Amerimutts are on Jow Forums! Its 10PM in (((ZOG_USA)))!!!!

Are you ready for 99% shill threads and cucked threads?!
Lets go! YAY!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Jow Forums is raided by mutt amerimutts! If only they could fuck off!

Stop insulting americans, they are our bros

We made this website, you're just a visitor, fuck off.

Fuck off jew!
I live in Europe! You will be gassed!

7 pm here (((Levi)))

>We made this website, you're just a visitor, fuck off.
Do you have a comment on the USA being a jewish vassal state?

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shrink said if I put my phone down a couple hours before bed, I'd fall asleep easier. but I gotta check it in with my frens!

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Good job jew! Your rabbi cut your dick off! We have to stop the jew from doing this kind of crimes!

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What? Holy shit, I came on this board actually liking Europeans now I hate them as much as I do Europe.

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I meant Africans, fuck.

Nothing wrong with supporting Israel.

You muslim trash.

that's not healthy friend, you should keep your phone away from your bed

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>put phone down to sleep better
You know DAMNED well that is 10/10 advice ASSHOLE! KYS user if you are this retarded! 89% chance you are JIDF jew though.

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Annoyed at low effort shill threads like this one? Well, here is what you can do.

The same people behind threads like these are so asshurt about losing in 2016 that they've been working massively hard to get Democrats to take back Congress (congress has more power than the Presidency). They've spent hundreds of millions (soon to be billions).

The one thing they don't want you to do is to VOTE REPUBLICAN IN EVERY SINGLE ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 6!

They also don't want you to spread the message and get every sane person you know in real life and on the internet to vote Republican on every single election on November 6

November 6 is 82 days away. Did I mention you should vote Republican on every. single. election? Good.

have a wonderful Wednesday night, God bless

Lol. Says shitty-ass pro-homo-Islamo-pedo-zoophilic tricolor whore country faggot.

Jews are matriarcal! You MUST worship my your mother and sister's male preference! If she likes MY dick or black dick you have to accept it!
LOL @ you!

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Fucking mooslims attacking us for no reason other than they hate us for our freedoms. We freed the slaves, gave them rights, gave women and gays and jews rights, and we are closer to full engagement than ever before. Democrats were the the party of the KKK and segregation. The ADL has been around since 1913, and is more powerful today than ever before. Cosmopolitan jewish world bolsheviks control all media except for based Fox news. Based Israel fights off unprovoked mooslem terrorists everyday for our freedoms.

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but I am not a jew, d&c shill.

Dude, Jow Forums is unusable 9am-12am. It's pretty funny to hear someone complain about shills when the board is so much worse before real nigga hours

based and redpilled

Sorry sweetie it's actually 7:31

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Meme country makes meme thread.