Why do millenials love censorship so much?

Why do millenials love censorship so much?

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These are kids who were raised with:
>No red pens for graded papers.
>Everyone got a trophy, win or lose.
>Degenerate television.
>Parents who'd rather be cool friends than actual parents.
They can't stand dissenting opinions. All they've ever heard is how great they are. Bunch of faggots destined for the ovens when the time comes.

Because it's easier to silence an opinion than to provide compelling counterarguments against it.

Just look at this place really, can leftist ideas really survive here?

Now this one i'd believe if they said
>t. 30 yr old boomer
or just ya know, "get off my lawn" type stuff.

>Everyone got a trophy, win or lose.
I legitimely dont understand why you guys dislike this

Because I have like 10 trophies and 36 medals for totally irrelevant shit. Im not even athletic.

why try to compete if all trophies are the same?

which is what made you who you are today
I fully understand now, user.