you are a kid, this was a big part of the awakening process for me. You will start to see the anti-Christian propaganda everywhere. Some of my earliest arguments against Christianity came from Comedy Central.... is some Jewish comedian on Comedy Central really going to be the voice of infallible truth? Fuck no.


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A good start is understanding that all social sciences revolve around inductive reasoning, (the scientific method). While being able to display evidence of a truth through empirical evidence is a great way to learn things about our world, it is NOT an appropriate way to disprove god. These people who worship the results of inductive reasoning are members of a cult of scientism, which has many direct connections to masonry, all secret societies (OTO is a big one), CIA, FBI..... read Jay Dyer's "Esoteric Hollywood".

It will all start to make sense for you someday, I promise. Darwin wouldn't agree with what (((modern intellectuals)))) are trying to use his theory to do, but at the end of the day he was in with freemasons as well.

Enlightenment values took away man's authority to combat deviance, and Modernism (Darwin, Freud, Marx) functions as poison designed to weed out the Christian world view (the truth). Once it clicks, it will fucking click HARD, and any idiot pedaling some social science explanation of biblical truths like "hurrr durr all the prophets probobly just had schizophrenia" will begin to sound like a brainlet you. It's simply not scientific to say that they all probobly had some mental illness (which the existence of is only backed up by non deductive reasoning).

The bible has much more to back it up than some 18th century sociologist's theory does (Darwin).

There is more empirical evidence for the BIble's relevancy and truth than anything modernism ever produced (Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology).

It's just a ton of inductive LARPing.

Here is my refutation of the scientific method

Affirming the consequent is an invalid argument, and it goes like this

If A, then B

A, therefore B

"If I shoot a gun(A), You will get shot (B)

I shot a gun, therefor you got shot"

That argument is invalide because it's possible for me to shoot a gun without hitting you, now let's make it valid by changing it to the standard modes ponens

If A, then B

B, therefore A

If I shoot a gun (A), then it will hit you (B)

I hit you (B), therefore I shot a gun (A)

BOOM, this is an eternally true argument, meaning it will always be true. Now lets look at the scientific method

If I perform a study that produces a specific set of results (A), then B is true

I performed a study that produced a specific set of results (A), therefore B is true

If A, then B

A, B

Affirming the consequent, not valid, therefor NOTHING can be proved by the scientific method.

Should check some Walter Veith out as well.


Very knowledgeable man.

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>Nimrod pill

Áll you need to know about Nimrod is that he was the man who basically started and passed down the mystery religion that is modern luciferianism. He was a bad person and is almost certainly in hell at the moment.

But go ahead and tl'dr that video anyway.

bump 4 good threads


Nimrod is Baal, Osiris, Enki, and Marduk

Thanks for this btw. Great addition to the thread! I'm watching until the end, already on part 12

>Everyone came from Jews dummy, the flood killed everything else other than Noah and his children.
Okay but that's not true.
>deriving morality from Jewish fairy tales

Baptists are firmly within the "stupid parts" of Christianity.

Tfw people claimed Alex Jones wasn't naming the jew despite constantly talking about vampiric elite who are the spawn of Satan.

Tfw aj was literally taking about Canaanites/jews all along

That is not how the scientific method works.

Jesus says seek and ye shall find. pray with your whole heart that he shows himself to you and takes away your doubt. I did this and i searched out all of my doubts and was always amazed by the truth that i always ended up finding. Eventually i didnt need to look any more.

Really because based on this it seems like they're the smartest, shitskin

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Yep, his rants about pedo cabals who are all about defiling innocence for spiritual energy is literally laying out the Synagogue of Satan without using the word Jew. They aren't even real Jews anyway, so its not untrue to avoid it, and it gains you nothing to name them as such - in fact that is exactly what they want.

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Evangelicals vote straight ticket for Israel and against abortion even though kikes loathe them and mud Democrats are colonizing the South..

Not a single argument was made. Congratulations on being a 19 year old edge lord though.

Everyone his happy to listen once you decide to contribute something of substance

Actually, I think it was his wife(Semiramis) that started the mystery religions after his death as a way of justifying her existence and remaining in power. Not that he was some angel but from what I understand he was basically the first dictator and his wife deified him after death and that cult was handed down through the ages as "mystery religions".

Natural Law dudes.

So besides movies and tv shows.... does /tv/ watch seminars? Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)22:33:12 No.102481744▶youtu.be/ASUHN3gNxWo
heres a seminar all non-nigger brained fags should watch
Anonymous 08/15/18(Wed)22:37:05 No.102481872▶
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bumping with a couple of other informative presentations

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there are enemy provisions in the bible

Jesus was speaking against government, religion, and money.

All 3 of those are controlled by satanists like these canaankikes

>found the truth by searching his fi-fi's

Wow, so you dreamed up ((((the real truth))) by looking (((inward)))) into ((((yourself))))?

Go back to redbdit. How can you claim to be any expert of science when your ((((truth))))) comes from your own mind? (as you have admitted yourself)

Basically you think you can make up the truth.... yikes

>Being this fucking stupid
Genesis: Adam and Eve didnt die when they ate the fruit.
You worship the lying jew Jehovah, congrats.

Genesis 2:17
>But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Genesis 5:5
>And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

2 Peter 3:8
>But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Technically, he did.

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Actually reading the bible is the best place to start.

Except they did (they were going to die anyway but the fruit gave them knowledge of good and bad, ie they became aware of their own mortality unlike animals as well as the desire to fill their limited time with something which leads to materialism and hedonism due to fear of death)

>The Bible is 100% true.

Even if Noah's Ark was a true story, it's very obviously been cribbed from Gilgamesh.

The scientific method doesn't affirm the consequent. In a controlled experiment, you ask, "does A affect B," and the results are either "A seems to affect B" or "A does not affect B."

I've watched the first hour of the first video. Its fantastic. Taught in a catholic school, I was brought up to believe the Reformation was just about indulgences.


Not entirely accurate but correct that judasim is more recent that Christianity. Modern talmudic judaism is phariseeism which even orthodox jews freely admit. Specifically Babylonian phariseeism as their “oral torah” was written down into the talmud. Jesus didn’t care much for the pharisees or their oral torah.

The name pharisee does imply they were returners from the east as Pharisee is basically the same as Farsi which is what a foreigner from Persia was called

Q implies P does not mean P implies Q, so your proof fails there, learn some discrete math before trying to write a formal proof.

Dude you have no idea what you are talking about. It's standard logic.

The scientific method is inductive. That's the entire argument, I was just elaborating on why that is logically.

Your logic is bad and you don't know what the scientific method is.

Not an argument, and you clearly don't know what logic is. Look up modes pollens, and affirming the consequent. I didn't make it up... I actually took a logic class retard. You literally don't have any idea what you are talking about, and are hoping to get away with it.

Inductive reasoning deals with probability, not statements of fact.

The more you learn the more your realise that the truth is an elephant and all these faiths are blindfolded men at differant ends trying to describe it.

You have to cross reference the sources and compare them to what you know

Exactly, and the scientific method is inductive. It can't prove facts.

>just the thought that that shit happened sounds incredible.
>But for some reason doubt still remains in me

Because the shit in the Bible literally is incredible. Like all other religions, it contains things that are impossible to prove and are literally unbelievable unless you suspend your disbelief with faith.

Your desire to believe in God or some higher power is natural, and most humans have it, but ignoring evidence and conventional standards of proof to satisfy that desire makes you no better than the men in dresses who say they're women.

If I shoot a gun (A), then it will hit you (B)

I hit you (B), therefore I shot a gun (A)

BOOM, this is an eternally true argument, meaning it will


You literally are trying to use the fallacy as a proof while also commiting it. All the scientific method does is Q->P, with experiment validating or contradicting.

And I don't disagree with inductive reasoning, just your proof is shit.

Yes, I also took logic in college. You are fighting a strawman. Induction cannot affirm the consequent.


IT's also not how logic works.

You're forgetting science is based on REPLICABLE data.

Experiments are used to establish the most likely causes of particular facts; observations and replicable results are facts. The scientific method does not begin and end with experimentation, but even if it did, experiments are reliant on and do generate facts.

there're parts of the right-wing resurgence that i like, but this utterly pathetic attempt to regress to religion is not one of them. there's no reverse on this vehicle; you want to have meaningful morals you need to have them in a 21st century context, not an iron age context. find something else to base your group identity around aside from old myths.

completely retarded. even for a Jow Forums post it's embarrassing.

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